View Full Version : Dices don't shock each other

October 26th, 2022, 21:25

The dices in Fantasy Grounds looks fine, but they act as they were alone in the table. They don't shock each other and sometimes they stop stacked, so we can't see the one is down. Isn't a plan to make it happen in a better way?

October 26th, 2022, 22:07
They have been this way since the beginning of FGU. We tested in both methods (1-dice collide and bounce off each other, and 2-dice ignore each other). Although it is more of an abstraction, we all pretty much felt like method 2 was more satisfying and resolved faster, especially when you roll a lot of dice. Method 1 generally worked fairly well with smaller numbers of dice but became problematic with a large # of dice. Dice would be ****ed much more easily, stacked on top of each other, etc., and it also took much longer for the dice to settle and return a result. Performance in general is also significantly better with Method 2 over Method 1.

October 26th, 2022, 22:58
Really, usually method 1 don't result in problems with small numbers, but also with large screens, since the chat became also larger. I'm playing in a 15" notebook and reduce the chat to accommodate some widgets, like Dice Tower and clock adjuster. This make the dice stacks often.
And, the real problem, for me, is they get stacked, not it ignore each other (perhaps it is related). I and the players want to see the result on the dice, but this happens too often, specially in some systems and/or on DnD at higher levels, since there are more dice throws.

Moon Wizard
October 27th, 2022, 00:46
The stacking would actually be worse on smaller screens if the dice interacted with each other; because they would more often land on each other and get wedged between sides and other dice more.


October 27th, 2022, 04:38

Moon Wizard
October 27th, 2022, 09:06
Yes, we know it does because it happened in our initial testing as Doug pointed out above.