View Full Version : Modifying Spell Save DC

October 17th, 2022, 12:07
I'm going to test out the new One D&D Exhaustion rules in campaign.

Here they are if you haven't seen them.

Exhausted [Condition]
While you are subjected to the Exhausted Condition (known in older books as Exhaustion), you experience the following effects:
Levels of Exhaustion. This Condition is cumulative. Each time you receive it, you gain 1 level of exhaustion. You die if your exhaustion level exceeds 10.
d20 Rolls Affected. When you make a d20 Test you subtract your exhaustion level from the d20 roll.
Spell Save DCs Affected. Subtract your exhaustion level from the Spell save DC of any Spell you cast.
Ending the Condition. Finishing a Long Rest removes 1 of your levels of Exhaustion. When your exhaustion level reaches 0, you are no longer Exhausted.

The one I'm interested in is the Spell Save DC one. The d20 tests (attack, check and saves), I've already added custom effects, one for each level of exhaustion, but I'm not sure how to "programmatically" add an effect that will modify a spell save DC.

Is there a way to modify the spell save DC by adding an effect or is it something I just have to remember (as gm), and the player.

October 17th, 2022, 12:35
There's no effect that will directly alter a spell save DC. You currently do that by entering a figure in the spell meta data (click the magnifying glass at the end of any spell power group header and enter a number into the modifier box for the spell save and/or attack).

October 17th, 2022, 13:09
If you use Better Combat Effects extension (or the paid version Better Combat Effects Gold) there will be an added effect that can help with this. It will involve using the "SDC" tag in an effect to reduce the spell save.

Here is the link to the free version of BCE: https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/76/view

rhagelstrom, the author of the extension, also modified his free "Exhausted" extension (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/70/view) that will help automate the layers of exhaustion and there effects. rhagelstrom recently added the option in the "Exhausted" extension to use the new UA rules version of the extension. So if you have both BCE and Exhausted running, you should be able to change the settings of exhaustion and "drag and drop" stacks of exhaustion you are looking for from the effects window.

October 17th, 2022, 13:12
I have BCEG. Where do I find this information to implement this?

October 17th, 2022, 14:05
Pretty sure that the extension includes a help module. Also there's documentation linked here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?72284-5E-Better-Combat-Effects-Gold. Might only be for the gold version, I'm not sure.

October 17th, 2022, 14:35
Looks like
SDC: (N) will do what I'm looking for

Never mind, the extension mentioned above will do everything I need.