View Full Version : Twinned Polymorph with Polymorphism extension

October 14th, 2022, 11:52
This game up in my last game. My sorcerer twinned a polymorph on two other characters, but the polymorph extension would only allow one player to be affected. I had to have the wizard use their ability so both other players could be polymorphed. Has anyone else run into this issue? Is this just a limitation for the extension, did I do something wrong, or what. I'm almost 100% sure that someone else has run into this issue, and if so, what was the solution?

October 14th, 2022, 13:07
I use this extension and haven't run into this scenario yet so haven't seen it in any of my games.

I would recommend posting the question on the forum thread for the extension itself so the extension author can see it and respond. Here is the link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?61009-Polymorphism-Extension-(-ext-file)-Fantasy-Grounds-Unity-5E-ruleset

October 17th, 2022, 00:14
Thanks. I posted it over there.