View Full Version : Bug: Can't hide GM rolls

October 20th, 2022, 18:56
Not sure if this is part of the dice update or I just never noticed before now. I've been testing a module with GM and client on the same computer and noticed that the GM dice are always shown on the client.

Start a new campaign
Join with a client on the same computer (I've not been able to test with a remote client)
GM roll a die: rolling die and result are visible to both
Turn off "Show GM Rolls"
GM roll a die: rolling die is visible to both; result is only visible to GM
Turn on "Show GM Rolls" and "Dice Tower"
GM roll a die in the tower: rolling die is visible to both; result is only visible to GM
Player roll a die in the tower: rolling die is visible to both; result is only visible to GM

Edit: this seems to be SW-specific; I tested with Pathfinder also and the dice are hidden when expected.

October 21st, 2022, 03:40
I just ran into this exact same issue... Pathfinder 2.0 campaign works as-expected, Savage Pathfinder handles the chat window messages properly, but doesn't ever obscure the die faces for players. This didn't happen in my Thursday game last week (Oct. 13), but did tonight (Oct. 20). Running on fully updated Mac M1, should that happen to become relevant.

Moon Wizard
October 21st, 2022, 04:48
I looked into it; and it's because Savage Worlds overrides a lot of the default rolling behavior for some reason. @Ikael has been away for quite a while; but I'm looking into seeing if I can address for next week.


October 21st, 2022, 19:01