View Full Version : Official Shadow of the Demon Lord Bug Report Thread
October 18th, 2022, 22:49
Use this thread to post any ruleset specific issues to track and get resolved. When reporting, please provide steps in reproducing the issue and any images if possible.
As a brand new ruleset there will be some bugs/suggestions. We will continue working on this product to make it as enjoyable to use as possible.
Added a video on basic character creation here:
Some more videos to follow at a later date.
October 18th, 2022, 22:49
Bugs Reported / Fixed
Trying to level up to L3 without choosing an Expert Path can cause a console error.
Level 6 fighter healing rate needs to adjust automatically. added in build 2.71
Gear info on Paths is not showing correct data. fixed in build 2.71
Nowhere for Spell Traditions on the character. sheet we were storing this in Notes. It has its own field in build 2.71
CoreRPG new Dice are bigger and overlap the Boon Bane Panels fixed in build 2.73
Added default Languages and Currencies in System Options added in build 2.73
Fonts did not load correctly fixed in build 2.74
Updated Tooltips in Combat Tracker updated in build 2.74
October 18th, 2022, 22:50
October 19th, 2022, 00:07
Question posted on Discord:
How do we handle it when characters wear armor that they are not strong enough for?
From the rulebook:
Armor and Clothing
Armor includes any clothing designed to protect a wearer from harm and might be made from leather, mail, overlapping scales, or heavy plates. Wearing armor affects your Defense and what your character can do. See Clothing for additional information.
• Type: Armor is clothing, light armor, medium armor, or heavy armor. You make Strength challenge rolls with 1 bane to swim while you wear medium armor. You take a -2 penalty to Speed and you make Strength challenge rolls with 2 banes to swim while you wear heavy armor.
• Requirement: If you wear armor and do not meet or exceed its requirements listed in the table, you make all Strength and Agility rolls with 1 bane. In addition, you take a –2 penalty to Speed. The effects of not meeting the armor’s requirements are cumulative with the other effects of wearing armor.
• Defense: Replace your Defense with the listed number while wearing clothing or armor.
At this stage use ctrl+scroll over the small modifier box on Speed to set it at -2
Players will need to remember to add +1 bane to strength and agility rolls
At some stage we hope to add some support for effects and we may be able to handle the banes in a more automated fashion at that time.
October 19th, 2022, 00:20
Question posted on Discord:
Where do we record Spell Traditions?
Apologies - this didnt make it into 2.70 but will be on the Character tab in 2.71
October 19th, 2022, 03:08
When the goblin swings at Jose( a character) , it calculates whether the goblin hit or not.. But when Jose swings at the goblin.. shows the total, but doesn't state whether it hit or missed.5475754758
I've tried targeting and double clicking the dice, I've tried dragging the dice over the icons on the battlemap. Same Result.. NPC can hit the character, but the character can't get a Hit or Miss result for the NPC.
This is for version 2.70 of the store bought version.
Figured it out. I needed to set the opposing / defensive stats. The wiki had the answer.
October 19th, 2022, 03:47
Thanks for the update - good sleuthing!
Weapons that you add via Gear tab should have teh correct stats in them already.
Did this not work for you?
October 19th, 2022, 03:54
Did you maybe carry this character over from the Forge ruleset?
If so I would recommend that you recreate it as there are quite a few things that have changed over the development of the ruleset.
October 19th, 2022, 14:09
That particular stat did not populate for me. I had to add it manually. (As per your post below, I was using the forge and the store version of SOTDL at the same time? ) I had the forge version still enabled. I've since turned it off. Maybe that will make a difference in the future.
I bought the SOTDL version and made a test character to see how everything was populating and to see the format of the NPC's (since I'd had a question about how they were entered) while I was there I thought I'd test the combat stuff and that's when I ran into the non targeting issue.
October 19th, 2022, 14:18
I think we might have to advise people to disable their Forge subscription as there could be conflicts between the two.
Can you confirm whether new weapons being added to the character sheets are getting their stats set?
Is it possible you have also created some library of equipment for your Forge based game?
October 19th, 2022, 14:30
I just created a new character with forge stuff disabled. The weapons when added did populate the defense / opposed trait field. I had only the official modules enabled. (I disabled the prior forge based modules I'd created)
October 19th, 2022, 15:17
Thanks for your help bug reporting.
October 20th, 2022, 09:26
Unfortunately I pushed a hotfix for the dice and the fonts did not load. Hopefully we will get a new hotfix pushed Thursday morning.
Moon Wizard
October 20th, 2022, 10:56
I just pushed another build for you just now.
October 20th, 2022, 15:29
When creating a new Character adding the Ancestry it doesn't add the starting talents in the talent section of the Sheet. Adding them after the fact from the ancestry works fine. Not sure if this is a bug or expected.
Edit: No extension or Forge items active and it's the newest build
October 20th, 2022, 16:02
For now you need to drag them on. See this thread for the in-process wiki.
October 20th, 2022, 17:41
For now you need to drag them on. See this thread for the in-process wiki.
Thank you, haven't looked at that first.
October 20th, 2022, 23:11
We have added a few more pages to the PDF/Wiki document.
October 22nd, 2022, 19:05
I am building some NPC's and adding paths. When adding an expert path i can drag and drop new talents onto level 3 but not level 6 and 9 and you don't seem to be able to drag talents on to NPC sheets
October 23rd, 2022, 02:51
This item points to a NPC I can not find, in fact there are no entries under vehicles.
October 23rd, 2022, 14:47
I am building some NPC's and adding paths. When adding an expert path i can drag and drop new talents onto level 3 but not level 6 and 9 and you don't seem to be able to drag talents on to NPC sheets
Hi hawkwind can you tell me which Paths you were trying this on?
Were the Talents that couldnt be added in the second column?
Can you share an Image?
October 23rd, 2022, 14:47
This item points to a NPC I can not find, in fact there are no entries under vehicles.
Hi Madman - Spoofer is looking into this one.
October 23rd, 2022, 14:49
Added a video on basic character creation here:
Some more videos to follow at a later date.
October 23rd, 2022, 15:16
i can drag talent onto level 3 , cant drag and drop a talent onto the over pages for level 6 and 9 . this occurs with novice and master paths as well, you can drag on to the first page but none of the other pages for the various level advances
October 23rd, 2022, 16:07
Madman, thanks for reporting. I fixed vehicles. It will get sorted out with the next update.
October 23rd, 2022, 16:21
Ok Ive found the issue Hawkwind
It is queued in the next update
October 23rd, 2022, 22:31
One other thing, more a question rather than a bug. Is there a reason the spell button on the right hand side is listed under Campaign rather then Character?
October 23rd, 2022, 23:02
One other thing, more a question rather than a bug. Is there a reason the spell button on the right hand side is listed under Campaign rather then Character?
Generally the Character section can be closed except at CharGen and Level Up.
The Campaign section is also used by GM and can be rferenced during play/adventure.
Something like that.
Moon Wizard
October 24th, 2022, 05:47
I think @hawkwind is asking, because it's usually under Character in the other rulesets.
October 24th, 2022, 06:21
Items and Spells are used by GMs and Players and Items is under Campaign.
All the other entries in Character are almost exclusively player data.
Spells was under Character initially but the playest groups and GMs thought Campaign was more appropriate.
October 24th, 2022, 10:39
any plans to have active effects like ATK:1d6 for example?
October 24th, 2022, 11:48
At this stage I have not learnt how to code effects.
You can add 1 boon to your weapon in the Attacks list it will apply to any Attack rolls (and not damage) and will stack with other boons/banes you add to the boons widget.
October 24th, 2022, 11:55
One other thing, more a question rather than a bug. Is there a reason the spell button on the right hand side is listed under Campaign rather then Character?
After a heated argument, we decided to roll a die. But then we were mesmerized by the cool new dice, and completely forgot about the result. In the end, it was the will of the New God that spells be under Character.
(This will be changed with the next update.)
October 28th, 2022, 20:16
Hi, I've noticed the 14-15 result on the Madness table is missing. And on the Interesting Thing Table the nested tables aren't linked to the actual sub-tables.
Thanks for creating this, looking forward to actually playing soon.
October 28th, 2022, 23:32
Thanks Kenwoolverton we will get those fixed in the Tuesday update.
November 12th, 2022, 19:09
I recently bought this ruleset and I must say you have done a fabulous job. Considering it is so new it is all really tight - great work.
One thing though, I have noticed that the talents box gets cut off. Well, you can scroll the whole sheet but it feels a bit busy. Might it be possible for the spells to get their own tab or something? At higher levels you get quite a few spells and talents.
November 12th, 2022, 23:00
Hi Skellan,
Thanks for the feedback.
That should be fixed in Tuesdays update.
Whether to move it to its own tab or not Im undecided.
Its nice to have everything you use for combat on the one tab.
Im hoping to have afflictions working also for this update.
November 12th, 2022, 23:43
Fair enough, thank you
I also noticed that there is an option in the rules to take a second expert path at 7th level but it doesn't like expert paths being dropped in the master slot. Do we need to do this manually?
To be fair, if this is the kind of thing I am finding, you have done a good job.
November 13th, 2022, 03:55
yes that is something that we havent managed to get our heads around.
You should be able to drag an Expert path into the Master slot but then it breaks down...
it is complicated by the fact that the Expert paths have 3 levels and Master paths have 2 levels.
When choosing a second Expert Path you get Level 3 benefits at Level 7 and Level 6 benefits at level 10 but at level 9 you get to choose from either your first or second expert path and I just cannot fathom a way to code that.
November 13th, 2022, 14:29
No worries, it isn' hard to just do it manually. I was just wondering if I was missing something. There are probably better things to spend your time on.
November 15th, 2022, 20:11
Hi guys,
After todays update you might get Character Sheet errors on making attacks. Please do one of the following:
open your Armor, unlock it and add a Min STR - use 0 if not listed in the rules
delete your Armor and add it back in from Equipment
November 15th, 2022, 22:54
The following posts describe some recent changes to the ruleset. These changes impact NPC records, item (armor) records, and combat mechanics. I will explain each one in detail.
November 15th, 2022, 22:58
The contents of the traits tab and the attacks tab for the NPC record have been changed from unformatted text to formatted text. If you have created your own NPC records, then you need to update those manually. The following image shows how. First, unlock the record. Second, copy and paste the text from the upper slot to the lower slot. Third, and formatting such as bold font as you desire. Eventually, the upper slot will be removed. Please make any changes before then.
November 15th, 2022, 23:13
Armor now includes a MIN STR requirement. If a character does not meet the minimum requirement, then a penalty is automatically imposed on melee and ranged attack rolls.
This value needs to be set on existing PC character sheets. Either edit the item record, or delete and re-add the armor to the PC. The default value of zero is not displayed (shows as empty).
November 15th, 2022, 23:34
Effects have been added to the ruleset as records in the Core Rulebook Player. The following image shows adding an effect to a PC sheet. The effects automatically impose boons / banes on the various attack and challenge rolls. There is a series of boxes to the right of an effect entry. These boxes indicate the number of boons / banes imposed on each type of roll.
Effects can also be added from the Combat Tracker. This is where you apply effects to NPC actors.
November 15th, 2022, 23:58
De is used to set Defense to a specific value. AtB is used to grant a bonus to attackers.
November 16th, 2022, 00:05
The above examples use afflictions. The effects system can also be used to handle other aspects of the game, such as bonuses from spells or penalties from the environment. You can add your own directly to the actors as needed. Here is what Blessing would look like. Finally, note that the effects have an on switch. This is useful for dealing with bonuses from cover that apply to some attackers but not others.
November 29th, 2022, 20:36
Effects have been added to the ruleset as records in the Core Rulebook Player. The following image shows adding an effect to a PC sheet. The effects automatically impose boons / banes on the various attack and challenge rolls. There is a series of boxes to the right of an effect entry. These boxes indicate the number of boons / banes imposed on each type of roll.
Effects can also be added from the Combat Tracker. This is where you apply effects to NPC actors.
invalid attachement?
November 30th, 2022, 00:42
I tried to fix them. They work and then they break. :(
I will try adding them here.
November 30th, 2022, 00:45
Ok, I have figured out that when I upload, there is a sequence of mouse clicks that works and another one that messes up the files. If I don't mess them up then they work.
December 6th, 2022, 20:54
Is the description for Close Wounds right? It doesn't seem to make sense?
December 6th, 2022, 22:10
No you are right it is incorrect.
The Triggered text is appearing in the Description.
We will get that fixed asap.
There are other affected spells to it looks like.
December 6th, 2022, 23:22
Thank you for pointing this out. I was not aware of this specific pattern and did not code for it. As damned said, we will fix asap.
December 30th, 2022, 15:27
I think the link to the reference manual may be broken for Dead by Dawn
December 30th, 2022, 15:39
I think the link to the reference manual may be broken for Dead by Dawn
Can you post a screenshot of what you are seeing?
December 30th, 2022, 16:11
Sure. When I click on Reference Manual it just opens an empty window. It is probably just a broken link somewhere :)
December 31st, 2022, 04:23
Thank you for reporting. I have fixed the reference manual, and a few other things, including NPCs. The new version may take a bit of time. We need to work a few bugs out of the revised NPC attack tab before new versions of stuff with NPC data can be released.
December 31st, 2022, 10:26
Great! Thanks for your hard work
January 19th, 2023, 11:05
Hi, first I want to say thanks for the hard work. For how new the system is it's working great.
I'm unsure if this best place to ask but I noticed there is a space for initiative in the combat tracker but it doesn't allow me to input a number.
SOTDL doesn't really roll for initiative but there is the option to roll a d6 to resolve conflicts.
With my players coming from 5E they're used to acting individually and the option to give them a turn order would be much appreciated.
January 19th, 2023, 11:38
Initiative is set as either FAST or SLOW From the main tab of the PC Sheet for PCs, and from the Attack tab inside the Combat Tracker for NPCs. Doing so fills in that space. Turns are completed one actor at a time, individually, as in D&D.
In general, we do not implement options, as we need to need to give priority to the core rules first (which are still yet to be completely implemented). However, I will make sure that Damned is aware of your request. Meanwhile, initiative ties are broken by Agility --- higher Agility goes first.
January 19th, 2023, 12:06
Initiative is set as either FAST or SLOW From the main tab of the PC Sheet for PCs, and from the Attack tab inside the Combat Tracker for NPCs. Doing so fills in that space. Turns are completed one actor at a time, individually, as in D&D.
In general, we do not implement options, as we need to need to give priority to the core rules first (which are still yet to be completely implemented). However, I will make sure that Damned is aware of your request. Meanwhile, initiative ties are broken by Agility --- higher Agility goes first.
Ah, thank you. This implementation of SOTDL's initiative is actually pretty good. I'll simply allow players to act in the order they appear in the combat tracker.
January 21st, 2023, 19:47
I noticed the effects seem to be duplicating the attack/challenge modifiers. I am not sure if this is a known issue?
January 23rd, 2023, 23:26
I noticed the effects seem to be duplicating the attack/challenge modifiers. I am not sure if this is a known issue?
Thanks. I was away for a few days and am working on this issue now.
January 24th, 2023, 20:07
Hello, and thank you for the ruleset! I'm having issues with effects. I'm new to Fantasy Grounds, so apologies in advance if this is because of my inexperience. As you can see, the applied effects are not affecting the fomor's stats. 5596655965
January 24th, 2023, 20:19
Since the update today I get following error: 55967
January 24th, 2023, 20:26
There is also an empty table : 55968
January 25th, 2023, 00:01
Since the update today I get following error:
There is also an empty table : 55968
Hi Locotomo I apologise the first one is me - I deprecated two files but forgot to remove them from the master list when I pushed the update. They wont affect the game. The empty table has been passed on to the guys doing the content updates. Thanks for the report.
January 25th, 2023, 00:06
Hello, and thank you for the ruleset! I'm having issues with effects. I'm new to Fantasy Grounds, so apologies in advance if this is because of my inexperience. As you can see, the applied effects are not affecting the fomor's stats. 5596655965
Welcome Synmad
Fantasy Grounds effects do not normally adjust the stats that they effect. What happens is that any rolls using or targeting those stats also check the Effects list and will apply those values as well. Please note we found after the last attacks update that Attack Effects were kind of being applied twice, once if Strength/Agility was effected and once more if Attacks were effected. We have thus today removed Attacks from the Effects values - they are still mentioned in the descriptions and all Effects/Afflictions etc that we found so far that effect Attacks also effect Strength/Agility so we think this will address the issue.
Please note that about the same time you posted your message an update went live - so update again to grab that new build. But note that it contains an Error (see message above) that should not effect game play once loaded.
January 25th, 2023, 02:54
There is also an empty table : 55968
Thank you for reporting. I reparsed all of the Shadow paths to remove the broken links.
January 29th, 2023, 15:26
The damage from NPCs in modules seems to have disappeared. This seems to be affecting all the modules I have looked at, One Perfect Moment, The Slaver's Lash, The Man who Fell to Urth etc. Monsters & Characters from the core rules are ok.
January 29th, 2023, 21:51
The damage from NPCs in modules seems to have disappeared. This seems to be affecting all the modules I have looked at, One Perfect Moment, The Slaver's Lash, The Man who Fell to Urth etc. Monsters & Characters from the core rules are ok.
Yikes thanks for reporting Skellan
We are working on that right away.
Which adventures are you running right now?
January 29th, 2023, 23:46
No worries. I am running One perfect moment at the moment but I have the pdf too, so no rush for me.
January 30th, 2023, 03:43
Gwydion and I have chained poor old spoofer to his desk and anytime he looks like slacking off one of us pokes him with a very big stick.
This was due to the changes in how we make spell and weapon attacks and challenge rolls being more aligned.
January 30th, 2023, 13:32
We are in the middle of a major overhaul of the NPC attack tab. I updated the core books and supplements first. I am working on the adventures, but as there are a lot of them, it is going to take some time. Give me a week to get through everything. If you an urgent request, please post it.
January 30th, 2023, 21:30
Stuff like this happening just means you are working to improve the ruleset. No stress, it is cool.
January 30th, 2023, 23:43
We pushed updates to 10 products last night and James has pushed them live.
January 31st, 2023, 05:59
Wow, you really do have him chained to a desk
Good job
January 31st, 2023, 06:27
Watching him work made me tired and I may dozed off. He must have snuck in and posted while I was cat napping.
January 31st, 2023, 09:51
I was able to create some tools to automate much of the task. I have updated the NPCs for the adventures.
January 31st, 2023, 10:05
We have queued up updates for 13 more products. They wont hit till sometime tomorrow.
February 5th, 2023, 23:52
In 'The Apple of Her Eye", in several of the encounters the npcs are missing their attacks - The Inn, The Lady's Claim (changelings), The Lady's Heralds, Yosef.
February 12th, 2023, 04:55
Issue resolved.
February 15th, 2023, 15:31
Blizzard mage from occult philosophy is missing it's level 6 and level 9 non-magic talents
February 16th, 2023, 04:04
Hi malynym it looks liek there may be a discrepancy in our source material.
Still investigating.
February 27th, 2023, 15:15
The CTS Priest's level one magic talent pulls up a blank template:
February 27th, 2023, 21:23
Thanks malynym which book is that one from?
March 23rd, 2023, 08:01
I think I've found a bug with the character sheet.
I get the following error in the console when double clicking the button to minimize the Effects box on the character sheet:
"[ERROR] Script execution error: [string "C:charsheet_main:effect_control"]:38: attempt to index field 'at_label' (a nil value)"
I have no extensions enabled.
March 23rd, 2023, 10:50
Thanks RadioWiz
Ive found and fixed. This probably wont be updated in the live build until Tuesday.
March 28th, 2023, 06:47
I am getting the following error after the the latest update in Fantasy Grounds:
I get this error when loading an existing campaign, or when I create a new one. I don't have any extensions loaded.
The issue appears to be with the GM's Book, as that module claims it has no contents when loaded.
March 28th, 2023, 07:16
Hey radioWiz - Im really sorry - I can replicate the issue - there is a broken xml record in the data. I am reviewing right now and will update shortly but I dont think there is anyway I can get the updates live at this time of day.
March 28th, 2023, 07:22
No worries, just wanted to let you know.
Thanks for all you do!
March 28th, 2023, 07:25
Thanks for reporting - I hope you didnt have game tonight.
March 28th, 2023, 07:29
Wow. I managed to pull a favor and the update is pushed live now. Please rerun the updater.
March 28th, 2023, 07:36
Yes! Thank you so much!!
March 29th, 2023, 16:19
Hi @damned,
Since I'm translating a bit of everything (I own almost all of the Italian edition) I'll let you know what I found:
Core Rulebook Player >> Clockwork Ancestry
1. Tables section lack of link to tables Appearance and Background
2. I am not pretty sure cause I am translating to Italian so I have Italian Original Edition as starting point but it seems to me that Talents Failing Magic, Wind the Clock and Object Form are from Ghosts in Machines additional Module (but I could definitely be wrong and so I apologize in advance if that were the case)
Core Rulebook Player >> Orc Ancestry
1. Tables section lack of link to tables Personality
Ruleset >> Ancestry Window
1. It is resizable but control do not follow the width (which would be very convenient for single-line fields). I attach an Image.
By the way there are restricted word you use to parse automation/effect so I avoid to translate also them and loose the "effects"???
Thank you in advance and have a great day..
March 29th, 2023, 20:47
Thanks redba!
Ancestry shoudl not be horizontally resizable - I shall take that away from you! :bandit:
Will get back to you on the others.
March 29th, 2023, 22:45
Hello damned! Thanks for all the great work. We just played our first session in this ruleset and everything seemed to run smoothly, but when we tried to start our second encounter, none of our players seem able to perform automated attacks from their sheets. NPCs are able to attack just fine, but none of the PCs are. It worked fine earlier in the session. Here's the type of error we keep getting:
Our GM is not running any extensions apart from the base ruleset. Client's been updated as well.
​Edit: This has been solved!
March 29th, 2023, 22:53
Another round of things i noticed..
Core Rulebook Player >> Items >>
Animals and Animal Equipment Category - Items lack of Availability.
Clothing and Accessories - Items lack of Availability.
Food and Accommodations - Items lack of Availability.
Incantations - Items lack of Availability.
Potions - Items lack of Availability.
Tools - Items lack of Availability.
Personal Gear - Items lack of Availability.
Personal Gear >> Oil, flask >> Missing description in text field
Personal Gear >> Torch >> Missing description in text field
Personal Gear >> Deck of Cards >> This entry is a wrong duplicate of entry called "Cards, Deck" cause Cost is 2 bits insted the correct one is 3 bits as per "Cards, Deck" entry.
Heavy Melee Weapons >> Greataxe >> Missing description in text field (Requires Strength 13+.).
Ranged Weapons - All items lack of Uses Ammo Cheked.
Ranged Weapons - Even if the object is locked it is possible to check and uncheck the box Uses Ammo (only this one I checked all others).
Shield >> Small Shield >> Missing description in text field (Requires Strength 9+.).
Swift Melee Weapons >> Missing description in text field (Requires Strength or Agility 11 or higher).
Swift Melee Weapons >> Scourge item is missing.
Tools >> Disguise Kit >> Missing description in text field.
Tools >> Healer's Kit >> Missing description in text field.
March 30th, 2023, 00:03
redba, thank you so much for finding these mistakes. We processed a lot of data, and we did the best we could, but in the end there are mistakes. We really appreciate your help finding them.
Clockwork Ancestry: Tables section lack of link to tables Appearance and Background
Clockwork Ancestry: ...that Talents Failing Magic, Wind the Clock and Object Form are from Ghosts in Machines additional Module ...
See the 2015 errata: "Clockwork, page 15 We brought the revision of the clockwork forward from the Ghosts in Machines supplement. The new text is as follows: ..."
Orc Ancestry: Tables section lack of link to tables Personality
Many Items lack of Availability.
Personal Gear >> Oil, flask >> Missing description in text field
Personal Gear >> Torch >> Missing description in text field
Personal Gear >> Deck of Cards >> This entry is a wrong duplicate of entry called "Cards, Deck" cause Cost is 2 bits insted the correct one is 3 bits as per "Cards, Deck" entry.
Heavy Melee Weapons >> Greataxe >> Missing description in text field (Requires Strength 13+.).
Ranged Weapons - All items lack of Uses Ammo Cheked.
Shield >> Small Shield >> Missing description in text field (Requires Strength 9+.).
Swift Melee Weapons >> Missing description in text field (Requires Strength or Agility 11 or higher).
Swift Melee Weapons >> Scourge item is missing.
Tools >> Disguise Kit >> Missing description in text field.
Tools >> Healer's Kit >> Missing description in text field.
March 30th, 2023, 00:06
Hello damned! Thanks for all the great work. We just played our first session in this ruleset and everything seemed to run smoothly, but when we tried to start our second encounter, none of our players seem able to perform automated attacks from their sheets. NPCs are able to attack just fine, but none of the PCs are. It worked fine earlier in the session. Here's the type of error we keep getting:
Our GM is not running any extensions apart from the base ruleset. Client's been updated as well.
​Edit: This has been solved!
Hi Damon sorry the session got messed up.
As we add support for more automation over time it often requires updates to the data.
We just realised recently that items in Parcels didnt update when we updated the master Items list
What was happening here is that there was no minstrength value in the armour in the parcel scored from the slavers
We will have to dice back into all (30+) adventures and rebuild the parcels to make sure.
If it happens again in the meantime - open the equipped Armour and add a minstrength of 0 if it is missing.
March 30th, 2023, 00:33
redba, thank you so much for finding these mistakes. We processed a lot of data, and we did the best we could, but in the end there are mistakes. We really appreciate your help finding them.
Clockwork Ancestry: ...that Talents Failing Magic, Wind the Clock and Object Form are from Ghosts in Machines additional Module ...
See the 2015 errata: "Clockwork, page 15 We brought the revision of the clockwork forward from the Ghosts in Machines supplement. The new text is as follows: ..."
Hi @spoofer, I know the tons of data you and all oher Module Developer manage for every release and I have no word to thank you all for your effort.. I try to do my best to help and without any rush!!! But you are very very fast..
By the way thank you for your suggest to check the errata (unfortunately having everything in Italian I can't think of buying everything again in English and therefore I'm "behind" with the updates.. so sorry for the lost time for this reason..)..
Since I'm translating a lot of materials (so in the next month check a lot of FGU modules), let me know how you prefer me to point out any further "oversights"..
Thank you guys to all of you for this beautiful ruleset and for your work..
April 2nd, 2023, 09:44
Ok guys.. another block of notes for you..
Core Rulebook Player >> Parcels >> Wealthy Starting Items >> No currency list and Small Shield Qty. is set to Zero
Core Rulebook Player >> Effects >> It seems Surprised is missing.
Core Rulebook Player >> Path >> Fighter >> In languages & Profession box there is a part of text to remove (/# You gain Fight with Anything and one Fighter Talent of your choice.) cause is related to Talent choice.
Core Rulebook Player >> Path >> Thief >> In languages & Profession box there is a part of text to remove (/# You gain Quick Reflexes and two Thievery Talents of your choice.) cause is related to Talent choice.
Core Rulebook Player >> Path >> Thief >> Scale Walls Talent is missing in Talents and also in Expert Path.
Core Rulebook Player >> Path >> Oracle >> Magic (Oracle 6) > Text is a mix of this Talent and also Commune with the Gods.
Core Rulebook Player >> Path >> Oracle >> Commune with the Gods Talent is missing.
Core Rulebook Player >> Effects >> Due to you create Frightened (updated version) as per "source in sight" maybe it should be implemented also the "source not in sight" as well. (suggestion)
Ancestrie Window >> Expert Talents box is editable although locked.
Path Window >> Tables box is editable although locked.
Please, as always, consider that my notes are intended solely to assist your enormous work and are in no way intended to detract from the enormous amount of time and resources dedicated for creating ruleset/modules for us as GMs/Players.
Thank you guys..
April 2nd, 2023, 10:10
Your notes/reports are much appreciated
April 2nd, 2023, 16:14
Yes, very much. They way you are reporting works fine. Please continue.
Core Rulebook Player >> Parcels >> Wealthy Starting Items >> No currency list
Do you mean this? "At the start of the adventure, make an Intellect challenge roll. On a success, you save up 1d6 ss."
Core Rulebook Player >> Parcels >> Wealthy Starting Items >> Small Shield Qty. is set to Zero
It looks correct in my version.
Core Rulebook Player >> Effects >> It seems Surprised is missing.
Core Rulebook Player >> Path >> Fighter >> In languages & Profession box there is a part of text to remove (/# You gain Fight with Anything and one Fighter Talent of your choice.) cause is related to Talent choice.
Core Rulebook Player >> Path >> Thief >> In languages & Profession box there is a part of text to remove (/# You gain Quick Reflexes and two Thievery Talents of your choice.) cause is related to Talent choice.
Core Rulebook Player >> Path >> Thief >> Scale Walls Talent is missing in Talents and also in Expert Path.
Core Rulebook Player >> Path >> Oracle >> Magic (Oracle 6) > Text is a mix of this Talent and also Commune with the Gods.
Core Rulebook Player >> Path >> Oracle >> Commune with the Gods Talent is missing.
Core Rulebook Player >> Effects >> Due to you create Frightened (updated version) as per "source in sight" maybe it should be implemented also the "source not in sight" as well. (suggestion)
Ancestrie Window >> Expert Talents box is editable although locked.
Path Window >> Tables box is editable although locked.
I passed these on to Damned
April 4th, 2023, 05:59
I'm messing with effects. The Defense box doesn't seem to do anything. Am I missing something.
Also, is the "Uses Ammo" affect anything or is it just information on ranged weapons?
April 4th, 2023, 07:58
I'm messing with effects. The Defense box doesn't seem to do anything. Am I missing something.
Also, is the "Uses Ammo" affect anything or is it just information on ranged weapons?
I will need to check how the Defense effect works.
I did initially code full support for Ammo and ammo tracking but in playtesting it was voted to remove the feature. I will track down and remove that control.
April 4th, 2023, 07:59
Ancestrie Window >> Expert Talents box is editable although locked.
Path Window >> Tables box is editable although locked.
I have found and fixed the first Bug here but I cannot replicate/find the second one...
April 4th, 2023, 12:06
@damned >> ok I try to check again as soon as I will come back to home.. (for Path Window)
@spoofer >> I check again what remains (forst two bugs)
For both maybe it's my mistake and I'll update you as soon as possible.. thank youuuuuu
April 4th, 2023, 20:33
@spoofer >>
Core Rulebook Player >> Parcels >> Wealthy Starting Items >> Check attached image.
Core Rulebook Player >> Parcels >> Wealthy Starting Items >> Small Shield Qty. is set to Zero
Sorry probably is my fault..
@damned I tried again and now it seems all is ok so sorry for the second issue that probably is my fault..
PS: thank you @damned for suggest to use Greenshot is an amazing tools to use..
Thank you!!!
April 4th, 2023, 23:50
Oh, that is an interesting bug! It must be missing xml code in the parcel definition. I will fix it. Thanks for spotting that one!
April 5th, 2023, 00:13
@spoofer >>
Core Rulebook Player >> Parcels >> Wealthy Starting Items >> Check attached image.
Core Rulebook Player >> Parcels >> Wealthy Starting Items >> Small Shield Qty. is set to Zero
Sorry probably is my fault..
@damned I tried again and now it seems all is ok so sorry for the second issue that probably is my fault..
PS: thank you @damned for suggest to use Greenshot is an amazing tools to use..
Thank you!!!
The Tuesday Patch updates havent yet been loaded up so while fixes have been submitted they wont yet be visible to you.
Greenshot does make the clips look more pro!
April 5th, 2023, 02:20
Tuesday Patch should be live now.
April 7th, 2023, 12:14
April 9th, 2023, 05:52
Any luck with how the Defense effect works. If I'm doing something wrong I'd like to adjust.
April 9th, 2023, 06:33
I am still investigating this one cd8man
April 9th, 2023, 09:53
@spoofer these are for you.. all of it are related to Master Path entries..
Core Rulebook Player >> Apocalyptist >> Hasten the Apocalypse is missing in Talents and also in the Master Path. Check the Magic (Apocalyptist 10) Talents where I found a mix of both text.
Core Rulebook Player >> Woodwose >> Power of Nature is missing in Talents and also in the Master Path.
Core Rulebook Player >> Gladiator >> Dirty Talent should be Win at Any Cost (as per partial text description).
Core Rulebook Player >> Gladiator >> Dirty Fighting is correct but lack of part of text you can find in the wrong Dirty Talent.
Core Rulebook Player >> Necromancer >> Inured to Death is missing in Talents and also in the Master Path.
Core Rulebook Player >> Necromancer >> Text of Inured to Death is inside Magic (Necromancer 7) body text.
Core Rulebook Player >> Stormbringer >> Ride The Lighting (7) is missing in Talents and also in the Master Path.
Core Rulebook Player >> Stormbringer >> Text of Ride The Lighting is inside Magic (Stormbringer 7) body text.
Core Rulebook Player >> Stormbringer >> Powered by Storm (10) is missing in Talents and also in the Master Path.
Core Rulebook Player >> Stormbringer >> Text of Powered by Storm is inside Magic (Stormbringer 10) body text.
Core Rulebook Player >> Spells >> Conjuration >> Conjure Feast >> Duration >> First letter is a I but it should be a 1.
Core Rulebook Player >> Spells >> Transformation >> Speed Healing spell is missing
Core Rulebook Player >> Spells >> Transformation >> Metallicus spell is missing
@damned I think this instead is for you.. check locked record button and close window button..
Have a great day!!! And by the way I finished to work on Core Rulebook Player so now start with Core Rulebook Game Master..
April 11th, 2023, 14:50
redba, thank you so much.
Apocalyptist >> Hasten the Apocalypse is missing in Talents and also in the Master Path. Check the Magic (Apocalyptist 10) Talents where I found a mix of both text.
Woodwose >> Power of Nature is missing in Talents and also in the Master Path.
Gladiator >> Dirty Talent should be Win at Any Cost (as per partial text description).
Gladiator >> Dirty Fighting is correct but lack of part of text you can find in the wrong Dirty Talent.
Necromancer >> Inured to Death is missing in Talents and also in the Master Path.
Necromancer >> Text of Inured to Death is inside Magic (Necromancer 7) body text.
Stormbringer >> Ride The Lighting (7) is missing in Talents and also in the Master Path.
Stormbringer >> Text of Ride The Lighting is inside Magic (Stormbringer 7) body text.
Stormbringer >> Powered by Storm (10) is missing in Talents and also in the Master Path.
Stormbringer >> Text of Powered by Storm is inside Magic (Stormbringer 10) body text.
Spells >> Conjuration >> Conjure Feast >> Duration >> First letter is a I but it should be a 1.
Spells >> Transformation >> Speed Healing spell is missing.
Spells >> Transformation >> Metallicus spell is missing.
April 12th, 2023, 01:50
I'm messing with effects. The Defense box doesn't seem to do anything. Am I missing something.
Also, is the "Uses Ammo" affect anything or is it just information on ranged weapons?
Uses Ammo will stay on sheet but has no mechanical effect.
Defense is broken and I am rebuilding that for next weeks updates - thanks for the report.
April 19th, 2023, 23:00
Ok guys another block of things I noticed..
IMPORTANT: please consider is absolutely possible that I made error to notice you some thing due to I don't know how the content is updated (there are a lot of pubblications that impact on core manuals) so please be patience with me..
By the way is a huge work to do this thing but is a gift for you that made a huge effort/work to bring SotDL on FGU.. so is a great pleasure help you..
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Barrow Wight > As per Errata Corruption is 2 and not 6
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Barrow Wight > in the Immune field a comma is doubled
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Barghest > As per Errata Corruption is 0 and not 7
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Killing Mist > As per Errata Corruption is 0 and not 3
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Animated Corpse > As per Errata Corruption is 0 and not 7
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Living Tar > Defensive Trait > Mixed text for Immutable Form and Corrosive Body (only formatting)
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Living Tar > Other Traits > Division Trais is splitted and there is a "The" entry but is part of Division text (only formatting)
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Ghastly Chorus > As per Errata Corruption is 0 and not 6
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Medium Construct > Description Tab > Text need to be formatting
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> All Demons > As per Errata Corruption is 0 for all entries
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Phantom > As per Errata Corruption is 1 and not 5
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Minotaur > Special Attacks > Lack of Sweeping Horns description
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Fury > As per Errata Corruption is 4 and not 7
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Water Genie > Immune > Double comma
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Water Genie > Defensive Trait > Mixed text Immutable Form and Watery Form traits (only formatting)
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Water Genie > Other Traits > I find Water Congeniality but I can't find it (I can't find any errata for this)
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Water Genie > Attack Options > Fist > Lack of following text "the genie makes the attack roll with 2 boons if the target is in or in contact with a liquid."
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Flame Genie > Immune > Double comma
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Flame Genie > Other Traits > I find Fire Congeniality but I can't find it (I can't find any errata for this)
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Flame Genie > Attack Options > Fiery Touch > Lack of following text "the genie makes the attack roll with 2 boons if the target is on fire or in a fire-filled area."
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Wind Genie > Defensive Trait > Mixed text Immutable Form and Resilience traits (only formatting)
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Wind Genie > Other Traits > I find Air Congeniality but it could be Deafening Winds (I can't find any errata for this)
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Earth Genie > Other Traits > I find Earth Congeniality but I can't find it (I can't find any errata for this)
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Earth Genie > Other Traits > I find Object Destruction but I can't find it (I can't find any errata for this)
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Flame Genie > Attack Options > Fist > After "Fist (melee) +10 (6d6" lack of ", or 36 to an object); the genie makes the attack roll with 1 boon if the target is contact with earth, sand, or stone."
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Ghoul > As per Errata Corruption is 4 and not 0
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Giant > Other Traits > Crushing Footfalls trait text is a mix (with missing part of Giantfall) of Crushing Footfalls and Giantfall.
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Warg > On Attack Options field are mentioned two spear attack (ranged/melee) but there is only one entry in Attack Rolls (the ranged ones) so it could be correct add also the attack melee option.
NPC >> It could be very useful to order Attack Rolls & Effects by attack name.
NPC >> It could be very useful to use the tooltip with "weapon name text" to change in name of attack (due to the width windows limit of size that often cut the attack name).
Weird Thing
I found a lot of ranged attack with not range settled in the attack window (attached Halfling example)
By the way if I try to change the "range" with a click on the cycler I get following console error
Now is up to you guys.. no rush and thanks again for your continued work and patience..
April 20th, 2023, 00:36
Hi redba I can confirm the Attacks/Range issue. We will work out what the right fix is.
I love Errata!
Order would be useful (at least it would be consistent) Im really not sure why its not working... Ill fix.
April 20th, 2023, 01:03
Thanks Redba. I will fix those mistakes.
I was not aware that the following rule was removed from the book...
Demons, devils, spirits, and undead typically have Corruption scores equal to half their Will scores.
Thanks for catching that.
April 20th, 2023, 13:07
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Barrow Wight > As per Errata Corruption is 2 and not 6
All corruption values fixed
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Barrow Wight > in the Immune field a comma is doubled
Fixed everywhere
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Living Tar > Defensive Trait > Mixed text for Immutable Form and Corrosive Body (only formatting)
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Living Tar > Other Traits > Division Trais is splitted and there is a "The" entry but is part of Division text (only formatting)
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Medium Construct > Description Tab > Text need to be formatting
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Phantom > As per Errata Corruption is 1 and not 5
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Minotaur > Special Attacks > Lack of Sweeping Horns description
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Fury > As per Errata Corruption is 4 and not 7
(The following fixes were done for all genies)
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Water Genie > Defensive Trait > Mixed text Immutable Form and Watery Form traits (only formatting)
It looks like Immutable Form was removed from the monster. I will remove it.
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Water Genie > Other Traits > I find Water Congeniality but I can't find it (I can't find any errata for this)
I added this to cover the next point.
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Water Genie > Attack Options > Fist > Lack of following text "the genie makes the attack roll with 2 boons if the target is in or in contact with a liquid."
This text if left in the attack is impossible to deal with, and it was just deleted. I added it back in as a trait. Thinking about this one more time, I now realize that I should make a second attack with two extra boons to help GMs quickly roll attacks in this case.
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Earth Genie > Other Traits > I find Object Destruction but I can't find it (I can't find any errata for this)
See next comment.
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Flame Genie > Attack Options > Fist > After "Fist (melee) +10 (6d6" lack of ", or 36 to an object); the genie makes the attack roll with 1 boon if the target is contact with earth, sand, or stone."
This is impossible to parse as is. I changed the 36 against object to a trait.
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Giant > Other Traits > Crushing Footfalls trait text is a mix (with missing part of Giantfall) of Crushing Footfalls and Giantfall.
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Warg > On Attack Options field are mentioned two spear attack (ranged/melee) but there is only one entry in Attack Rolls (the ranged ones) so it could be correct add also the attack melee option.
Oh, I did not know that the ruleset does not allow two attacks of the same name. I will change the name of one of them.
NPC >> It could be very useful to order Attack Rolls & Effects by attack name.
NPC >> It could be very useful to use the tooltip with "weapon name text" to change in name of attack (due to the width windows limit of size that often cut the attack name).
Damned says that this is most likely not possible, but he will think about it
Weird Thing I found a lot of ranged attack with not range settled in the attack window (attached Halfling example)
By the way if I try to change the "range" with a click on the cycler I get following console error
April 20th, 2023, 13:16
NPC >> It could be very useful to use the tooltip with "weapon name text" to change in name of attack (due to the width windows limit of size that often cut the attack name).
Damned says that this is most likely not possible, but he will think about it
It is done too :bandit:
April 28th, 2023, 05:19
Couple things I have discovered.
- Ranger Level 3 appears to be missing the +1 bonus to Perception.
- When using spells on NPC's, the attack appears to be targetting the persons defense even when it is set to target an attribute. For example, when I used the spell Pain on an NPC, it targeted the persons Defense even though it was set to target Strength.
April 28th, 2023, 05:27
Hi cd8man
Thank you for your reports.
Can you upload the db.xml from your campaign and let me know which character?
Also can you retest the DEFENSE field in an effect as that was fixed in last update.
April 28th, 2023, 05:55
Couple things I have discovered.
- Ranger Level 3 appears to be missing the +1 bonus to Perception.
- When using spells on NPC's, the attack appears to be targeting the persons defense even when it is set to target an attribute. For example, when I used the spell Pain on an NPC, it targeted the persons Defense even though it was set to target Strength.
Hmm, it looks like there was an update to the the ranger, and the path now gets the bonus at level 3 instead of level 6. I have updated the FG data. Thanks for catching that.
As for the spells bug, I was not able to reproduce that in an new campaign with a new character. Maybe Damned can help you out.
April 28th, 2023, 05:59
Do I have to create a new campaign to get the changes to work?
April 28th, 2023, 06:07
Defense field appears to be working now. I had to recreate the effect and then it worked.
April 28th, 2023, 06:11
Do I have to create a new campaign to get the changes to work?
Normally, no. We fix things and submit the changes to Smite Works. Then Smite Works pushes them out to everyone as an update. If there is an update for SotDL, then you will see an update FG option when you first start the program. You will see the changes in game after updating.
April 28th, 2023, 06:42
OK, After we leveled a character, any time a player character attacks the newly leveled character, we get an error.
Script execution errror. String IPFG SDL Attempt to perform arithmetic 'nTarget' a nil
April 28th, 2023, 07:28
When using a finesse weapon, boons applied from effects do not appear to work for Melee weapons.
April 28th, 2023, 08:06
hi cd8man
any chance you can share the db.xml with me?
April 30th, 2023, 12:09
Ok guys near to finish the core book (player and GM) so here my last part of things noted.. by the way next module will be Terrible Beauty..
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Check all Insanity/Corruption (but I think you just made it)
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Broodling >> Size is 1 and not 0.13
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Bone Machine >> Size is 3 and not 0.25
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Ooze >> Other Traits >> Mixed text of Immutable Form and Split (only formatting)
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Oculus >> Other Traits >> Mixed text of Immutable Form and Mind-Blasting Horror (only formatting)
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Fungal Hulk >> Size is 2 and not 0.5
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Shadow Weaver >> Special Actions >> Some text have to be reformatted.
Weird Things
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Fungal Hulk >> Effects >> Are listed seven effect but I can't find any info about the possibilities to use these effects??
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Wraith >> Attack Options >> Here there is Ethereal Wind but is also in Special Actions??
May 1st, 2023, 06:36
Sure, how do you send attachments in here?
May 1st, 2023, 06:39
Create a Reply and then choose the Go Advanced option and then you should be able to add an attachment.
May 2nd, 2023, 13:49
Ok guys near to finish the core book (player and GM) so here my last part of things noted.. by the way next module will be Terrible Beauty..
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Check all Insanity/Corruption (but I think you just made it)
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Broodling >> Size is 1 and not 0.13
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Bone Machine >> Size is 3 and not 0.25
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Ooze >> Other Traits >> Mixed text of Immutable Form and Split (only formatting)
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Oculus >> Other Traits >> Mixed text of Immutable Form and Mind-Blasting Horror (only formatting)
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Fungal Hulk >> Size is 2 and not 0.5
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Shadow Weaver >> Special Actions >> Some text have to be reformatted.
Weird Things
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Fungal Hulk >> Effects >> Are listed seven effect but I can't find any info about the possibilities to use these effects??
Core Rulebook GM >> NPC >> Wraith >> Attack Options >> Here there is Ethereal Wind but is also in Special Actions??
These have been fixed. Thanks for catching them.
May 5th, 2023, 04:24
Ok, sorry for the delay. I recreated most of the characters.
I also discovered a bug with AtB on player effects. It doesn't appear to do anything.
May 5th, 2023, 06:07
Hi cd8man Im not near my home system just now but AtB I think gives people attacking you a boon/bane.
May 5th, 2023, 08:45
Thats what I expected it to do but it wasn't working. It works on NPC's though.
May 5th, 2023, 10:22
Thank you - I will check it out tonight!
June 18th, 2023, 14:47
Hi, just prepping for a session later and I've noticed when trying to create a new character that when adding any ancestry talents from an ancestry record - all of them link to blank records. Everything else seems to be fine, but every single ancestry talent is absent from the main talent list.
Established characters already populated work fine.57820
Have tried making a new campaign with the ruleset freshly loaded, same issue. Reverted talents & manual, no change. Running the FG updater didn't change anything either
Any idea what may be causing this?
June 18th, 2023, 15:11
Hi, just prepping for a session later and I've noticed when trying to create a new character that when adding any ancestry talents from an ancestry record - all of them link to blank records. Everything else seems to be fine, but every single ancestry talent is absent from the main talent list.
Established characters already populated work fine.57820
Have tried making a new campaign with the ruleset freshly loaded, same issue. Reverted talents & manual, no change. Running the FG updater didn't change anything either
Any idea what may be causing this?
Yes. I broke the mod file. Sorry! :o I have already fixed it and it is queued up for hot fix.
June 18th, 2023, 15:47
Yes. I broke the mod file. Sorry! :o I have already fixed it and it is queued up for hot fix.
Whoops! Thanks for the rapid response.
June 19th, 2023, 01:04
Bane calculations on Spell Attacks also updated and queued for Tuesday.
June 20th, 2023, 02:29
Fixes are live.
July 13th, 2023, 17:28
Not sure if anyone else is having this problem, but boon/bane rolls don't seem to be working anymore (they worked last week). See attached images from below.
After I add a boon to the character sheet (addboon.jpg), get this on the roll "1d20+3+1g6k1". d20 roll works, 3 was the attribute modifier, d6 looks like it should roll but it's not auto-rolling the dice. Tried with different characters, restarting program, etc. I did add some adventure bundles from the steam sale (shouldn't matter but who knows, it's the only thing I know for sure that I did on my end). Also update FGU prior to every session.
July 14th, 2023, 00:58
Hi Haxxaw
I havent uploaded any changes this week. Can you share your db.xml and let me know that character you are doing this on?
July 14th, 2023, 01:02
Urk. I can replicate the issue. Am at work right now - Ill work out whats happened tonight and try and get a hotfix in for the weekend.
July 14th, 2023, 04:55
It is a major bug am working on it.
Thanks for reporting.
July 14th, 2023, 09:27
psicodelix and I have found the issue. Ill see if SmiteWorks can push a hotfix before the weekend.
July 14th, 2023, 16:48
Patched version is live now.
July 28th, 2023, 03:48
Couple small bugs:
The effect for Frightened (source not in sight) has the wrong banes for Intellect.
Under "Other Attacks", Knock Down is misspelled as Knick Down.
Last note, not sure if this is a bug or not:
Initiatives no longer reset at the end of a turn. This would be a great one to have as an optional in settings because there are times when it is nice to have and times when it is nice to not have them reset.
July 28th, 2023, 06:19
Thanks for reporting. The spelling mistake has been fixed and and queued up for patching.
As for frightened, I am not sure what you are referring to. He is the text in the book.
A frightened creature makes attack rolls and challenge
rolls with 1 bane or 3 banes when it can see the source of
the frightened affliction.
As for initiative, I will defer to Damned.
Couple small bugs:
The effect for Frightened (source not in sight) has the wrong banes for Intellect.
Under "Other Attacks", Knock Down is misspelled as Knick Down.
Last note, not sure if this is a bug or not:
Initiatives no longer reset at the end of a turn. This would be a great one to have as an optional in settings because there are times when it is nice to have and times when it is nice to not have them reset.
July 28th, 2023, 06:21
Just to confirm, the number of banes should be the same---three---for all four stats. Is that not what you see?
July 28th, 2023, 06:51
I changed the option for INIT to not reset automatically to make it easier on the GM primarily.
Players generally only have to deal with a single Actor but the GM may have many more to manage.
July 28th, 2023, 07:24
There are two prebuilt effects for frightened. One where you can see the source, and one where you can't. If you can see the source, you have 3 banes. If you can't, you only have 1 bane.
The prebuilt effect for (can't see source) should only have 1 bane but it has 3 banes for intellect.
July 31st, 2023, 17:55
Enchanted item tables. Are these not included or am did I miss these?
August 5th, 2023, 05:34
I also found another thing that is supposed to work I guess. You can't drag the attack dice roll to the hotkey bar.
August 5th, 2023, 05:46
All rolls must be done from the sheet.
August 28th, 2023, 04:56
Tiny errors I've seen in the "Quintet" module. Nothing game breaking.
Creature Revenant
Under descriptor says "id-00005",
Under Special Attacks - "Eyes of the Underworld - The id-00005 uses an action to make a Will attack roll against the Will of one target creature within short range that can see it. On a success, the target becomes frightened for 1 minute. On a failure, the target becomes immune to that id-00005's Eyes of the Underworld until it completes a rest."
Under Other Traits -
Surprising Return
When a id-00005 would become incapacitated, roll a d6. On a 6, the id-00005 appears dead; 1 round later, it heals 2d6 damage and stands up.
One Foot Grave
"A id-00005 heals only half the normal amount of damage from magic and potions."
Creature "Butcher" similar issue only in the traits, except with "id-00008"
Creature "Devikin", similar issue in Defensive, Vulnerability, and Other Traits "id-00011"
Creature "Gargoyle", similar issue in Defensive, Vulnerability, and Other Traits "id-00006"
August 29th, 2023, 12:36
the players map of the bloody vengeance in Death in Freeport is missing also the players map and the GMs mapof the sea lords palace missing in Madness in Freeport along with the Blackdogs cave ( both maps again). For Terror in Freeport The Serpants lair Player and Zoom map are blank apart from pins while both players and GMS maps of verlaines House are blank apart from Pins
August 30th, 2023, 02:57
Anybody using the using SDL Demon Lord Theme and not seeing text on buttons until you click them? Is that probably an FGU issue?
August 30th, 2023, 03:09
Looks like Ill need to redo that theme Haxxaw
Also thanks to everyone for the big reports of the last week. We are a bit behind on these with some of us travelling at the moment.
August 30th, 2023, 19:47
Anybody using the using SDL Demon Lord Theme and not seeing text on buttons until you click them? Is that probably an FGU issue?
yes got that one. It made exporting a module hell. I had everything ready and then clicked on clear instead on export 50% chance :D
August 30th, 2023, 19:51
yes got that one. It made exporting a module hell. I had everything ready and then clicked on clear instead on export 50% chance :D
Looks like the other rulesets also have the same or similar issues between fonts, borders, etc...
Moon Wizard
August 31st, 2023, 06:31
You should be able to use a different theme extension for now until the SotDL ruleset has been updated by the community developers.
August 31st, 2023, 13:18
the players map of the bloody vengeance in Death in Freeport is missing also the players map and the GMs mapof the sea lords palace missing in Madness in Freeport along with the Blackdogs cave ( both maps again). For Terror in Freeport The Serpants lair Player and Zoom map are blank apart from pins while both players and GMS maps of verlaines House are blank apart from Pins
This has been fixed and queued up for pushing. Thanks for reporting.
September 7th, 2023, 20:08
Getting errors when I load a game (don't know if they impact actual gameplay although I doubt it) and that font / button color issue is still there. I was going to send a screenshot but for some reason the forums aren't letting me. No extensions in use btw...
Moon Wizard
September 7th, 2023, 20:26
You have to use the Go Advanced feature to post screenshots via the Manage Attachments.
September 7th, 2023, 20:42
You have to use the Go Advanced feature to post screenshots via the Manage Attachments.
It's not uploading for some reason...
September 14th, 2023, 10:06
The issue with the black text boxes persists.
September 15th, 2023, 18:06
The issue with the black text boxes persists.
Attaching a screen shot for reference. That one is using the Pirates theme extension but it's the same without it as well.
September 15th, 2023, 18:10
the players map of the bloody vengeance in Death in Freeport is missing also the players map and the GMs mapof the sea lords palace missing in Madness in Freeport along with the Blackdogs cave ( both maps again). For Terror in Freeport The Serpants lair Player and Zoom map are blank apart from pins while both players and GMS maps of verlaines House are blank apart from Pins
Madness is now a completely empty file.
September 15th, 2023, 18:12
Madness is now a completely empty file.
And just for completeness' sake, Verlaine's House maps in Terror are still "blank"...
September 17th, 2023, 23:51
Getting errors when I load a game (don't know if they impact actual gameplay although I doubt it) and that font / button color issue is still there. I was going to send a screenshot but for some reason the forums aren't letting me. No extensions in use btw...
Forgot to include the errors log on that last batch of images...
September 23rd, 2023, 04:48
Apologies all - RL has consumed me this month.
Most of these should be resolved in the current live versions - can you confirm?
September 23rd, 2023, 13:42
Apologies all - RL has consumed me this month.
Most of these should be resolved in the current live versions - can you confirm?
Glad to have you back, mate... I'll check here in a bit...
September 23rd, 2023, 13:56
Apologies all - RL has consumed me this month.
Most of these should be resolved in the current live versions - can you confirm?
Buttons are visible now! Still getting the error log (but nothing untoward out of that that I can otherwise tell). The map in Terror in Freeport is still blank and Madness is still completely empty.
September 23rd, 2023, 14:54
Buttons are visible now! Still getting the error log (but nothing untoward out of that that I can otherwise tell). The map in Terror in Freeport is still blank and Madness is still completely empty.
Can you revert those two modules?
Updates were pushed for them both.
Can you also do Compile Logs and share the output to me?
Im not getting any Console Errors at my end.
September 23rd, 2023, 15:54
Can you revert those two modules?
Updates were pushed for them both.
Can you also do Compile Logs and share the output to me?
Im not getting any Console Errors at my end.
Reverted, no changes though. Madness still empty. Verlaine's House still blank. First log is when starting the campaign. Second log is after closing out the Madness and Terror mods and then reopening them.
September 25th, 2023, 22:56
Please update and test again ProfDogg
September 25th, 2023, 23:36
Please update and test again ProfDogg
Eureka! Madness is back and no more errors reporting but Verlain's House maps in Terror are still blank.
December 20th, 2023, 12:07
Not a bug per se, but since the update to various windows in Core a week or two ago, the party sheet inventory no longer shows the player inventories or has the function to auto transfer assigned loot and share coins to the player characters
December 23rd, 2023, 14:41
This fix should have gone live yesterday I think...
December 26th, 2023, 14:56
I saw there'd been something addressed, but nope, still nothing, getting this error when I first open the Inventory section of the party sheet, and the player sections are still absent. There are no extensions activated
[ERROR] Script execution error: [string "CoreRPG: ps/scripts/ps_inv.lua"]:8: attempt to call field 'populate' (a nil value)
(Space added by me between CoreRPG: and ps/ to prevent emoji)
December 26th, 2023, 22:57
Thanks for rreporting. Can you confirm your build number? Im on 3.53.
December 27th, 2023, 13:05
Hmm, I am on 3.52, ran the updater, but I don't get a new version
December 27th, 2023, 14:14
It looks like it is not live - Ill see if I can get SmiteWorks to push it...
December 27th, 2023, 21:19
All sorted now, thanks Damned :)
December 27th, 2023, 23:14
Thanks for confirming.
January 16th, 2024, 20:04
Hello. I've had a issue where when one of the PCs targets another PC, when they make an attack roll they get a script error. The error only shows up on their screen as the PC, not mine as the GM. This has happened a few times so I captured the db file as well as a screenshot of the script error, however I can't seem to upload any images or files. I'm able to choose an image to upload but there's no option to upload it. How do i upload the db.xml file as well? Someone on the FGU discord channel said PvP in this manner should be viable. Just wanted to see if this could be rectified as I want to end my campaign with the party in a big pvp battle.
Edit: I was able to add attachments in the edit post after posting section.
January 17th, 2024, 04:57
Thanks for the report and the db. Can you also tell me what attacks you have gotten errors with.
January 18th, 2024, 01:40
It was both melee and ranged attacks.
January 18th, 2024, 02:14
It was both melee and ranged attacks.
Please be specific. I cannot replicate.
January 18th, 2024, 17:40
Please be specific. I cannot replicate.
I'll run another test this week. Are there any logs the players can download from their side?
January 22nd, 2024, 01:44
I am getting "windowclass: ct_targets - DEPRECATED - 2022-08-16 - Contact ruleset/extension/forge author" whenever i click on the targeting button on the tracker. I have got no extensions installed. Any idea how to fix it ?
January 22nd, 2024, 01:49
Hi Haerilis it wont be something you can fix - I will need to work out the new changes and implement.
January 22nd, 2024, 01:50
Hi Haerilis it wont be something you can fix - I will need to work out the new changes and implement.
Ok thanks!
January 22nd, 2024, 22:18
I have submitted a patch. Should be available tomorrow.
January 22nd, 2024, 22:20
Thanks for the report and the db. Can you also tell me what attacks you have gotten errors with.
Just clicking on the aim button on the tracker was triggering that message, not clicking on attacks.
January 23rd, 2024, 01:52
Just clicking on the aim button on the tracker was triggering that message, not clicking on attacks.
My response that you are quoting is from 5 days before your report - eg it wasnt in response to you.
The error you reported is fixed if you the FGU updater.
January 23rd, 2024, 02:25
It looks like James has already published my update - run the updater and it should be fixed.
February 5th, 2024, 04:10
Just a few small things scattered throughout that I've noticed over time.
- Natural Born Scoundrel's NBS Rogue path has attribute gains at level 2 and 8, and shouldn't.
- Freeport Companion Player's "Undine Personality" table is missing 13-15, I believe.
- The Core Rulebook Player's Spear item (basic melee weapons) should not have ranged property, also should not say Requires Strength 11+ (both are for the military spear which is entirely missing).
- Monstrous Page Pack 6: The Remainder's "Weird Miscellaneous Traits" table has a partial unnumbered entry at the top.
February 5th, 2024, 04:23
Welcome DJR77
Thanks for the post - we will get those fixed up!
February 27th, 2024, 23:27
Hi there are a number of effects that seem not to be working properly e.g instead of applying a bane to your attack they apply a boon instead.
Sorry I have not checked all of the effects but I will use fatigue as an example.
As you will see in the attached images it is applying a boon to the attack which should be a bane
February 28th, 2024, 01:00
Thanks andywo12 - ill dig in to those ASAP.
February 29th, 2024, 00:53
Thanks andywo12 - ill dig in to those ASAP.
Sorry for the extra work
March 5th, 2024, 13:23
hello, I found some bugs:
Core Rulebook GM:
Gauntlet Structure -> missing image
Web Structure -> missing image
Well Structure -> missing image
Core Rulebook Player:
reference manual:
Chapter 2/Afflictions -> "Poisoned" is in paragraph format instead of title
Chapter 6: Equpment -> typo "Equipment"
Chapter 10: Bestiary/Animated Corpose -> typo "Animated Corpse"
when rolling a 6 while dying (fate roll) nothing changes. (it should go back to disabled)
The Cumbersome trait of a weapon adds a bane which adds the number on the d6. (the bane should subtract the d6 number to the roll)
March 6th, 2024, 16:15
hello, I found some bugs:
Core Rulebook GM:
Gauntlet Structure -> missing image
Web Structure -> missing image
Well Structure -> missing image
Core Rulebook Player:
reference manual:
Chapter 2/Afflictions -> "Poisoned" is in paragraph format instead of title
Chapter 6: Equpment -> typo "Equipment"
Chapter 10: Bestiary/Animated Corpose -> typo "Animated Corpse"
when rolling a 6 while dying (fate roll) nothing changes. (it should go back to disabled)
The Cumbersome trait of a weapon adds a bane which adds the number on the d6. (the bane should subtract the d6 number to the roll)
It looks like a similar problem that I have been having , I originally thought it was to do with the effects like fatigue not working properly, but after some more testing I can guarantee the problem is with the banes acting like boons and giving a bonus rather than a penalty.
It doesn't seem to matter if you roll from the character or monsters from the combat tracker it has the same problem with the banes ...
March 7th, 2024, 09:36
hello, I found some bugs:
Core Rulebook GM:
Gauntlet Structure -> missing image
Web Structure -> missing image
Well Structure -> missing image
Core Rulebook Player:
reference manual:
Chapter 2/Afflictions -> "Poisoned" is in paragraph format instead of title
Chapter 6: Equpment -> typo "Equipment"
Chapter 10: Bestiary/Animated Corpose -> typo "Animated Corpse"
when rolling a 6 while dying (fate roll) nothing changes. (it should go back to disabled)
The Cumbersome trait of a weapon adds a bane which adds the number on the d6. (the bane should subtract the d6 number to the roll)
Similar problems to what I have had .
Originally I thought it was just linked to effects but I have learnt that the problem is to with Banes not working properly .
It does not seem to matter if I add the Banes to either the character sheet or via the combat tracker they all seem to add the number to the roll instead of subtracting it , which is a shame as it's a important part of the rule system.
March 22nd, 2024, 17:54
Not a bug per se, I posted in discord about being able to assign tokens for the new 2.5D/3D view in Fantasy Grounds. Moon Wizard replied and mentioned that it should be available in the CoreRPG layer of the ruleset, but it would need to be enabled by the DLC developer. Is this something that would be possible?
March 23rd, 2024, 00:49
Not a bug per se, I posted in discord about being able to assign tokens for the new 2.5D/3D view in Fantasy Grounds. Moon Wizard replied and mentioned that it should be available in the CoreRPG layer of the ruleset, but it would need to be enabled by the DLC developer. Is this something that would be possible?
Thank you for the request. It wasnt a feature that any of us were overly excited by. Ill discuss and consider.
March 23rd, 2024, 02:20
A few more we noticed over several more Saturdays.
- Tombs of Desolation Player's "Salamander" ancestry has immune to fatigue, believe that it shouldn't.
- Freeport Companion Player's "Undine" ancestry has shadowsight in description instead of having the shadowsight talent.
- Expert Paths of Shadow>Bloodletter path "Story Development" table has the second entry twice.
My group has also ran into the cumbersome banes counting toward the totals one last session, and just to second RadioWiz we also would be interested in testing out the new view mode. If it's not a huge hassle anyway, as ultimately we may only try it to find out we have no use for it. Also since I didn't in my earlier post I want to just give huge thanks for this ruleset and content, it has been immensely valuable to my small group and overall learning this game.
April 3rd, 2024, 10:31
Me and my group are now also experiencing the result of bane dice being added to the result instead of subtracted. The odd thing is it doesn't happen all the time, but I can't figure out how or why.
We looked at the view mode and went huh, not sure of the point of it and went back to our old style top down maps.
April 3rd, 2024, 11:06
I cant seem to lock down exactly where the bug is either!
I have "fixed" it several times but Im still missing something...
If you can recreate it please share your campaign and the steps to recreate it - thanks!
June 16th, 2024, 10:48
The Occult Philosophy Player Book in the "Legendary Path" section, every "Feature:" pentegram pulls up a blank Talent, while also creating a new blank Talent.
June 16th, 2024, 10:56
Still missing the Chaotic Recovery table from the "In Pursuit of Power" or "IPOP" supplement. I have an IPOP Chaos Tradition Magician on stream that would love to have a table to roll on when they use the talent.
August 16th, 2024, 00:01
After latest update, v4.5.10 (Dated 13-08-24), now having some graphical issues with user interface / updated theme
I can't read menu buttons (e.g. buttons at bottom of Options menu, where can select background decals, message of day etc)
Buttons top right of Assets dialog (Tokens, Portraits, Images etc) also white on white
Similar for Party sheet 'tab buttons' on right hand side
Running on a PC under windows 11, and no extensions being used
August 16th, 2024, 01:07
Thanks agoldsmith Ill have these fixed soon.
August 16th, 2024, 09:03
Thanks very much,
August 16th, 2024, 21:55
Thanks - that was fixed damned quickly :-)
Excellent support !!!
August 24th, 2024, 11:25
This is probably more than a question than a bug report, but here goes. ....
Some rulesets let the GM mark objects as Unidentified, hiding an objects true nature until it has been identified / used etc.
(and one can define a different description for the object when unidentified)
This is a pretty cool feature , for me at least
Anyway, in the Party Sheet, on the Inventory tab, there is a but to mark objects as identified or unidentified (so I got briefly excited SoTDL has this functionality)
However, looks like the button doesn't actually do anything. It is on the right of the object entry, with the letters ID within a green circle (to show identified)
Is there any intent to add this functionality into SoTDL?? It would need some changes on the Items sheets, to allow object to be marked Identified or not, etc.
So not a bug, more a question.
By the way, I have to say my players and I are really loving SoTDL - both the game and the very slick implementation in FGU.
August 24th, 2024, 13:35
The button that is teasing you is inherited from CoreRPG. I dont think we will see ID functionality - sorry.
I really enjoyed the game too - I ran the Freeport trilogy with my group.
August 24th, 2024, 15:44
Thanks for confirming what I suspected.
We are just finishing Death in Freeport and everyone is really enjoying it.
August 26th, 2024, 16:33
Not sure if those are bugs, or features not yet implemented in the ruleset.
- NPCs don't have the "Picture" Tab to set different tokens for different view modes
- The new custom dice per NPC don't seem to work for me
August 27th, 2024, 03:18
They are not implemented at this time.
I will investigate.
September 3rd, 2024, 00:12
This may not be a bug / might be intended
My players have just levelled up to Level 2, and the warrior has gained Combat Prowess, which is now shown in the list of talents.
When damage is rolled for this character, from the weapons section of the main 'tab' of the character sheet. the additional 1D6 is not rolled.
Is this as expected ? If so, we can sort by adding 1D6 damage to all weapons manually (i.e. change 1D6+2 to 2D6+2,, in the 'weapons' section.
I mainly ask because the ruleset has some really nice automation, but recognise that coding every talent could become a proper giggle, gusting nightmare.
September 3rd, 2024, 20:23
This may not be a bug / might be intended
My players have just levelled up to Level 2, and the warrior has gained Combat Prowess, which is now shown in the list of talents.
When damage is rolled for this character, from the weapons section of the main 'tab' of the character sheet. the additional 1D6 is not rolled.
Is this as expected ? If so, we can sort by adding 1D6 damage to all weapons manually (i.e. change 1D6+2 to 2D6+2,, in the 'weapons' section.
I mainly ask because the ruleset has some really nice automation, but recognise that coding every talent could become a proper giggle, gusting nightmare.
Hi Andy,
What you say is exactly correct. You need to edit the damage string for the weapons.
September 3rd, 2024, 22:13
Hi Andy,
What you say is exactly correct. You need to edit the damage string for the weapons.
Thanks Spoofer
October 26th, 2024, 16:06
The Boons & Banes buttons (black, red, white) next to the dice can no longer be interacted with, the right mouse button brings up an empty menu, cannot unlock to reposition it. Thanks!
October 26th, 2024, 16:13
When you say cant be interacted with - it is working for me.
I cant move it (I cant recall if it ever could be moved) but I can add Boons/Banes etc and make rolls.
October 26th, 2024, 16:18
I am only able to input number values into the white and red up/down arrows but they do not modify the rolls. None of the other buttons respond. I've tried swapping themes from the two SDL standard and freeport but no change. No other modules activated. Tried turning on/off dice tower, manual dice entry but no change
October 26th, 2024, 16:25
Just created a new game with SotDL ruleset. no modules or extensions. Still not working. The mouse cursor does change from pointer to hand when hovering over the buttons but there is no interaction.
October 26th, 2024, 17:42
Update: It works if I run FG as admin. This might be on my end. I will re-install in the next few days and see if that fixes anything. Though I remember the 1, 2, 3, -1 boxes changing color when dbl pressed (?) and they do not. I could be mistaken.
October 27th, 2024, 00:05
Yes they should change if you double click the number fields - they shoudl send their values to the boons/banes total.
November 8th, 2024, 20:46
I'm having issues with a few of the Paths in my SDL game. Warden specifically, I am having issues with the talents just being completely wrong-- I attempted to delete the flawed path and now have no Warden at all in my module for Demon Lord's Companion.
Is there a way to force a reload for some modules, delete the erroneous data and re download my deleted warden path? Like deleting the Demon Lord's Companion module to force it to download?
I guess if worst comes to worst I can backup their characters and try to use a backup of the campaign to import their characters into.
November 8th, 2024, 21:20
I've been able to get my Warden class back by clearing my vault, and wanted to attach screenshots of what my Warden class looks like, fresh. The class is visible and looks fine in the Reference Manual view, but the entry in the Paths list doesn't look quite right, like it's still in progress. I've attached screenshots.
Looks okay in the reference manual entry here, and Binding Strike and Ward the Land are in the Spells list properly, so those are fine.
In general, should I be able to edit the files for Warden, Human, or any other module files directly? I think in the 5E ruleset I could only make a copy of something like "Barbarian" or "Medium Red Dragon" and edit the copy.
November 8th, 2024, 22:31
The way to do it next time will be to right click on the module in the Library and choose Revert or something similar.
November 10th, 2024, 08:47
spoofer has updated the Demons Lord Companion and it should be available in Tuesdays patch updates.
Magus Janus
November 14th, 2024, 17:45
I get this notification every time I open the game and when I use the Combat Tracker. Do you know how to fix it? I'm using console Skip, but it's really annoying. I also don't know if it's a problem related to this, but there are things like healing a character in the tracker doesn't remove injuries, nor does it remove the death condition (making it difficult to check some records or restore a PC or NPC, forcing me to put the record back in the tracker).
Can anyone give me a solution?
November 15th, 2024, 00:41
Good day Magus Janus
You are on version 3.46
The current version is 3.59
Resolve that first.
If any issue persists load without the theme.
If any issue still persists please share your db.xml and exact steps to reproduce.
I think with your healing question - players should be using their character sheet to apply healing and to manage the death/injury status.
Magus Janus
November 16th, 2024, 02:26
Thank you! It was a struggle to get the book updated, it simply wouldn't update with the system. I had to remove some folders and reinstall from scratch. But now it's working properly! With your tip I was able to understand how to solve it.
But regarding the situation with life and damage bars, I noticed that if I enter numbers other than zero in the Combat Tracker, death or injury markers disappear as they should, but if I enter zero in the damage received area, the markers don't disappear. The death roll box also doesn't appear if the damage is entered manually, only with creature damage. I don't know if it's a bug here or something in the system itself.
One thing they could add in the future is to be able to drag and roll the attack dice directly over the monster's photo on the map or Combat Tracker, just like it works with damage, instead of making the roll directly as soon as you click.
Again, thanks for the help!
November 16th, 2024, 02:42
Hi Magus Janus
Im glad you got the main issue resolved.
For the other two - they are limitations in the code.
Healing should be done by characters on their sheets using any of the healing button combinations.
Support for Attacks and damage dropping on the tokens instead of by targeting will not change in this ruleset.
What adventure(s) are you running?
Magus Janus
November 16th, 2024, 03:40
Currently The Queen of Gold, but soon I intend to master other adventures that I got, like Tales of The Demon Lord. Hoping that some more things from the system will be released in the future (like Forbidden Rules, Bred for Battle, Uncanny Arcana and Glorious Death).
December 20th, 2024, 14:54
Just started playing with this ruleset last night, having a weird issue with one player's character sheet. Any time we try to roll (eg PER check) from his sheet, we see the die roll but the scripting creating the chat message bombs out with "bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got nil)" in managerRolls.lua:17. This isn't happening with anyone else's sheet, and nothing looks different about their sheet in the db.xml (in particular, the Name field is populated as expected, not nil).
ETA: I found the problem. If no portrait has been added to the char sheet, it throws that nil exception.
December 21st, 2024, 06:13
Thanks crleonhard!
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