View Full Version : [FG Con 2022] Savage Worlds Adventure Edition- Mad Dogs: Crazy Ivan One Shot

November 22nd, 2022, 03:01
I am running a Savage Worlds Adventure Edition game called Mad Dogs: Crazy Ivan. Mad dogs is The Expendables with the serial numbers filed off.

Here is the description:

"A rouge Russian colonel has stolen a nuclear bomb and has formed his own private arm and is threatening both the US and Russia to detonate the bomb if his demands are not met. Can the Mad Dogs stop the colonel and prevent World War 3? Mad Dogs is The Expendables with the serial numbers removed. Players are specially skilled soldiers being paid to do a difficult job where failure is not an option. Failing would cause the death of millions of innocent people."

The Game is on Friday from 7pm to 11pm EST. I have the ultimate edition of Fantasy Grounds so the game is free to play with the demo version of Fantasy Grounds.

If you are interested in signing up please do so on warhorn here: https://warhorn.net/events/fg-con-2022/schedule/sessions/999be394-64c8-44b3-ba81-7fca59c1f9ef

Thank You
