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View Full Version : Setting up a new era

November 11th, 2022, 19:35
I'm planning to set up a new era (Dark Ages), so I searched the forum to see if there were any advice. I found this post: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?60848-Adding-Custom-Skills&p=533908&viewfull=1#post533908.

I have set up the "translation" extension. But I'm unsure how to set up the "Era" extension. I seems to duplicate the information. Should I paste all skills (new and standard) from my campaign.db into this extension.

Also, should I paste the skill description where it says "text"?

["Accounting"] = { base=5, desc="\


November 12th, 2022, 04:22
Yes it looks like you are on the right track.

November 12th, 2022, 12:54
OK. Thanks.

November 26th, 2022, 18:32
I'm a bit late to the party with a reply, but when I setup the CoC7 ruleset for Dark Ages I did it completely from within the interface. I just created a Dark Ages era, then created the new skills and edited the existing skills that are specific to Dark Ages. Within my new Dark Ages era, I then drag & dropped in those skills that are used by Dark Ages. I then went to [Options] and under the "Game" > 'Game: Era', I set it to my new Dark Ages era. I then created a Dark Ages group for Occupations and created the DA occupations under it. Two of the occupations were tricky, because they allowed 2 choices for 1 of the characteristics that's used to calculate occupation points. For those I created 2 versions of the occupation, each with a word that described the optional characteristic choice stated in the name. So for example, I have a Craftsperson (Dexterous) and Craftsperson (Strong) occupation.

Am I missing something here? From my explorations of the CoC 7 ruleset, it looked like it could be done entirely within the interface without the creation of an extension. It works as long as the new skills and occupations were publicly shared - could also be achieved with a custom module. It's seems better than other rulesets, in that once the era has been selected in options the Character Sheet enforces the use of the appropriate skills.