View Full Version : LFM for Curse of Strahd Thursdays at 6pm PST starting Oct 27th 2022

October 7th, 2022, 00:28
Game is full now, thanks everyone!

Hello Fantasy Grounds community!

I'm excited to begin a new campaign on Fantasy Grounds. We currently have four players ready to join and I'm looking for 1-2 more to round the group out at 5-6 players. The game will be every Thursday at 6pm Pacific time starting Oct 27, 2022. The aim is for the game to run until 10pm Pacific but may go short/long depending on getting to a good stopping point. However, the game has a hard stop at 10:30pm. Also, please be aware that we are only accepting people 18 or older. We will be using discord for voice and video communication during the interview process and during gameplay. The table currently has both male and female players of various age ranges and nationalities. The table is welcoming to new and old players of 5e and we all love to teach the system (a couple of us are actual teachers!).

Brief Campaign Description and Info:
- The game will be the Curse of Strahd module with a few potential additions of my own. Expect the game to largely follow the adventure.
- Technology level is typical D&D with no gunpowder or firearms. Sorry, no gunslingers, artificers, or warforged.
- The game may have some homebrew aspects/encounters and some event(s) may occur that don't strictly follow the RAW
- The level up mechanic used will be milestone

Some basic table rules: (more will be discussed at session 0)
- No extreme sexual content on the part of the GM, PCs, or NPCs. Keep it PG-13.
- No discussion of real-life politics.
- GM rulings are final. Talk in private after the game if there is something you don't agree with.
- Flanking rules are in effect (will clarify during session 0)
- Help action for skill checks can only be performed if your character has proficiency in that skill. (will clarify during session 0)
- Characters are created using the point buy method and will start at level 2.
- During level-up characters take the average health increase
- PCs cannot chose races that have a permanent flying speed (Aasimir is ok since it's once per long rest and Owlin is not since it's at-will, for example)
- Only roll if the GM asks for a roll (or if you're rolling to decide how you'll RP a moment). It's important for keeping organized during the game.
- Try to remain in character at all times unless you need to ask a question or relay out-of-game information

How to apply:
Please fill out the following google form: https://forms.gle/3CwiL6TNWY2bHEz67
The form does ask for your email, mainly to enforce "one application per person" and also to reach you if we are unable to via discord. Discord will be used for 99% of all communications

If we like what we see we will reach out to you via discord to conduct a new player interview!

October 7th, 2022, 07:21
I want to commend you on a game that looks like a lot of fun and with playing rules that are very sensible. I would very much love to play, but alas I cannot make the full level of committment that you require. I hope you find all the players you need and they are a good match.

October 7th, 2022, 18:35
I want to commend you on a game that looks like a lot of fun and with playing rules that are very sensible. I would very much love to play, but alas I cannot make the full level of committment that you require. I hope you find all the players you need and they are a good match.

Sorry that you can't make the game! Hopefully you find something that does work with you schedule. Real-life can be rough on game schedules lol

October 8th, 2022, 20:15
Still looking for 1-2 more players! :)

October 8th, 2022, 20:57
Still looking for 1-2 more players! :)

If you reach a point where you can be a little flexible on the schedule, give me a hollar. Starting at 6pm is a hard for me. 7pm is easier. I don't mind the hard stop at 10:30. Making this a weekly committment is fine, but occasionally I will have weeks where I cannot attend.

October 18th, 2022, 17:03
Game is full now, thanks everyone!

Hi there! Alas I seem to be late. I've always wanted to play CoS, and your rules and game time suits me perfectly. If a space opens up at some point, I would love to join. Thanks!