View Full Version : Tokens losing their size on relaunch

November 21st, 2022, 14:48
Like a few others I've read on these forums, I'm someone who likes to adjust the size of the tokens on a map to fit the size of the creature - so, shrinking them to half a 5x5 square if they are a Halfling, sort of thing.

However, after setting-up about 20 tokens in this way before my last session, I signed-in to find that they had all re-defaults back to full 5x5 size on the map grid.

I can't remember encountering this before, so ask; is this a bug, or is this a symptom of relaunching FGU?


November 21st, 2022, 16:22
I can confirm that non standard sized tokens that are made wee or big will revert to their original size on reloading. I don't know if this is intended behaviour or not; the normal way to change a token size would be to change the size in the CT or change the size category in the notes tab for a PC or on the NPC sheet. However sizes smaller than medium aren't recognised so that's not really a solution for your halflings.

November 21st, 2022, 17:32
Thanks, Zacchaeus. Now I know, I can work with it by shrinking the tokens at the moment I need them - rather than spending ages doing it in advance!