View Full Version : Missing Campaign on Load Campaign Screen

Eddie T
December 15th, 2022, 16:47
Hi all, I need help. One of my campaigns won't show up in the Lobby for Load Campaign following transfer to a new machine. It looks like the campaign.xml, Chatlog, and CampaignRegistry.lua were deleted somehow.

I've checked my other campaigns and they all load properly with all information. My missing campaign folder is still in my directory structure and opening the .xml files with Notepad++ I can see all of the information I entered is still there.

All of my db.session.[date] files are still present.

Any help would be so helpful.

FGU (just updated)
GURPS 4E Ruleset (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/454/view)
Windows 11

December 15th, 2022, 16:54
You'll need a campaign.xml file - copy one from the directory of another campaign that uses the same ruleset.

Eddie T
December 15th, 2022, 17:10
Thanks. I did that. None of my material that I added is there. Story entries, NPCs...nothing is showing up. Like I said, I see the .xml files though, so I know they're there.

December 15th, 2022, 18:16
Can you screen shot the contents inside the problematic campaign folder. Make sure that the view showing files size and date stamps is turned on.

Eddie T
December 15th, 2022, 18:32
I think I figured it out guys. My db file only had 5kb of data in it so I went to one of the db.session files from before I got the new machine and pasted the contents in to the db file. It seems to have all of my info in it now. Not sure how the files got deleted during the swap to and from my thumbdrive but I seem to be okay now.

Thanks for your help and quick responses!

December 15th, 2022, 19:04
Jolly Good. That was where I was going :)