View Full Version : Field look (readonly, editable, focused)

December 8th, 2022, 18:11
I would like to make a strinfield show in 3 different ways: readonly, editable, focused.
I saw that I can define the frame that will be used by default. Also inside the stateframe tag I can define the look for when the field has focus.

How can I differentiate the default look for protected or editable field?

PS I need the readonly look to be framed, so I can't use hidereadonly.

Moon Wizard
December 8th, 2022, 20:03
There is no "readonly" frame; so you would have to set up your own script to modify the frame when you are setting to readonly vs. editable. The "keyeditframe" already exists for when a field has focus.

In the built-in rulesets, the "fielddark" frame is generally used to denote editable fields; while the "fieldlight" frame is used to denote non-editable, informational fields. Also, the templates with the "column_" prefix are used in the built-in rulesets for most standard records, and those have a script with hide/show frame when record locked/unlocked.


December 8th, 2022, 20:09
Awesome, ty