View Full Version : What did you all do? :)

October 30th, 2022, 00:42

our group hasn't played since oct. 8th. PF1e. We use 50+ Extensions and another 12 forge modules. and it is a large campaign as my DM doesn't unload anything (I believe he could but not sure).

What did you all do? on the 8th and before, removing dead NPCs from the CT, adding NPCs to the CT, clicking on tokens on the map to move them all took 6 - 60 seconds to be able to continue. DM sending out the battle map to players would take 30 - 60 seconds for a regular size map with 10 tokens.

Today? updated as of the 27th with the Same extensions: No lag in token movement, clearing/adding to CT = 2-4 seconds. sharing battle map = 6-10 seconds.

What did you do? whatever it was, KEEP IT UP!!! nice job!

Moon Wizard
October 30th, 2022, 02:26
We streamlined the combat tracker across all the store rulesets to create and use less controls unless actually needed, and removed interface items that caused extra performance overhead.

We have some more ideas for character sheets, but that's a lower priority project right now.


October 30th, 2022, 03:06
Wow! I just think, how good it is to be patient and wait for the results and how good it is to know that they keep doing more and more, coming up with new things and more, that they always seek to improve the performance of everything! Thanks!