View Full Version : LF5P - (Pathfinder 1e) Satuday 19:00 GMT+0 - The Strifescar Crusade

November 20th, 2022, 12:36
FG License: Ultimate
Game System: Pathfinder 1e

Time Zone: GMT+0
Day of week and time: Saturday 19:00
Planned Start Date: 10th December
Planned Duration & Frequency: 4 Hours Weekly
Term: Long-Term

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed?: No

Roleplay & Combat mix: 60% Roleplay / 40% Combat
Number of Players in game & needed: 5 Players Needed
Character starting level & equipment: Level 2

“As far as I ride, I ride to escape Death, yet never once has my horse outpaced his. Each land that I visit, each step that I take, the Reaper steps as well.”

Du'Val Antierre, Chronicle of The Kinstrife

The Lastwall... In any other Turning it would be heralded as amongst the greatest international effort achieved by the broken lands of Amilyn. A fearsome bastion devised and manned by the blades of a dozen nations, funded not out of rivalry but a sense of common good and shared philosophy. Alas, its legacy will not be of peace, but of a war unlike any other; a battle against our own madness. It will not be the first step towards compassion, but rather the last grip as we hang above that precipice of our own design.

Three years ago the world broke. The great mountains of Glymgol sank beneath the earth, their great walls collapsed by the revenant hands of lunacy that tore through the world without cause, without pause. A vast rift that clove the continent in two emerged and from its depths poured the servants of The Jester's Prince, endless in number, ravening in their senseless hate and joyous calamity. We fought and we died, we battled and we bled, and each step we took the very wilds turned upon themselves in anarchy and collapse.

It was a war unlike any other, great lines of gunfire and smoke, blades by their thousand crashing against mail and plate. It was only through unity that we survived, by our existence pushed to the brink that we could settle our differences and fight for a common cause. We paid dearly for every inch of ground retaken, counted our cost in devastation and rage as we pushed back against the storm.

And we held...

As each brick was lain, we held. As each wave crashed against our shore, we held, and as their cries of madness echoed down from worlds both ancient and terrible, so too did the cry of artillery and vengeance blacken the sky in retribution. The Lastwall was where we stood, and though a year it took to build, we held. As the last stone was placed, the skies calmed and the earth stopped shaking; the madling hordes collapsed upon themselves and there seemed to be, for just a moment, a victory amidst the ashes of our home.

But with this peace came the return of old. Bickering and petty argument broke what wonders had been wrought, and those of us upon the border knew our time was short. The war we'd fought had been but a muscle memory of strife, an instinct reflex by an army without order, and already the shadows grow dark once again. Our numbers shrink each day that passes, our faith in the cause eroded by the manipulation of those that do not fight. The quiet grows as the calm before the storm and we know well one truth above all...

This war has just begun.


Welcome one and all to The Strifescar Crusade, a Pathfinder 1E Campaign taking place in the home-brew setting of Clockworld consisting of many adventures and legends that our characters will participate in. From the heart of ancient Amilyn to the shores of distant Jainir and even across the weathered hands of the Clock itself, our characters will explore, fight and experience a world torn apart by its own search for perfection. I am looking for Five Players of any experience to join in a new campaign starting on the 10th of December and running every week (Saturday) at 19:00 GMT. This above date will be a Session 0, with a break taken for Christmas Eve.

This game starts with our five characters, veterans of The Anarch War or new recruits to the fight for survival, stationed upon the greatest fortification created in Amilyn's history... The Lastwall. Members of a crumbling alliance, defenders against a foe unlike any, you will serve to protect the waking world from the nightmare of The Harlequin, rise through the ranks, and decide the fate of an organisation that stands between sanity and total collapse. You will fight, you will bleed, and one day you will lead the armies of a shattered land in desperate survival against The Jester's Prince.

While not initially presented, this game will possess the expectation of player progression outside of the party. Though you all will be delving into dungeons, slaying monsters and exploring the many wonders that Clockworld has to offer, you will also be expected to possess dreams of power, ambition or hope. This world is broken and you may be the only ones in a position to fix it... for better or for worse.

Though the characters are obviously the heroes of the story, there is no requirement that they be angelic beings, for this war is fought for the very survival of the mortal realm, and even the blackest knight brings a brighter dawn than the madling courts assembled. This is a world on fire, torn apart by mortals far worse than any monster that still roams the darker places of the land. It is of no surprise, therefore, that many who take up the banner of wandering the world do so with little more than greed or ambition to drive them forwards.

Evil is, after all, a luxury for peaceful times.


You may leave an Application either in the Comments or by Private Message. To do so, please just give me a brief outline of a possible character and why you'd like to join the game. You are also free to message me any further questions you may have before writing an application. There is no requrement for experience in the system, as I am happy to coach and guide new players through the system.

If I like what I see I will PM you my Discord ID for a further interview. If this aspect stresses you out then do not worry as it is only a chance to see how you and I mesh, and whether we'll get along as people.