View Full Version : LFM Thursday night 7-10PM 5E game, long running, multiple adventures possible.

October 3rd, 2022, 21:40
Who: Looking for 3-4 players to fill in slots in my long running Thursday night game, looking for adults please, no young children. We will deal with mature descriptions of combat, and dark subject matter is not turned away from. I will not apologize if a depicted scene offends you. Men, women, children, and the elderly, can and will fall victim to disease, combat, mature situations, and dark religious actions like human sacrifice. Also, adult language can and will be used just like it is in everyday adult life. Bandits, Vampires, Devils, and Demons do not care if they offend you. :)

What: DnD 5E adventures on Thursday nights, we also occasionally run side adventures, one shots, and classic DnD modules on off nights.

When: Thursday night 7-10pm, and 8-10pm on some nights. Times are US Central. Some nights will be 8-10 pm games due to me working until 7pm, there will also be weeks where we will not play due to me working night shifts, happens 2 out of every 8 weeks due to my work schedule.

Why: I have lost some players due to their military obligations and deployments, and in real life complications like work schedule changes.

How: FG Unity for play, Discord for Voice chat is required.

Game Details: I currently am running a Curse of Strahd campaign that is almost at the end, and almost finished. However due to real life obligations I have lost half of my players to either work schedule changes, or military obligations.
I have been running DnD 5E on Fantasy Grounds classic for several years now every thursday night when available. My Curse of Strahd campaign will very soon be finished, and we are looking at firing up a new adventure campaign, but we need more players to do so. We have multiple adventures ready to go, both 5E, and classic modules converted to 5E

I am looking to fill in 3 to 4 slots with players willing to run both modern adventures, and old school modules converted to 5E. I would like to invite several players to join my table and play group for long term play.
We will perhaps run a one shot, or a small adventure for any potential invites to introduce not only myself and the group, but to allow prospected players to see if they like our playstyle and feel.

DM Details: Hi! My name is Marcus, and I've been running DnD for 10 years or so. I have played everything but first edition DnD, and tend to include darker subject matter in the games we run. I like to have a mix of play around 60% roleplay to 40% combat in general. My ideal situation, even in a modern module, is for the player characters choices to matter, and have consequences. As for subject matter, I do not pull punches with certain dark themes. My games can and will feature gory depictions of combat and acts of violence. Violence against the eldery, women, and children is not only possible, but expected - for instance, Vampires or Zombies can and WILL attack women, children, and the elderly. The gory grisly details of such attacks have been found and witnessed by my players to great effect. Demons and Devils will try to claim human souls, Goblins will try to pull out peoples fingernails as torture, and undead creatures like Zombies will absolutely attack children if able.

Game Schedule: We typically play every 6 out of 8 weeks in a row. I the DM, work a rotating shift of days and nights, and will sometimes have to work night shift on Thursdays. Those weeks will be posted in advance on our Discord Channel, and will usually try to have a makeup session whenever possible.

UPDATE: I have invited those that have responded so far, but would like to get at least 2 more to cover people working late, or getting sick. We are looking at roughly a couple of weeks lead time to give everyone time to come on board.

Thanks - DM Marcus

October 4th, 2022, 04:24
I am very interested in going your game I have only been playing a few years mostly 1 shots and games in 5e that stopped due to life I really wanted to get into a long term game

October 4th, 2022, 21:15
I am interested in your group. I am on the West Coast of the US. Old school veteran of the game (Dungeons and Dragons) looking to expand my nights gaming. Been playing 5e since it's inception but have also played all other DnD versions. As for time, 7 central might be early for me but I will join as soon as I get home from the office. I've played and DM'd using Unity for about a year total (over the last 3 years) and am constantly learning new ways to utilize Unity.

October 6th, 2022, 23:23
hey there chaos and sainton, i have sent yall a direct message with some info.

If you have messaged me directly, I have replied in kind.

We still have spots open!! I would prefer to have to extra players, rather than not enough, as it always seems someone has to work late, or has a child sick.

I would like to invite at least 2 more people to pad the roster in case someone is sick, or working over.

October 25th, 2022, 00:19
hey there chaos and sainton, i have sent yall a direct message with some info.

If you have messaged me directly, I have replied in kind.

We still have spots open!! I would prefer to have to extra players, rather than not enough, as it always seems someone has to work late, or has a child sick.

I would like to invite at least 2 more people to pad the roster in case someone is sick, or working over.

Hello, i know this post is pretty old by now by i was wondering if you were still looking for more players.

October 25th, 2022, 15:59
Hello, I am very interested in playing with you and your group. I am a dm for my local homebrew group, and I use fantasy grounds to host the gameplay. I have been looking to actually play as a pc, and have been looking for an evening game that falls in between the Monday thru Thursday time periods. I am currently at work, and just check these forums for posts. However, I shall post again at my PC later tonight with a more formal and formatted post if you are interested.

Shoot me a dm if you have any questions.

Thank you


November 11th, 2022, 01:11
Hello, I'm interested in your game. I have played of games on FGU. I only have the demo version of FGU.

November 12th, 2022, 06:08
I am not sure if you are still looking for players. I am very interested in joining your group. If you use discord my name is Landachi#6165.

November 20th, 2022, 15:50
You can count on my interest if you are still looking for players. I work a weird job of 24 hour shifts typically on the weekends and have been looking for a group to fall in with

November 20th, 2022, 22:36
Hello if this table is still open I would love to be considered for a spot? Thursdays are one of my nights off and I pick up OT every once in a while only. I am a little rusty on FGU but have the full license. Have not played in over 6 months or so though.

Cheers and hope to hear from you!