View Full Version : LFM - 1-2 players, DnD 5e, Sunday, 6PM Central, Homebrew/Greyhawk mix

October 5th, 2022, 00:57
FG License: Ultra
Game System: 5th edition D&D

Time Zone: Central Standard Time (US)
Day of week and time: Sundays, 6 PM sharp.
If new game, planned start date: Campaign has been running for 3 months.
Planned Duration & Frequency: i.e. 3-4 Hour session, weekly
Term: Long term

Text or Voice: Mic required
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? Webcams are not required, there is no expectation that this will be a streamed game.

Roleplay & Combat mix: 25/75 Heavy Roleplay
Number of Players in game & needed: i.e. Have 3 players, room for 1 or 2 more.
Character starting level & equipment: Normal starting equipment.
Character restrictions: Many core races available, but some are restricted or reskinned.

Details of your scenario:

Your character lives in a heroic, medieval-fantasy world where cities and towns form points of light in the darkness of a wild and largely untamed land. Whether their background is mundane or auspicious, they find themselves in a little-known town called Leven, trapped in the tumultuous circumstances of the times.

And in times like these, for mercenaries, ‘adventurers’, or whatever one wishes to label themselves, the coin flows for those willing to go out and earn it. You decide where you wish to go, which contracts to take or leave, who to fight, and perhaps if you’re able to make enough of a name for yourselves- even more than that.

This is a relatively low-fantasy sandbox game that leans toward gritty realism and allows a higher threshold of player agency.

Link to Game Calendar page: DM me for invite to the Public discord server.

If there are any questions, feel free to post here or DM me directly.

October 5th, 2022, 01:22
Idk if I replied properly but I’d be down to join this game

FG License: Ultra
Game System: 5th edition D&D

Time Zone: Central Standard Time (US)
Day of week and time: Sundays, 6 PM sharp.
If new game, planned start date: Campaign has been running for 3 months.
Planned Duration & Frequency: i.e. 3-4 Hour session, weekly
Term: Long term

Text or Voice: Mic required
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? Webcams are not required, there is no expectation that this will be a streamed game.

Roleplay & Combat mix: 25/75 Heavy Roleplay
Number of Players in game & needed: i.e. Have 3 players, room for 1 or 2 more.
Character starting level & equipment: Normal starting equipment.
Character restrictions: Many core races available, but some are restricted or reskinned.

Details of your scenario:

This is a relatively low-fantasy sandbox game that leans toward gritty realism and allows a higher threshold of player agency.

Link to Game Calendar page: DM me for invite to the Public discord server.

If there are any questions, feel free to post here or DM me directly.

October 5th, 2022, 02:22
Idk if I replied properly but I’d be down to join this game

I've sent you a private message with additional information.

October 8th, 2022, 22:24

October 17th, 2022, 04:37

Hello. Still need another player? I saw you may have found one in the last post you made and then another in this one. But either way, I'm interested so. feel free to message me via discord.