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View Full Version : Additional player DND 5E Tyranny of Dragons

October 28th, 2022, 05:40
Still looking for additional players (preferred frontline heavy during combat,) for DND 5E, Tyranny of Dragons with home brew elements.

When: Every Monday 6:30-9:30 PM (Pacific) Long campaign.
Next Session: 11/7/2022.

Campaign (RP/Combat: 50/50): Current players are at level 4 and had finished the 1st Act of the campaign. Next session will be a perfect point to join the party. New players will also start at level 4. Party is currently composed of Druid, Warlock and Ranger. The party has lose a Fighter and Bard due to real life events and unable to continue the game. Our players are all mature, nice and very welcoming. New and learning players for both DND 5th and FG are all welcome.

Feel free to message me or post on thread if interested. Hope to hear and play with you soon.

October 28th, 2022, 18:08
My son and I might be interested in joining. My Mondays are normally free most of the time and we both live in Washington state.

October 29th, 2022, 03:07
Thank you for showing interest in joining our game. Currently I have 2 other players in line to join. Will message and update you for any changes in there status. Again thank you.