View Full Version : LFP - 8pm AustralianEST Sunday (+10 GMT)

November 21st, 2022, 04:04
Hi Guys,

For those unaware of Extinction Event Ruleset, it was release for FGC in 2018, but I have now completed and upgrade the ruleset for FGU. The ruleset is a specifically made for modern combat and feature a unique cover-based system. As well as a fast-flowing combat system, it keeps bookkeeping to a minimum and encourages creative thinking.

This is a great opportunity for players (new or old) to try a new ruleset and be brought up to pace without feeling like everyone is leaps ahead of the rule curve.

I recently posted this on Discord and currently have 3 players of the of four to six required.

Extinction Event
Once again, the world is on brink of destruction, will you survive or will you become food for the crows. What is about to happen nobody knows, are you up to the challenge only time will tell.

-Fantasy Grounds (I have Ultimate so even free version will work)
-Discord (for voice)
-Syrinscape for sound effects and background ambiance
- Game will be streamed, to help new GM get to grips with the Ruleset software.

Date: Sunday 8pm to 11pm AEST (+10 GMT), weekly or bi-weekly dependent on players schedules
Rules: Extinction Event
Players: 4-6

November 22nd, 2022, 13:07
I'm completely new, but I am willing to give this system a try to see if I like it or not. Unless there is a premade character I can use, I will probably need help with character creation and the like. When were you wanting to start this campaign?

November 22nd, 2022, 23:00
Hi Navigator,

I have one more spot, now reserved for you. The first session will go through character creation and the rules. We are aiming to start 4th of December.

Please join the discord group here is the link.

Just pm me your discord name, so can add you to the game group.

December 3rd, 2022, 01:12
Due to a number that have left I have 3 spots still available starting tomorrow.

December 22nd, 2022, 09:43
Hi Ardem,

Are you still looking for players?

I haven't played in a long time but would like to get back into the hobby. Obviously never played the system


December 23rd, 2022, 02:08
Hey, Australian player and forever DM. Just curious if you were still looking?

December 30th, 2022, 07:04
Hey guys sorry for the later response. I have two more spots still available however we on break till the 15th of Jan. Hit me up on Discord and I can get included into the group prior to then.