View Full Version : Custom Dice are now available!

October 18th, 2022, 17:12

on Steam:

We included a built-in version that has just basic elemental dice with no Fx. Future updates will allow linking of dice to specific damage types.


October 18th, 2022, 17:33
Doug, thanks for the set of basic elemental dice with no Fx. Much appreciated.

October 18th, 2022, 17:34
Our pleasure.

October 18th, 2022, 17:41
Doug's wrist must be cramping up now having to flick dice around for all the trailer videos.

October 18th, 2022, 17:44
How does purchasing work in regards to GM/host versus player/client? If the host purchases a dice pack, is it available for all clients? If a client purchases a dice pack, can they bring it to any table?

October 18th, 2022, 17:45
I have them on a hotkey. :)

Dice packs are per user.

October 18th, 2022, 17:45
No, each host or player buys their own dice. Dice bought by the DM are not shared with players. All players and the DM can have completely different dice packs.

October 18th, 2022, 17:48
Good deal, thanks for the feature work. I've got a couple players that are really going to get a kick out of these.

The Decepticon
October 18th, 2022, 18:29
Quick Question - as a GM that hides dice rolls, what will the players see as I roll dice? Will they see the effects but not the results or will they see nothing?

October 18th, 2022, 18:43
They'll see what they've always seen and that's the shadow dice of the DM rolling. Only if you show rolls will the players see your actual dice.

October 18th, 2022, 19:58
Just bought the magical trails & metal dice set - Love them, in the main. Any chance that the dice that have presets might be changed to provide a bit more contrast for the text? For instance, the shadow set in the magical trails would be 1st on my list if the text color were lighter. The ability to change the text color to black or white would be outstanding.

October 18th, 2022, 20:57
Can other players (and GM) see the effects from another player (within limits of Show Rolls option)? i.e. if a player has special dice, can the other players see them when the owner rolls them?

Can you combine effects? i.e. add the trails to a force field die? (I think the answer is no, but...)

Moon Wizard
October 18th, 2022, 21:03
You can not combine effects. Each die is a unique setup.

Player rolls are replicated to all clients connected to the session. (Just double checked with two computers here locally.)


October 18th, 2022, 21:13
You can not combine effects. Each die is a unique setup.

Player rolls are replicated to all clients connected to the session. (Just double checked with two computers here locally.)


The Decepticon
October 18th, 2022, 21:19
Sorry, I have another question. Is there a way to change the size of the dice? I noticed that these are bigger then normal. I know I can move the position of the dice but can't seem to find out how to change their size back to what they were?

Moon Wizard
October 18th, 2022, 21:22
No, the size of the dice is not customizable.


October 18th, 2022, 21:58
Just an FYI the Wiki should be updated with the new "User Color And Dice" window. The FGU window help still points to: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/996640791/Color+Picker+for+Player+Dice+and+Drawings

October 18th, 2022, 22:28
I have them on a hotkey. :)

Dice packs are per user.

The product descriptions should probably mention this since every other product you sell that I'm aware of is able to be shared from GM to player during play.

October 19th, 2022, 03:26
No, the size of the dice is not customizable.


I like it but why are they so much bigger now? I had to rearrange the bottom of my table to make room for them!

Edit typos

October 19th, 2022, 03:40
So is the only way to change the scale of the dice by changing the whole of the UI size?

Moon Wizard
October 19th, 2022, 03:46
Yes, that's always the way it has been; we just bumped the dice size by about 20%.


Luna Fuerte
October 19th, 2022, 04:17
Pretty unhappy with the fact that these were not advertised as being per user. Bought the dice bundle thinking I would be able to share all of these great-looking dice with all the players at my table and wow them away from Roll 20 and DND Beyond.

Turns out I have to gift each of them 1 set instead. Already sent an email to get a refund but I wanted to state here that as someone who choose to pay monthly to support FG, rather than buying a lifetime pass, it's gross to suddenly switch up and make content per user instead of allowing the DM to share what they have purchased. If this is going to be the trend going forward (nickel and diming us like other VTT's) I'll just stop purchasing and gladly homebrew in all new spells/NPCS/etc.

October 19th, 2022, 04:39
The GMs normally bear all the cost of items on FG. Dice are a more personal thing and we don’t believe that GMs should be expected to bear the costs of these. They are priced low enough that players can pick up a pack they like for $5. The refund is always there for purchases you are unhappy with.

Luna Fuerte
October 19th, 2022, 05:43
This should really be advertised on the purchase page with a disclaimer.

Some of us like to bear that cost for less fortunate players. But we shouldn’t have to buy multiple packs to gift when the standard has been otherwise. I would even take a 30 dollar “buy this single set for the table” option over this obvious greed tactic.

This is the start of a bad trend and I worry other new features will be added in the same way. Classes? Spells? Campaign skins? What else will it be decided that DM’s shouldn’t bear the price of?

October 19th, 2022, 05:49
Thanks! You guys did a great job with these they look fantastic.

I got the bundle and yes thanks for providing the elemental no fix pack for everyone to use they look good as well.

October 19th, 2022, 07:03
This was not explained anywhere on the purchase pages - how can I get a refund. I bought these for my kid players as part of an after school program and I can't ask 100 kids to buy these individually. This is really disappointing. How can I get a refund?

October 19th, 2022, 09:38
Really love the new dice sets, but them being the only thing that I can't share with my players is a bit disappointing. I understand the reasoning behind it, but I'd love an option where my players get access too.

October 19th, 2022, 09:48
This was not explained anywhere on the purchase pages - how can I get a refund. I bought these for my kid players as part of an after school program and I can't ask 100 kids to buy these individually. This is really disappointing. How can I get a refund?

Contact support here https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals

October 19th, 2022, 10:29
I would also prefer an option for GM's to buy packs accessible for the whole table, even if that comes at an increased cost. I understand the reasoning but it's a major shift from the GM-purchase model and I'd prefer to retain that model as an option so my more technophobic players, casual players and drop-in players for one-shots can get the benefits of the sparkly dice.

Cheers, Hywel

October 19th, 2022, 12:32
Fantasy Grounds is my favourite vtt and that keeps improving over time.
As a dm, I've bought and used fantasy grounds for not just DnD, but also the Alien RPG and Star Trek Rule-set.

Though I don't support, that GM bought dice can't be shared with the players or vice versa, when players have bought dice, that they can't share them with the players in the game they're in.
The FG themes for instance, only require one purchase by the GM and can be shared with players.
I hope you may reconsider the option for dice sharing.

Luna Fuerte
October 19th, 2022, 13:24
Fantasy Grounds is my favourite vtt and that keeps improving over time.
As a dm, I've bought and used fantasy grounds for not just DnD, but also the Alien RPG and Star Trek Rule-set.

Though I don't support, that GM bought dice can't be shared with the players or vice versa, when players have bought dice, that they can't share them with the players in the game they're in.
The FG themes for instance, only require one purchase by the GM and can be shared with players.
I hope you may reconsider the option for dice sharing.

All I really want are dice effects for damage types. Nobody at my table is going to get excited for their own personal digital dice.

I just want someone to be able to cast fireball and fire dice show up, or have call lightning show lightning dice.

October 19th, 2022, 13:29
Check out this post then: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?75513-Doug-s-Pre-Week-Sneak-Peek-Mapping-Damage-Types-to-Custom-Dice

They are working on functionality to tie specific dice skins/sets to damage types. Though it would require you to own the skin set you are using for the damage type.

October 19th, 2022, 13:31
All I really want are dice effects for damage types. Nobody at my table is going to get excited for their own personal digital dice.

I just want someone to be able to cast fireball and fire dice show up, or have call lightning show lightning dice.

That's a good point actually. Doug's sneak peek of the different dice for different damage video was super-cool. But are all players going to have to purchase all dice packs to have those dice show up when their character rolls damage? Are they going to have to set the dice for different damage types themselves, or will that be a GM-only setting?

Because one thing I will pretty much guarantee that will kill the cool-dice-for-different-damage-types feature stone dead for my tables is requiring player-by-player purchases of dice followed by player-by-player options panels setting the dice for each of a dozen or more damage types. At that point the confusion when someone has their cold damage dice set to someone else' air damage dice type means the whole thing is going to get unmanageable and we'll all just switch them off or (more likely) only the GM will purchase any dice and use any of these options.

PROPOSAL: GM's can buy dice packs which become available for all players. GM's set dice style for damage universally for all players (and NPCs) on a campaign-by-campaign basis, on the basis of what dice the GM owns. Players can still purchase supplementary dice packs for their own regular dice rolls, if they don't like the GM's provided options. Perhaps the GM can set a flag to allow players to override the campaign settings for damage dice individually; if that flag is not set, players cannot allocate dice styles to different damage types (the option is greyed out or probably better the button doesn't even appear in the first place).

My preference would be for dice the GM buys to become universally available, to avoid having a two-tier dice store (GM pack vs. player pack). But even if you need that two-tier store for it to make sense financially I'd very much prefer to have GM provided dice packs for the whole table as an option.

Cheers, Hywel

October 19th, 2022, 14:24
Everyone will have access to the elemental basics dice - which covers all of the major damage types, fire, cold, poison etc. So there will be no need far anyone to buy any other dice sets unless they want to. And there will be a default dice for each damage type from that set. I don't know if there will be an option to switch that off or not. (Also I'm just going on Doug's video - I have no particular insight)

And yes, you will be able to configure which dice gets used for which damage type. Each dice set comes with all of the same elemental colours/skin - so all you would be doing is linking whatever dice in a particular dice set you want to use for a particular damage type.

As has been repeated a number of times now, dice are a much more personal thing than the Player's Handbook; so having each player be able to choose a dice set that they like without the DM over-riding their choices with their personal preference is a good thing. If you were playing round a table I doubt that many GMs would insist that everyone use a particular type or colour of dice.

October 19th, 2022, 14:41
First, I love the dice and the effects. They look great! Smiteworks put in a lot of time and effort and it shows in the quality of the work. While my feedback here is intended to be constructive criticism, it is still criticism because I am a bit dissatisfied with the product.

When I saw that the dice packs had been released, I immediately purchased the bundle. I mean, immediately. No questions asked. Gimme those dice! Despite the issues that I list below, I am not planning to return them. On the one hand, I am voting with my dollars that what y'all have released is good enough for me -- but, on the other hand, I am also not completely happy with the purchase. The whole thing has been a bit disappointing, which stinks because I was super excited about this feature when it was announced. I still am, but there's just a cloud over the whole thing now.

First, while I am disappointed that my players cannot use the dice that I purchased, I get the reasoning behind it. I also agree with other users that there should be a note on the product pages that the dice sets are per user. One of the reasons that I immediately bought the bundle wsa because I thought it would be available to all my players. I get the per-user model. It's common for dice. However, dice sets are new here and yall have never released anything (AFAICT) that has been DM only.

Second, The main reason that I bought the bundle was to have dice tied to damage types. Again, disappointed that this wasn't already available. I spent about 15 minutes to make it work before coming to the forum to see if others were having the same issue and that's when I noticed the note about this being an upcoming feature. I'd suggest adding a note so that everyone who watched the video can have a heads up.

(To be fair, you may have clarified both of these issues in the video, but I scrubbed through the video, watching only bits and pieces of it. Maybe that's on me, but I don't think this is an unusual way to watch Youtube videos. So assuming that people know it because it was mentioned in the video is not great.)

Third, and this is something of a nitpick, but when I opened the dice picker (before purchasing the dice), I only saw the Default dice skin and not the Elemental Basics. Did I need to expand that tab to be able to access those dice? I have already bought all the dice packs, so can't see how it worked. Want to know so I can let my players know.

Some questions:

Is there a way to gift a set of dice to my players? That would make a great Christmas present for them. (I did look for it, but didn't immediately see a way to do this.)

Having purchased the dice sets, will I get the dice damage effects, too? When I purchased the dice, I had assumed they were already there (see point number 2 above), but even once I had clarified that, I assumed that I would get them as part of my purchase when they were released. I am now second-guessing that assumption. Please clarify. (I make this assumption based on the fact that they were covered in the same video and appeared to be part of the same feature-set. And the groupings of dice in the dice picker palette indicate some association with different effects.

Am I correct in understanding that while the players cannot use my dice, they will still see the dice effects when I roll them?

Once the damage effects come out,
- Will player damage rolls use these effects if they themselves don't own the set of dice? I would likely return some or all of the dice if the players' damage rolls don't use the dice effects. I get that their standard rolls should not use the effects, but there is no joy in the damage effects if they are not shared.

- Will players see the DMs damage effect rolls? I would definitely return some or all of the dice over this.

- Are the effects set by the DM or can the players customize their own effects? Seems like they should be set by the DM unless the player purchases their own dice in which case, they can customize how it looks to them.

Super nitpick: Any thought given to changing the dice selector icon? The painter's palette doesn't make a whole lot of sense anymore - not that it ever really did since you weren't selecting a system-wide color.

That's all my feedback for now. Seriously excited to see how this feature evolves, but there are still lots of questions.

October 19th, 2022, 14:46
Everyone will have access to the elemental basics dice - which covers all of the major damage types, fire, cold, poison etc. So there will be no need far anyone to buy any other dice sets unless they want to. And there will be a default dice for each damage type from that set. I don't know if there will be an option to switch that off or not. (Also I'm just going on Doug's video - I have no particular insight)

So, your interpretation is that anyone who hasn't purchased the dice set that the DM has set for the damage effects will use the Elemental Basics dice?

If that is the case, that is pretty disappointing. The dice effects just aren't fun unless they are shared with the players. And it would seriously suck to have some players be able to see the effects and other players not. Especially if those other players can't due to financial reasons.

October 19th, 2022, 14:48
Everyone will see the dice that others throw.
They will only be throw dice that they own or that are included.

October 19th, 2022, 14:50
Yes, you can gift dice to players. If you go back into the store you'll see a 'buy again' button - Doug hasn't announced that feature yet - but it's there.

Yes, once the damage coding is released it will be available to everyone - even those who don't purchase any dice sets since everyone gets at least the basic elemental dice.

Your players will see the DM dice rolls only if you have Show DM rolls set to on in options.

Each player and DM can customise their own effects (once damage can be mapped to dice that is). How much customisation they can do will of course depend on what dice sets they have purchased.

Since everyone has at least the elemental basics everyone can map dice to a damage type.

October 19th, 2022, 14:53
So, your interpretation is that anyone who hasn't purchased the dice set that the DM has set for the damage effects will use the Elemental Basics dice?

If that is the case, that is pretty disappointing. The dice effects just aren't fun unless they are shared with the players. And it would seriously suck to have some players be able to see the effects and other players not. Especially if those other players can't due to financial reasons.

The players will see the DMs dice if the DM has set show DM rolls to on. I'm assuming that the damage types will map to the Elemental basics, yes. So if a player (or DM) hasn't bought any dice packs they'll still be able to roll different dice from the elemental basics. Players (and the DM) will also see all other players dice as well.

October 19th, 2022, 15:11
Thanks for the feedback.

Each Dice Pack has a 30 second trailer video and a longer walk-through where I show the dice and talk about how they work per user. This walkthrough explained that dice were per user and we released these about a week prior to actually launching the product. We included the dice in the beta and we mentioned this during the beta and during streams where we discussed the upcoming feature. Not everyone watches the videos, however, and the product description absolutely does need to have that clarified. As a result, I added the following to the descriptions of each product:

These dice are digital only items for use within Fantasy Grounds Unity. Dice Packs are linked with individual users. Other connected players and Gamemasters will be able to see your dice roll on their screen for any non-hidden rolls, but Dice Packs are not sharable.

The pre-week sneak peek video I released on Monday shows the next iteration of the dice. We normally don't showcase upcoming features linked to products because we want people to buy content based on what it can do at the time of purchase. It is close enough to releasing that I thought I would bend this rule a bit and answer one of the most common questions we expected to hear after release of the dice.

Here is a link to the sneak-peek video:

The other stuff I didn't sneak peek that shows how these are assigned is also cool but the screen UI was undergoing some changes, so I didn't showcase this yet.

Why did we change the way Dice Packs work compared with modules that can be shared?

We worked on this part of the project considerably during the design stages and we made a very direct decision that these would be per user for a few reasons.

1. Financial Reasons. One of those is unquestionably because we think it will generate more revenue this way. More revenue means that we get a better return on our investment for the development cycles we spent on it and that development cycle involved multiple developers and our staff artist, Joshua Watmough. Our investment was fairly substantial for this project.

By spreading this across all users and not just GMs, we expect it will make more revenue for the company. This also means we can lower the price to a price point that we believe is very low at $5 / pack.

2. Personalization. We think dice are a personal expression thing around the table and we think they should be this way online as well. While some people will want to collect them all, we expect to release more of these over time and we don't think everyone will feel the need to collect them all. We want to have lots of options for people and as they expand, there will be more and more personal decisions available that will fit better with the personalization aspect of the dice.

3. Users who don't purchase dice packs
We included a full set of elemental basics dice for all users without requiring any purchase. This will allow people to use custom dice and to use the stuff in our sneak peek and see different dice for different damage types without requiring any additional purchases. It directly competes with our other dice packs, but it felt important to provide something for everyone.

4. Gifting
We modified the gifting system to allow these to be gifted to individual users. You can buy a pack on an order and then gift the entire order to another user. This means that players can gift a set to their GM and vice-versa, or player to player. Just remember that the entire order has to be gifted at once. Again, the $5 price point was a key consideration here. We think that a $5 gift is a nice thing that hopefully won't break the bank for most people.

These are the reasons we made the decision we did on dice. I take full responsibility for this decision, and I don't expect to change that decision after launch. While we hope that you will support the decision, we do offer a very generous refund policy that is good for 30 days from purchase on anything in our storefront. (*Steam has its own refund policy*). To request a refund, please contact us at support.fantasygrounds.com and our Customer Support team will get you refunded quickly and easily. We appreciate your feedback, especially with refund requests.

October 19th, 2022, 15:54
4. Gifting
We modified the gifting system to allow these to be gifted to individual users. You can buy a pack on an order and then gift the entire order to another user. This means that players can gift a set to their GM and vice-versa, or player to player. Just remember that the entire order has to be gifted at once. Again, the $5 price point was a key consideration here. We think that a $5 gift is a nice thing that hopefully won't break the bank for most people.

They make good dentist friendly treats for players in my Halloween game. :) Maybe a future set should be spooky for next year.

October 19th, 2022, 17:57
Thanks for the work you guys have put into these dice and I'm glad you are giving the elemental basic dice for free. I, for one, do not begrudge Smiteworks charging each individual player for the dice packs. Half my players utilize the demo version of FGU and there's no reason they can't pay a few dollars for a dice pack. The price for these is reasonable and if you don't see value in it, then don't pay for it. I think it's very unfair for people to complain about this company trying to make some money, considering all the work they've put into maintaining this platform.

October 19th, 2022, 18:15
Personally i dont need dice customisation, but i appreciate they work of sw and for my eyes its a good looking product. Sure its a bit of "buy a custom skin" policy. But every one in business Do so. What i appreciate is, how Doug explains Companys decision. I am fine with. And to Show my Support in this point, i leave the Couch now and buy a dice Pack i dont really need, just as a Statement. Regards!

October 19th, 2022, 18:37
*looks at the jars full of dice that never get used, but just had to have*
I don’t think asking players to pay $5 for special dice is unreasonable, but then, I’m one of those people who would buy cool new dice sets even though I had absolutely no need of yet more dice.

October 19th, 2022, 18:39
Meant to add, that while I like the dice a lot, I do wish the contrast between the dice and numbers were better. Some of them are very hard to read, especially since they don’t stay on the table for long.

October 19th, 2022, 18:52
Meant to add, that while I like the dice a lot, I do wish the contrast between the dice and numbers were better. Some of them are very hard to read, especially since they don’t stay on the table for long.

Or at least be able to adjust that contrast. I realize that changing the color on some of the dice would be difficult, but the contrast of the numbers is tough for these nearly 50 year-old eyes.

And I very much appreciate the larger die size and overall increase in legibility.

October 19th, 2022, 19:26
To everyone on the Smiteworks team that's responded in the thread -- @Zacchaeus, @damned, @ddavison -- thank you for the quick replies.

As a result, I added the following to the descriptions of each product:

These dice are digital only items for use within Fantasy Grounds Unity. Dice Packs are linked with individual users. Other connected players and Gamemasters will be able to see your dice roll on their screen for any non-hidden rolls, but Dice Packs are not sharable.

Thanks! I appreciate that update. It's much clearer.

The pre-week sneak peek video I released on Monday shows the next iteration of the dice. We normally don't showcase upcoming features linked to products because we want people to buy content based on what it can do at the time of purchase. It is close enough to releasing that I thought I would bend this rule a bit and answer one of the most common questions we expected to hear after release of the dice.

Here is a link to the sneak-peek video:

I imagine the hubbub here is one of the reasons you don't offer sneak peaks, but I absolutely loved seeing that sneak peak and am super excited about this functionality. I do hope you continue to bend the rules in the future. :D

Now, I did say I was disappointed that it wasn't exactly like I expected -- and I am, but I am also excited to see these new features -- and excited to see what the mod community does with the dice, too.

If I could make one request: Dice Jail. Sometimes -- a die just needs to be punished for rolling consistently badly. Hey, I know that there is some kind of AI in FG that ****s with me on critical rolls. And dice jail is the only thing for them. But, I digress.

Why did we change the way Dice Packs work compared with modules that can be shared?

We worked on this part of the project considerably during the design stages and we made a very direct decision that these would be per user for a few reasons.

1. Financial Reasons. One of those is unquestionably because we think it will generate more revenue this way. More revenue means that we get a better return on our investment for the development cycles we spent on it and that development cycle involved multiple developers and our staff artist, Joshua Watmough. Our investment was fairly substantial for this project.

By spreading this across all users and not just GMs, we expect it will make more revenue for the company. This also means we can lower the price to a price point that we believe is very low at $5 / pack.

Oh, I absolutely do not begrudge y'all the cost of this. It just wasn't what I was expecting.

This is gonna sound like a but -- though it is not. I do think that part of the joy in these effects is that they are shared. I get that everyone can see them, but it would also be great if they could use them, too. I personally hate the idea that some of my players might feel left out -- and will likely end up gifting everyone a set because of that... I just gotta pick which one. (Any recommendations? They all look so cool.)

I may be the only one interested in this, but I would be willing to pay $20 for a dice pack to be able to make it so that my players can use those dice while they are at my table -- especially once damage effects come. Just a thought.

These are the reasons we made the decision we did on dice. I take full responsibility for this decision, and I don't expect to change that decision after launch. While we hope that you will support the decision, we do offer a very generous refund policy that is good for 30 days from purchase on anything in our storefront. (*Steam has its own refund policy*). To request a refund, please contact us at support.fantasygrounds.com and our Customer Support team will get you refunded quickly and easily. We appreciate your feedback, especially with refund requests.

For me, the key issue was communication. I appreciate the quick response and update. I do hope this does exceptionally well for yall. And I can't want to see what comes next with these effects! (Mini explosions in the dice tray after the fireball dice are rolled? That would be cool.)

October 19th, 2022, 19:29
I would also prefer an option for GM's to buy packs accessible for the whole table, even if that comes at an increased cost. I understand the reasoning but it's a major shift from the GM-purchase model and I'd prefer to retain that model as an option so my more technophobic players, casual players and drop-in players for one-shots can get the benefits of the sparkly dice.

Cheers, Hywel

Very much this! I don't mind spending a few more bucks so that all my players get to enjoy the fancy new dice. Really hope smth like this will be considered in the future

October 19th, 2022, 22:35
Guys these look awesome. So excited to try them out and inform my players.

Now that we got these awesome dice out of the way. Here's hoping everyone at Smiteworks can push forward full steam ahead on knocking out some of the community wishlist items next.


Luna Fuerte
October 19th, 2022, 23:05
I absolutely appreciate this level of transparency and thought out responsiveness. Especially appreciate clearly stating that these are per user on the product page as that was my main gripe.

As I stated before, I choose to pay a subscription fee monthly rather than buying a lifetime license to support FGU. I've been paying since early 2020 and have brought many players over from Roll20 and DnD Beyond, shown them that learning the ins and outs of FGU is absolutely worth it.

Thank you for taking the time to do this. Customer support has already assisted me with refunding my bundle for $26 and change, but I fully intend to buy at least one elemental set for all of the players at my table.

But please keep in the back of your mind, I would still like to have a 30 or 40 dollar option to "buy set for your table". And I think a lot of other GM's who enjoy providing for their players would do the same.

October 19th, 2022, 23:17
I absolutely appreciate this level of transparency and thought out responsiveness. Especially appreciate clearly stating that these are per user on the product page as that was my main gripe.

As I stated before, I choose to pay a subscription fee monthly rather than buying a lifetime license to support FGU. I've been paying since early 2020 and have brought many players over from Roll20 and DnD Beyond, shown them that learning the ins and outs of FGU is absolutely worth it.

Thank you for taking the time to do this. Customer support has already assisted me with refunding my bundle for $26 and change, but I fully intend to buy at least one elemental set for all of the players at my table.

But please keep in the back of your mind, I would still like to have a 30 or 40 dollar option to "buy set for your table". And I think a lot of other GM's who enjoy providing for their players would do the same.

Thanks Luna,

We appreciate your support and feedback.

October 19th, 2022, 23:23
Thanks for the feedback.

Each Dice Pack has a 30 second trailer video and a longer walk-through where I show the dice and talk about how they work per user. This walkthrough explained that dice were per user and we released these about a week prior to actually launching the product. We included the dice in the beta and we mentioned this during the beta and during streams where we discussed the upcoming feature. Not everyone watches the videos, however, and the product description absolutely does need to have that clarified. As a result, I added the following to the descriptions of each product:

These dice are digital only items for use within Fantasy Grounds Unity. Dice Packs are linked with individual users. Other connected players and Gamemasters will be able to see your dice roll on their screen for any non-hidden rolls, but Dice Packs are not sharable.

The pre-week sneak peek video I released on Monday shows the next iteration of the dice. We normally don't showcase upcoming features linked to products because we want people to buy content based on what it can do at the time of purchase. It is close enough to releasing that I thought I would bend this rule a bit and answer one of the most common questions we expected to hear after release of the dice.

Here is a link to the sneak-peek video:

The other stuff I didn't sneak peek that shows how these are assigned is also cool but the screen UI was undergoing some changes, so I didn't showcase this yet.

Why did we change the way Dice Packs work compared with modules that can be shared?

We worked on this part of the project considerably during the design stages and we made a very direct decision that these would be per user for a few reasons.

1. Financial Reasons. One of those is unquestionably because we think it will generate more revenue this way. More revenue means that we get a better return on our investment for the development cycles we spent on it and that development cycle involved multiple developers and our staff artist, Joshua Watmough. Our investment was fairly substantial for this project.

By spreading this across all users and not just GMs, we expect it will make more revenue for the company. This also means we can lower the price to a price point that we believe is very low at $5 / pack.

2. Personalization. We think dice are a personal expression thing around the table and we think they should be this way online as well. While some people will want to collect them all, we expect to release more of these over time and we don't think everyone will feel the need to collect them all. We want to have lots of options for people and as they expand, there will be more and more personal decisions available that will fit better with the personalization aspect of the dice.

3. Users who don't purchase dice packs
We included a full set of elemental basics dice for all users without requiring any purchase. This will allow people to use custom dice and to use the stuff in our sneak peek and see different dice for different damage types without requiring any additional purchases. It directly competes with our other dice packs, but it felt important to provide something for everyone.

4. Gifting
We modified the gifting system to allow these to be gifted to individual users. You can buy a pack on an order and then gift the entire order to another user. This means that players can gift a set to their GM and vice-versa, or player to player. Just remember that the entire order has to be gifted at once. Again, the $5 price point was a key consideration here. We think that a $5 gift is a nice thing that hopefully won't break the bank for most people.

These are the reasons we made the decision we did on dice. I take full responsibility for this decision, and I don't expect to change that decision after launch. While we hope that you will support the decision, we do offer a very generous refund policy that is good for 30 days from purchase on anything in our storefront. (*Steam has its own refund policy*). To request a refund, please contact us at support.fantasygrounds.com and our Customer Support team will get you refunded quickly and easily. We appreciate your feedback, especially with refund requests.

Very well articulated. I really appreciate the transparency. Already purchased the metal dice and will probably go all in for the bundle. Thanks!

October 19th, 2022, 23:27
I absolutely appreciate this level of transparency and thought out responsiveness. Especially appreciate clearly stating that these are per user on the product page as that was my main gripe.

As I stated before, I choose to pay a subscription fee monthly rather than buying a lifetime license to support FGU. I've been paying since early 2020 and have brought many players over from Roll20 and DnD Beyond, shown them that learning the ins and outs of FGU is absolutely worth it.

Thank you for taking the time to do this. Customer support has already assisted me with refunding my bundle for $26 and change, but I fully intend to buy at least one elemental set for all of the players at my table.

But please keep in the back of your mind, I would still like to have a 30 or 40 dollar option to "buy set for your table". And I think a lot of other GM's who enjoy providing for their players would do the same.

Hey, Luna. Just wanted to make sure you saw that everyone get the basic Elemental set at no charge. There is a "ring of elements" effect set you can purchase but the cool thing is everyone gets the base Elemental dice set.

October 19th, 2022, 23:43
Can users of demo accounts connecting to a gm with an ultimate license also purchase dice to use with the free account?

Moon Wizard
October 20th, 2022, 01:01
Yes, it's tied to the user account, irrelevant of whether they have made a separate license purchase.


October 20th, 2022, 02:03
Just an FYI the Wiki should be updated with the new "User Color And Dice" window. The FGU window help still points to: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/996640791/Color+Picker+for+Player+Dice+and+Drawings

Thank you for letting us know! I've been busy revamping the dice-related pages in the wiki, including consolidating and updating all screenshots and information pertaining to colors, pointers, etc. You can see the new "All Things Dice" page at the link below (still a work in progress):
Link: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/2109571073/All+Things+Dice

October 20th, 2022, 05:10
Will our amazing Forge creators be able to create dice packs? I would also love to see dice packs made by/for SmiteWorks that are themed to various products (included or extra) like Blood Dice for Curse of Strahd/Ravenloft or Amber dice I could use with Castle Amber (c'mon Goodman, convert your 5e version for FGU already!). I could go all day on theme ideas!

October 20th, 2022, 08:32
I like the new dice options. Thank you very much for creating them.

Being able to color the numbers and the dice is pretty cool. I miss just one feature, a save button for storing color presets.
It would be great if it would be possible to safe/store the created dice as different sets, would be even more powerfull with the upcoming damage dice linking.

Personally I do not like the whole flashy glittery stuff that is going on in some of the dice sets. For me it is distracting and it feels quite chaotic. Imagining having people force those dice effects on you because they have bought those sets, gives me the shivers. I think everyone should be able to choose if they want to see those sparkling effects or not. Atm I understand that it is that everyone sees your dice effects and you are not able to disable them from happening on your client. Right? I can see a problem here and I guess there are more people out there that find them distracting.

But what I would have liked very much is a kind of effect, that does happen when you roll a critical or fumble, depending on chosen game system. A small fiery aura on a critical roll, or the dice flashing red on a critical failure. Perhaps even customizable with our own graphic files...

... perhaps in the future.
Cheers! :D

October 20th, 2022, 16:42
Will our amazing Forge creators be able to create dice packs?
No, SmiteWorks has said not at this time.

October 20th, 2022, 22:36
Hi Luna, Doug did already add the updated information after your feedback.

October 21st, 2022, 10:17
Is there a way to set a specific custom dice to a spell? For exammple if you cast a lightning bolt spell can you have the elecrtical effects from the elements pack? just to add flavour in game.

October 21st, 2022, 12:39
Not yet, but it is in the pipeline. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?75513-Doug-s-Pre-Week-Sneak-Peek-Mapping-Damage-Types-to-Custom-Dice

October 21st, 2022, 21:17
Will the Dice packs be added to the Fantasy Grounds Unity Art Subscription like Themes are?

October 21st, 2022, 21:23
Will the Dice packs be added to the Fantasy Grounds Unity Art Subscription like Themes are?
It doesn't look like it. They are their own product type.

October 22nd, 2022, 07:18
Those magical trails dice look so cool! I just ordered them at work. Have to check them out when I get home in a while.
I'm going to encourage my players to customize all their own dice.

October 22nd, 2022, 09:25
Great feature!

And could you please also implement /dicescale command. New dices are unfortunately too big for my party. (/scaleui makes text too small)


October 23rd, 2022, 13:57
Scale and orientation of the dice strip would be good.

October 25th, 2022, 00:33
I bought one of my players a set of dice. he was very excited but the issue is that steam won't let him accept the gift because he only has demo version of fantasy grounds. Is that a limitation? Should i refund the steam version and bought on Fantasy grounds or can he not have dice if he is just using demo?

October 25th, 2022, 00:41
he can have dice on demo but STeam wont let you buy/receive DLC for a product you dont own so you will need to do it thru the Store

October 25th, 2022, 02:39
Thanks that worked!

October 27th, 2022, 08:06
Thank you so much for these awesome dice effects and the very easy drag and drop implementation.

Could you besides damage types make a category named critical and ideally maybe make some crit dice? So, when you make a critical hit it stands out from the rest, maybe some blinking red dice etc.


October 27th, 2022, 08:31
Wow, we can't customize the colors of even our basic dice anymore? And isn't the price for those dice a ripoff? For 5 Dollar I can get modules and extensions. Are you struggling for cash? And all (except for metallic) have those crazy light effects all over the place. I'm sure the "awe, look how pretty"-effect will wear off pretty quickly. Reminds me of a 90s webpage with blinging animations all over the place. I'm happy no one in my group got one of those (yet).

October 27th, 2022, 08:50
Wow, we can't customize the colors of even our basic dice anymore? And isn't the price for those dice a ripoff? For 5 Dollar I can get modules and extensions. Are you struggling for cash? And all (except for metallic) have those crazy light effects all over the place. I'm sure the "awe, look how pretty"-effect will wear off pretty quickly. Reminds me of a 90s webpage with blinging animations all over the place. I'm happy no one in my group got one of those (yet).

Yes, you can colour the basic dice in any colours you want. Where did you get the idea you can't?

Obviously if you don't like the dice don't buy them; it's entirely optional. Same as extensions and modules are.

October 27th, 2022, 08:52
Wow, we can't customize the colors of even our basic dice anymore? And isn't the price for those dice a ripoff? For 5 Dollar I can get modules and extensions. Are you struggling for cash? And all (except for metallic) have those crazy light effects all over the place. I'm sure the "awe, look how pretty"-effect will wear off pretty quickly. Reminds me of a 90s webpage with blinging animations all over the place. I'm happy no one in my group got one of those (yet).

It's the dice called 'Default' and yes you can color it like always.
And price is subjective. Wanna skip that McDonald burger and instead have a dice set for FGU? It's an individual choice. Personally, I think $5 is affordable for anyone who would like a set for FGU that last for longer than a burger meal.

The Decepticon
October 27th, 2022, 10:53
Wow, we can't customize the colors of even our basic dice anymore? And isn't the price for those dice a ripoff? For 5 Dollar I can get modules and extensions. Are you struggling for cash? And all (except for metallic) have those crazy light effects all over the place. I'm sure the "awe, look how pretty"-effect will wear off pretty quickly. Reminds me of a 90s webpage with blinging animations all over the place. I'm happy no one in my group got one of those (yet).

Actually, they are more customizable than ever! You can now select the color of the number in the dice instead of just white or black. Makes for some pretty cool color combos. Like Skie said just click on the default dice.

I think a lot of people were looking for flashy dice, just look at Roll 20 and other VTTs that have them. The best thing is if you don't like them, then you don't have to buy them!

October 27th, 2022, 13:22
I tried it on Sunday and I couldn't change the colors. Tried it today and it works again. OK. Then it's not as bad as I thought.

October 27th, 2022, 13:27
I am quite happy with the dice. The functionality to tie them to damage type came after very quickly too, so kudos to the SW team!

October 27th, 2022, 13:48
If you prefer the basic dice, you can color these and even assign different color versions of those to different damage dice. Orange or Red dice for fire damage, icy blue dice for cold damage, etc.

October 27th, 2022, 15:47
I've noticed that in the Pathfinder 2 ruleset damage dice are now chosen from the installed dice if appropriate. But how does the system choose which style of dice it uses? If you've bought the dice bundle, you have, for example, 9 different types of fire dice, so which one of those is used when you roll damage for a fire spell?

Second question: for the players to see the GM's special dice, I guess, all dice rolls must be open, then, right?

October 27th, 2022, 16:01
The Default setting uses a hierarchy based on popularity on our system for the first week. You can set it to use whatever set you prefer by setting the Custom Dice settings from the Options menu.

October 27th, 2022, 16:03
The Default setting uses a hierarchy based on popularity on our system for the first week. You can set it to use whatever set you prefer by setting the Custom Dice settings from the Options menu.

Ah, thank you, I must have missed that option.

October 27th, 2022, 21:56
Loving the dice, thank you.

I'd love it though if non-magical weapons could maybe get some graphical love? A blood splatter for piercing, a blood sweep for slashing, a blood splat for bludgeoning, you get the idea. It seems a shame that the damage my PCs do most often hasn't got any flare.



October 28th, 2022, 00:10
I tried it on Sunday and I couldn't change the colors. Tried it today and it works again. OK. Then it's not as bad as I thought.

It may have been due to how you closed the colour picker window. You have to click "Ok" to save your new colour, when you click "Cancel" or you open a new window (like the colour window of something else) it will switch back to the previous colour :) I had the latter as problem: When I changed the colour of the dice and then switched to their text colour, I forgot to click Ok and just opened the other colour window, my colour choice was then gone :D

October 28th, 2022, 00:25
Would love it if we could adjust the color of the dice tray area as well without having to change the entire theme of the UI... As it stands now, I feel like i can't enjoy the dice effects because I can't SEE any of them against the tray background without switching to the FG Dark theme.

October 28th, 2022, 00:46
Picked it up today and played with the bundle pack of dice. A nice addition for each player to add for their enjoyment.

October 29th, 2022, 02:31
Loving the dice, thank you.

I'd love it though if non-magical weapons could maybe get some graphical love? A blood splatter for piercing, a blood sweep for slashing, a blood splat for bludgeoning, you get the idea. It seems a shame that the damage my PCs do most often hasn't got any flare.



Very much like this idea, plus a sparkle or something for just generic magic weapons that aren't energy based.

October 29th, 2022, 13:54

Thank you for these! I have another question. I want to get the metal dice pack and use the metal dice for my (the game masters) dice but not overide the other effects dice. I use the 'trails' dice pack for the effects and wanted to use for my personal the 'steel' dice or copper as the mood fits.

When clicking on a dice pack die, it changes my dice but also over rides all the effects. What am I doing wrong or is there a step I missed to get the one pack to work and still keep another pack specifically for the DM?

October 29th, 2022, 14:05
Whatever pack you choose becomes the dice for your current roll. If you wanted to use more than one pack then you'd need to switch between them as needed.

You can allocate specific dice to specific damage types independently of this (so you could use the Magical Trails fire dice for fire and the Lightning Aura for lightning etc), or if you are using the metal dice you can allocate different colours to each damage type, or combine that with any other dice from any pack. - see the last video listed here for how to do that https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?55797-How-do-I-in-Unity

You 'basic' dice (the ones at the bottom left of the UI) however will remain whatever dice you selected from whichever pack you have, with whatever colours you selected - if they can be coloured..

October 29th, 2022, 14:21
Whatever pack you choose becomes the dice for your current roll. If you wanted to use more than one pack then you'd need to switch between them as needed.

You can allocate specific dice to specific damage types independently of this (so you could use the Magical Trails fire dice for fire and the Lightning Aura for lightning etc), or if you are using the metal dice you can allocate different colours to each damage type, or combine that with any other dice from any pack. - see the last video listed here for how to do that https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?55797-How-do-I-in-Unity

You 'basic' dice (the ones at the bottom left of the UI) however will remain whatever dice you selected from whichever pack you have, with whatever colours you selected - if they can be coloured..


Thank you for the reply. I have the metal dice pack and wanted to make the 'high polish' ones as my basic set and keep the trails set as my effects set. I am not able to select those on the 'right side' with the little pallet on them for some reason.


October 29th, 2022, 15:10
It would be nice to also customize damage types like, deadly, precision, piercing, slashing, etc.

October 29th, 2022, 15:48

Thank you for the reply. I have the metal dice pack and wanted to make the 'high polish' ones as my basic set and keep the trails set as my effects set. I am not able to select those on the 'right side' with the little pallet on them for some reason.

Watch the video I linked. You can keep the high polish as your basic set and use the trails set for the damage types. You can customise this as shown in the video.

Also and incidentally from your screen shot it would seem likely that you have two themes loaded. The text of the dark theme isn't white so it looks like the two (or possibly more) themes are interfering with one another. You should only load one theme.

October 29th, 2022, 15:53
It would be also nice if it was possible to change de position of the light source that shine on the dices. they are the brightest at the top of the screen, between one third and two thirds of the length. I mostly play on the right part of the screen where i put the chat and combat tracker. Here the dices are in relative shadow.

October 30th, 2022, 15:12
Translucent or see-through dice would be really nice as well.

November 13th, 2022, 18:33
Good afternoon.

Am I missing something - the six sided dice on my FGU interface now shows a . after the 6 on the d6.

I'm using the GURPS ruleset.

Moon Wizard
November 13th, 2022, 19:34
That is part of the standard dice face textures for all of the 3D dice. An underline or period for the 6 on the d6 is pretty common for RPG dice.


November 13th, 2022, 21:15
That is part of the standard dice face textures for all of the 3D dice. An underline or period for the 6 on the d6 is pretty common for RPG dice.


Thank you, I was not aware. I didn't think that a d6 would be an issue because there is no chance that a 6 could be confused with a 9.

Thanks again.

November 28th, 2022, 02:00
I would like to be able to change the color of the special dice (and numbers) like you can with the rainbow effect dice. That way, you could essentially add the effects to any “standard” dice you wanted.
For example, you could add the fire effect (or any other effect) to black dice with white numbers.

November 30th, 2022, 07:57
Any chance, and sorry if this was requested already, to add a custom "attack" dice along with the custom "damage" dice? This way when you roll to attack, the dice "theme" would no longer match the default "damage' dice and essentially be its own separate custom default selection. Because as things stand now, default attack & damage dice both share the same default custom dice.

Just asking for a friend ... ;)

November 30th, 2022, 10:18
That has been released and is available through the tools category on the sidebar under the dice icon. If you click on the Custom Dice Rolls, you can change the die theme for each attack and damage type available by the ruleset.

Moon Wizard
November 30th, 2022, 16:23
I thought about attack dice roll customization a bit, but there is no clear indication of how to specify what dice to use for attacks. Damage actions (in the D&D/Paizo rulesets) have a clearly defined damage type that can be used to customize the dice. Attack actions are defined separately than damage actions (and can't always be clearly linked; i.e. weapons are easy, but spells/abilities can have multiple attack/damage entries that aren't linked). Also, damage actions can be mixed damage types (which can be handled per die on damage rolls).

Just using the attack action data (without knowing damage data or having to deal with multiple damage types), how would you specify different custom attack actions automatically? (i.e. melee/ranged/thrown? other?)


November 30th, 2022, 21:51
Yea, I can understand how that would cause complications from a coding stand point. TBH, not knowing what's "under the hood", I assumed Attack would be one action all together. Would just having 1 default dice for attack be enough? (Regardless of the attack type) Again, cosmetically it would be nice to separate the 2 default dice types. Separate damage dice make more sense, given all their variations, and I do love how they been implemented. Well done!

I figured there was more to it. Didn't hurt to ask and inquire :)

Thanks for the reply Moon! Cheers!

EDIT: Ok, I do see that separate damage types were added to (piercing/slashing/etc.) and that does help satisfy my original thinking. But after looking at it again, it would be nice if attack still had its own dice that isn't shared with everything else (ex. Ability/Saving/Skills/Initiative/etc. rolls). I guess that was what really furthered my question, along with the damage dice. Again, if that is asking to "open a can worms", no biggie lol.

December 1st, 2022, 22:54
1. Financial Reasons. One of those is unquestionably because we think it will generate more revenue this way. More revenue means that we get a better return on our investment for the development cycles we spent on it and that development cycle involved multiple developers and our staff artist, Joshua Watmough. Our investment was fairly substantial for this project.

By spreading this across all users and not just GMs, we expect it will make more revenue for the company. This also means we can lower the price to a price point that we believe is very low at $5 / pack.
I think the price point is very nice, and accessible to most.

2. Personalization. We think dice are a personal expression thing around the table and we think they should be this way online as well. While some people will want to collect them all, we expect to release more of these over time and we don't think everyone will feel the need to collect them all. We want to have lots of options for people and as they expand, there will be more and more personal decisions available that will fit better with the personalization aspect of the dice.

It is a very personal thing. I think NOT allowing everyone to see what you have would have been very poor design...I'm glad you set it up so that everyone can see what we have

3. Users who don't purchase dice packs
We included a full set of elemental basics dice for all users without requiring any purchase. This will allow people to use custom dice and to use the stuff in our sneak peek and see different dice for different damage types without requiring any additional purchases. It directly competes with our other dice packs, but it felt important to provide something for everyone.

Classy move, bravo

4. Gifting
We modified the gifting system to allow these to be gifted to individual users. You can buy a pack on an order and then gift the entire order to another user. This means that players can gift a set to their GM and vice-versa, or player to player. Just remember that the entire order has to be gifted at once. Again, the $5 price point was a key consideration here. We think that a $5 gift is a nice thing that hopefully won't break the bank for most people.
Only way to go...it allows entry for those that can't/won't spend the money on themselves... smart move

December 1st, 2022, 22:56
I thought about attack dice roll customization a bit, but there is no clear indication of how to specify what dice to use for attacks. Damage actions (in the D&D/Paizo rulesets) have a clearly defined damage type that can be used to customize the dice. Attack actions are defined separately than damage actions (and can't always be clearly linked; i.e. weapons are easy, but spells/abilities can have multiple attack/damage entries that aren't linked). Also, damage actions can be mixed damage types (which can be handled per die on damage rolls).

Just using the attack action data (without knowing damage data or having to deal with multiple damage types), how would you specify different custom attack actions automatically? (i.e. melee/ranged/thrown? other?)


Being able to assign the dice on an advanced window of the action/weapon definition perhaps? I'd love, for example, to be able to assign special dice for Sneak Attack damage

December 5th, 2022, 16:49
Sorry if this has been asked already, but are there any plans to allow users to make their own custom skins (and share those with their players?) Or to add custom skins with specific rulesets?

The latter would be amazing. There are rulesets out there that use custom dice (Genesys and One Ring come to mind.)

While there aren't "official" rulesets of these available for FG, there is a well-made Genesys ruleset. If custom skins could be made and included there for the Genesys dice, that would be a game changer.

December 5th, 2022, 19:21
Sorry if this has been asked already, but are there any plans to allow users to make their own custom skins (and share those with their players?) Or to add custom skins with specific rulesets?

The latter would be amazing. There are rulesets out there that use custom dice (Genesys and One Ring come to mind.)

While there aren't "official" rulesets of these available for FG, there is a well-made Genesys ruleset. If custom skins could be made and included there for the Genesys dice, that would be a game changer.
Earlier response to this question (from Doug?) was ~ 'Not at this time.'

December 5th, 2022, 19:22
Earlier response to this question (from Doug?) was ~ 'Not at this time.'

Darn! Well, as long as it’s on their radar! Would be excellent to have

Moon Wizard
December 5th, 2022, 21:01
Here's a response I gave to someone who asked privately that is relevant:

Currently, the dice system is built specifically to "skin" the current set of standard RPG dice (d100/d01, d20, d12, d10, d8, d6, d4, dF). There is no mechanism to "add" to the possible dice models/faces to roll at this time, only to adjust skins on existing standard dice.

We've actually discussed the ability to build out the ability to have alternate dice models/faces for certain dice types (such as 2d20 challenge dice, Alien/Vaesen, etc.). However, it requires planning the feature from beginning to end as to how models/faces are built in the client for custom dice, how new custom dice can be skinned (or not), as well as how they are defined and accessed via the ruleset. At this point, it's on our list of things we'd like to look at, but hasn't been scheduled yet.


December 6th, 2022, 06:24
Does this mean that we can expect campaign specific dice skins? That would be so amazing. Playing the new Kingmaker with Kingmaker dice set!

Moon Wizard
December 6th, 2022, 07:04
That's something else we have talked about (campaign/adventure specific dice skins). However, that does get into publisher third party discussions to make them official.....


May 29th, 2023, 06:46
Still fairly new to FG, but I was wondering if there's a way to use the /roll expressions with the Dice Tower. I've tried typing the /roll formula I want into the chat & even into a shortcut (Function keys) at the bottom, then dragging them to the tower, but this doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?

May 29th, 2023, 08:37
Still fairly new to FG, but I was wondering if there's a way to use the /roll expressions with the Dice Tower. I've tried typing the /roll formula I want into the chat & even into a shortcut (Function keys) at the bottom, then dragging them to the tower, but this doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?

Welcome to the forums.

When you put a dice roll into the quickbar it becomes a string - so you can't put that into the dice tower. However you can place the actual dice into a quickbar slot and use those in the dice tower.

May 29th, 2023, 18:18
Still fairly new to FG, but I was wondering if there's a way to use the /roll expressions with the Dice Tower. I've tried typing the /roll formula I want into the chat & even into a shortcut (Function keys) at the bottom, then dragging them to the tower, but this doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?

Depending on what you are trying to do as a player or GM there may be some work arounds, ie as a player putting the expression as a weapon damage or as a GM toggling off "Show GM rolls".

May 29th, 2023, 23:49
Welcome to the forums.

When you put a dice roll into the quickbar it becomes a string - so you can't put that into the dice tower. However you can place the actual dice into a quickbar slot and use those in the dice tower.

You must work for Microsoft. While technically correct, your "however", which appears to be intended on providing a workaround, is 99.99% likely to be useless to the OP :p Happy Memorial Day!

May 29th, 2023, 23:49
The enhanced dice strings like 4d6k2 can only be rolled from chat (or used in XCore and MoreCore) and chat cant roll to the Dice Tower unfortunately.

May 30th, 2023, 00:27
You must work for Microsoft. While technically correct, your "however", which appears to be intended on providing a workaround, is 99.99% likely to be useless to the OP :p Happy Memorial Day!

Everyone uses products differently. Most people never use the extra dice commands so they have never experienced the exact issue that the OP is facing and they are answering from their own experience.

May 30th, 2023, 00:54
You must work for Microsoft. While technically correct, your "however", which appears to be intended on providing a workaround, is 99.99% likely to be useless to the OP :p Happy Memorial Day!
Well, thanks for that although I don’t get any of the references at all. The OP posted in discord as well I believe and wanted to roll something like d6+d8. So I was able to get that 0.01%.

May 30th, 2023, 02:37
Well, thanks for that although I don’t get any of the references at all. The OP posted in discord as well I believe and wanted to roll something like d6+d8. So I was able to get that 0.01%.
It's the old joke where the microsoft support almost always provide technically correct information but rarely what the person asking asked about. Congrats on hitting the 0.1%...hopefully everyone saw it for the joke it was given the tongue sticking out emoji.

May 30th, 2023, 03:24
The enhanced dice strings like 4d6k2 can only be rolled from chat (or used in XCore and MoreCore) and chat cant roll to the Dice Tower unfortunately.

That'd be a nice feature enhancement to the die / roll commands, something like "/die 2d10r2+10 -t" would roll into the tower :)

EDIT: Already done did it :D

May 30th, 2023, 03:39
That'd be a nice feature enhancement to the die / roll commands, something like "/die 2d10r2+10 -t" would roll into the tower :)

EDIT: Already done did it :D

Yes that would be a nice feature.

August 2nd, 2023, 15:54
Can y'all sell an Ultimate Edition of these which a host can provide players? I would happily pay 10-15 for a set I could host.

August 2nd, 2023, 17:14
Can y'all sell an Ultimate Edition of these which a host can provide players? I would happily pay 10-15 for a set I could host.
Enhancement requests can be added to the wish list; Idea Informer » Feedback 2.0 (http://fgapp.idea.informer.com/)

You may already know this:
Dice purchases are per user and are not shared. Anyone can make a purchase from the FG Store and gift the item to a different user. You need to make one purchase per order though since I think it is the entire order that is gifted.

August 2nd, 2023, 21:09
Can y'all sell an Ultimate Edition of these which a host can provide players? I would happily pay 10-15 for a set I could host.

Oh, I would definitely pay 10 more dollars if a set was shareable.
Like 5 bucks for a base set, 15 for a shareable set. That'd be awesome.

August 2nd, 2023, 21:41
I would second that although I might be willing to pay more but then I'd also want to set up custom effects dice for the players and I'm sure that makes it another level of complicated.

August 8th, 2023, 01:34
I disagree, a dice set is a very personal item for each player.

August 8th, 2023, 04:12
I disagree, a dice set is a very personal item for each player.

The point being it is something that is shared only during the session, like the module content is...something that the GM provides to his players as an option.

August 17th, 2023, 15:33
I get the reason is money — as to why a dm can’t share dice like he can his books.

It cost a lot for smiteworks to develop them so they want a return on that investment..I can’t criticize that decision, it’s business.

But I can say it would be VERY cool if they ever considered a shared version for a slightly higher price.

At least imo. But you should know that as it’s, Um, me typing this so it’s my opinion. :)

August 17th, 2023, 20:29
When you sit a table to play a game everyone has their own dice. Some have dingy plastic dice, some have liquid metal die hard gaming dice. Everyone (generally) uses their own dice and to many it is personal. It reflects their personality. Books on the other hand are different. Many will have their own PHB but generally much of the time we abuse the GMs books (pass it around). I've spent $50 on a set of dice before, and I am not even sure you can even get a pair of cheap plastic dice for $5. So bottom line is if we want nice things on this platform, we should think about buying something every once in awhile.

August 18th, 2023, 00:13
When you sit a table to play a game everyone has their own dice. Some have dingy plastic dice, some have liquid metal die hard gaming dice. Everyone (generally) uses their own dice and to many it is personal. It reflects their personality. Books on the other hand are different. Many will have their own PHB but generally much of the time we abuse the GMs books (pass it around). I've spent $50 on a set of dice before, and I am not even sure you can even get a pair of cheap plastic dice for $5. So bottom line is if we want nice things on this platform, we should think about buying something every once in awhile.

What Bayne said 100%!

October 24th, 2023, 00:20
(this post should be deleted)

October 24th, 2023, 01:50
When you sit a table to play a game everyone has their own dice. Some have dingy plastic dice, some have liquid metal die hard gaming dice. Everyone (generally) uses their own dice and to many it is personal. It reflects their personality. Books on the other hand are different. Many will have their own PHB but generally much of the time we abuse the GMs books (pass it around). I've spent $50 on a set of dice before, and I am not even sure you can even get a pair of cheap plastic dice for $5. So bottom line is if we want nice things on this platform, we should think about buying something every once in awhile.

I imagine many DMs here have had to experience providing dice for their players for many reasons. Sometimes you want to provide them better dice because you want the rolls to be more random other times they might forget something or you might have a set of dice that matches their character better. Most DMs I know have huge bags full of hundreds of dice specifically for sharing. I'm totally willing to pay a premium price for all my players to have access to the content and would like as an option :)