View Full Version : Release Updates for November 1st, 2022

November 1st, 2022, 19:11
Please remember not to update right before a game starts.

In order for some of the updates to be visible, you may need to open the Module Activation window from Library->Activation, right click on the module and select "revert changes". Be warned, any edits you've made will be lost.

Note: Hotfixes are to fix an immediate problem that prevents using a product. They are not fully tested and may introduce other issues. If you have issues with a hotfix please contact support.

Note: Fantasy Grounds Classic is no longer receiving regular updates. These updates are for Fantasy Grounds Unity unless specifically noted.

The following products have been updated:

Deadlands Noir - The Old Absinthe House Blues (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression in shotguns

Deadlands Noir - The Case of the Jumbo Shrimp (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression in shotguns

All For One Regime Diabolique Savage Worlds (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression in shotguns

The Great Northwest Trail Guide (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression in shotguns

ETU: East Texas University (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression in shotguns

Deadlands: The Weird West: Blood Drive (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression in shotguns

Savage Worlds: 50 Fathom's Player's Guide (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expressions in shotguns

Hell on Earth Reloaded Player Guide (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression in shotguns

The Sixth Gun Roleplaying Game (Savage Worlds) (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Damage expression for shotguns

Deadlands Reloaded: The Flood (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression for shotguns

Interface Zero 3.0 Players Guide to 2095 (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression in shotguns

Deadlands Reloaded: Blood Drive 3 - Range War! (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression in shotguns

Deadlands Reloaded: Blood Drive 2 - High Plains Drover (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression in shotguns

Deadlands Reloaded: Blood Drive 1 - Bad Times on the Goodnight (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression in shotguns

War of the Dead - Chapter 1 (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression in shotguns

Deadlands - The 1880 Smith & Robards Catalog (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression in shotguns

Savage Worlds Setting: Rippers for Fantasy Grounds (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression in shotguns

Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Secrets of Magic (Pathfinder 2.0)

[Fixed] Tradition and trait fix to Protect Companion (Spell)

D&D Classics - PHBR10 The Complete Book of Humanoids (2E) (D&D Classics - AD&D 1E/2E)

[Fixed] few typos corrected

Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (Savage Worlds Adventure Edition)

[Fixed] Ruger firearm has wrong damage in player guide

Dungeon Crawl Classics Ruleset (Dungeon Crawl Classics)

[Added] GM houserule options for ability score generation using different dice rolling methods. Default is 3d6. Alternatives are 4d6 drop lowest, the Tatterdemalion’s Tampering (3d7; count 7 as 1, reroll 7, or count 7 as 6 based on random control die), and the Sezrekan method (4d7 drop lowest; count 7 as 6).

Science Fiction Companion (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression in shotguns
[Added] Character sheet inventory will switch to correct tab page when cyberware is dropped

Rippers Resurrected: Player's Guide (Savage Worlds)

[Added] Character sheet inventory will switch to correct tab page when rippertech is dropped

Crystal Heart (Savage Worlds Adventure Edition)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression in shotguns
[Added] Crystals are transferable between player characters
[Fixed] Power list is not refreshed when harness is updated
[Added] Character sheet inventory will switch to correct tab page when crystal is dropped

Interface Zero 2.0 (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression in shotguns
Character sheet inventory will switch to correct tab page when cyberware is dropped

[U]Savage Worlds Base (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Script error when rolling shotgun damage
[Fixed] Player cannot move friendly NPC which is grouped under his/her action card in CT
[Added] Character sheet inventory will switch to correct tab page when item is dropped
[Fixed] Heavy Armor status was not updated properly

Deadlands: The Weird West (Core Rules Book) (Savage Worlds)

[Fixed] Bad damage expression in shotguns
[Fixed] Shotgun damage in player guide module

November 1st, 2022, 19:23
Star Trek Adventures 2d20 (Ruleset)

[Added] Expanded Species choice options in details tab
[Added] Adding of conditions of "Large" and "Sturdy" to NPC CT entry drops. These increase injury/breach threshold per rules.
[Fixed] Adjusted size and margins for icons in attack entries
[Added] Values entry in NPC sheets
[Added] Tooltips for strength and damage rating boxes to help ensure knowledge of what those boxes are adjusting.
[Added] Filters for master index (Sidebar menu's) to help find NPCs faster.
[Fixed] Adjusted text for empty PS text for better instruction
[Added] When creating new party ship, it will open the empty sheet and assist by opening the masterindexes of ship profiles and ship roles
[Fixed] Species attribute control not being factored

Star Trek Adventures Core Rulebook (Star Trek Adventures 2d20)

[Added] Values to NPC records
[Added] Human species was expanded to include new choice options introduced with ruleset code

The Rescue at Xerxes (Star Trek Adventures 2d20)

[Fixed] Moved Values for NPC record that had it misplaced.

Dune 2d20 (Ruleset)

[Fixed] Skill totals not updating when editing them with the edit button
[Added] Adjusted look of the rollers to have the total inlayed with the dice icon

Fallout 2d20 (Ruleset)

[Fixed] Desktop locations not matching correct anatomy
[Added] Stat controls were not updating correctly. Setup stat controls to have number inlayed with die icon.
[Added] Cleaned up code to work with more built in controls from CoreRPG. This allowed lowering code count and streamlining factoring.

Mutants and Masterminds 3E (Ruleset)

[Fixed] Error when adding PC to CT or opening with PC on CT.

Moon Wizard
November 2nd, 2022, 22:35
Modern Dark (Theme)

[Fixed] Sidebar frame did not resize when sidebar narrowed.

November 3rd, 2022, 01:03

Fallout 2d20 (Ruleset)

[Fixed] NPC sheets not able to edit skill totals

Starfinder (Ruleset)

[Fixed] Leveling up doesn't update properly if GM and Player are looking at some sheet during operation.

Star Trek Adventures (Ruleset)

[Fixed] Multi worded species name not being factored in character creator features
[Fixed] Power not updating on character ships.
[Fixed] Error related to discipline help icon in NPCs.
[Added] Removed toggles for sections of the combat tracker that are not needed for characters and PC ships.
[Fixed] Dropping NPCs to the PC sheet as Support Allies not converting NPC sheet to workable record.