View Full Version : Creating custom classes and specializations

December 3rd, 2022, 18:45
I hadnt really played around with this before, but I started exploring the system for creating custom classes and specializations in the 5th edition D&D mode.

What I couldnt find was 1) how to attach the specializations in such a way that it shows up as a selection for the new classes. I could get it to work for the core classes, but I created a new class, and could not get the system to recognize the specializations I created for it. 2 ) how to set up its leveling for spellcasting. Similar to warlock in this regard.

So, how do I go about it?

December 3rd, 2022, 19:04
Check the 5E sub forum (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?68-5E).

Guides, videos and other helpful information (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?27296-Guides-videos-and-other-helpful-information)

New Class Creation Video (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?37112-New-Class-Creation-Video)

December 3rd, 2022, 19:17
I think there is a section in the following linked video that explains it in more detail and should be helpful (it's the lastest video with the recent updates): Adding Specializations . . (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oa9CbtYiCJs&t=720s)

December 3rd, 2022, 21:14
The videos Sulimo linked are for Classic; the one Gunnergreybeard linked is for Unity.

More Unity videos here. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?55797-How-do-I-in-Unity

December 3rd, 2022, 22:08
That video shows a separate entry under feats for specializations. That does not exist on mine. That video is 5 years old though, and I see you can create specializations elsewhere, but no idea how to link them.

Side note: trying to insert an image from my computer it isn't letting me.

December 3rd, 2022, 22:32
I figured it out, thanks!

July 9th, 2023, 20:20
For specializations. Is there a way to add the Specialization list for the Other Tab on the Class information? It has everything, but that section. I could use a class that has specializations already and have that section there, but when making a class from scratch I was wondering if there is a way to add that section? Main page I know you just add links and the text needed for the specialization there.

For just using the given custom class from scratch, I noticed that specializations are not linking properly. Or I could be just daft and it is sitting right in front of me ready to poke me in the eye.

July 9th, 2023, 23:17
The class specialisations now has its own window. Click the specialisation button at the top of the class list window to add a new specialisation. See video thirty five here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?55797-How-do-I-in-Unity