View Full Version : Using available Image tools to make a motion tracker

November 25th, 2022, 17:03
I am using an image panel to make a motion tracker ( for games like Alien) I Mcgyver'ed something together that is not terrible but it was not my preferred way of doing it. Here are some issues I ran into and I wanted to know if there is any work around.

- I could not find a way to set the image automatically from assets. I know you do it for the ref manual (assets) but in this case I need the lighting to also work. I basically wanted the image to auto populate from assets when Host opens the panel for the first time.
- There is no way to(that I could see) to set the lighting configuration in the campaign DB. An example would be hit a button add a light to an image or use currently available tools in FG to pull data from CT/map and have the motion tracker place lights automatically.
- Transparency in an image only works on Host side. On the Client side the transparency is lost( it turns black) So it covers a semi transparent png I made to represent the grid to go black.

Here is the original setup. It is a panel with a button that shows the imagaedata tools for the GM. I cannot use this for a few reasons. The main being that the image blocks out the icon behind it when lighting is turned on.

The image on the right is what the DM sees when he hits the button.

- When I set this image up and exported it I had placed each light in its own layer. When I grabbed the asset and added it to my imagepanel all the layers were combined. I had wanted to label the various layers so a DM could turn the light on or off ( again this is not my original idea) as a work around.

Is there any way to keep the layers separate?

Lastly (for now) It would be nice to have more range in brightness values. You can alter transparency to change it a bit but there is no way to make a light brighter.

For now I'm going to ditch the Icon and the entire tracker will be a image in assets that the GM will have to drag to the desktop panel at the beginning of each campaign.

I appreciate any feedback you can give.
