View Full Version : Friday Night Supers [SWADE][FGU] LFP

November 1st, 2022, 22:23
Game is Closed

FG License: Ultimate, players only need demo
Game System: Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE)

Time Zone: EST
Day of week and time: Friday 8PM
If new game, planned start date: 11/11/22
Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly or Bi-weekly 2 1/2 hours
Term: Maybe 4-6 months

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: 30-70 ish
Number of Players in game & needed: 6 currently, need 4-6
Character starting level & equipment: Power Level III, Rank 5 Seasoned Heroes
Character restrictions: Human base, plus superpowers

Details of your scenario:

Cinematic Superheroes

On a parallel Earth, just over three years ago, a large gate opened from midair above the city called Novaport on the western coast of the United States. Through this gate emerged a being who referred to themselves as Witness. As they appeared, they spoke these words, broadcast in every language on every media on the planet simultaneously:

"Hark! I am Witness! I come before all the people of your planet to tell the tale of the defeat of Sporaxus by the Star Messiah and her companions, and the prevention of the destruction of the Multiverse by their sacrifices. Hear my words for.... Oh $^!#. Oh gods above and below! This is home. @#$@. Gotta go!"

After which they promptly fled back through the gate and it winked back out of existence. While the world attempted to come to grips with this event and ponder its meaning, a plague swept through the population of this Earth, killing millions. Almost 30% of the population of the planet was infected by this pandemic by the end of its spread. For a minute fraction of a percent of the people afflicted by the disease, dubbed the AV-19 (or alien virus of 2019), something entirely different, perhaps even miraculous, happened. They developed what can only be described as Superpowers.


PCs will be semi-experienced Super Heroes coming together for the first time to deal with a larger looming threat and continue as a team for several adventures. Stylistically, will be closer to the MCU or Arrowverse than say Jupiter's Legacy, the Watchmen, or The Boys. Expect big action, an overarching nemesis, and serialized storyline.

formation of the team, etc is something that is yet tbd with player input. If enough players want, this could also become a dimension-hopping game where PCs may be able to access the Multiverse through a system of gates (more like Fringeworthy than Stargate-bonus points to anyone who knows Fringeworthy.)

Game is Closed

November 2nd, 2022, 15:03
I am interested, but I am new to SWADE (I’ve read up on the core rules and other settings like SWPF, Rifts, and WW2) and do not know if I can fully commit to Fridays at 2000 EST. Would it be possible to sit in on your sessions (either as an observer or controlling an NPC) in order to get familiar with the game?

November 2nd, 2022, 23:08
I am interested, but I am new to SWADE (I’ve read up on the core rules and other settings like SWPF, Rifts, and WW2) and do not know if I can fully commit to Fridays at 2000 EST. Would it be possible to sit in on your sessions (either as an observer or controlling an NPC) in order to get familiar with the game?

Sure, that would be fine.

November 3rd, 2022, 03:25
My Discord info is Corsair31 #8292.

November 3rd, 2022, 23:09
Game has 3 interested players, let's get 1-3 more, eh?

November 6th, 2022, 21:48

November 6th, 2022, 22:27
I can't play due to the time zone, but have you posted it on the FG Discord server in the #gm_lfp channel?

November 8th, 2022, 12:49
Thanks @Jiminimonka, that helped fill it up some.

November 8th, 2022, 13:49
Thanks @Jiminimonka, that helped fill it up some.


You gonna stream it? I wouldn't mind seeing my conversion in action

November 9th, 2022, 06:28
I am very interested in this. I'm new to SWADE, but I've played Heroes Unlimited and Mutants & Masterminds, so I'm familiar with the genre. My discord is Soludan#1742

November 9th, 2022, 22:52

You gonna stream it? I wouldn't mind seeing my conversion in action

No plans to, no.

November 9th, 2022, 22:53
I am very interested in this. I'm new to SWADE, but I've played Heroes Unlimited and Mutants & Masterminds, so I'm familiar with the genre. My discord is Soludan#1742

Sent you a PM.

With that, the

Game is Closed