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View Full Version : Issues with copying campaign to new PC

October 1st, 2022, 20:51
When moving to a new PC, I copied the entirety of the Fantasy Grounds folder to my HDD in preparation.

However, when trying to copy some of the files across, namely the ones below so far, the copying process freezes - either at 30-40% or even on 0%. I then need to restart the PC altogether to get functionality back.

Has anyone experienced anything like this before? I'm worried my campaign is trapped on my HDD forever.

October 1st, 2022, 20:55
You don't mention which files are freezing. However you only need to copy your campaign folder and not anything else in the FGData folder; all the other stuff will get added when you update FGU.

October 1st, 2022, 20:57
You should only need to copy over the campaigns folder and any modules/ppk that you’ve created yourself. Try just those folders to begin with and work out what you’re missing.

October 1st, 2022, 21:03
Yup, I'm an idiot - meant to share the files that seem to be freezing.

It seems to get stuck if I copy more than one db.session file, or if I try to copy over the Images folder.

In-case it's an issue with my HDD, I'm copying one file at a time. Painstaking, but seems to be going ok?

Edit: Nope, seems I can copy anything off it just fine, but odd files and folders crash my system. I'm trying to add my images individually now and it doesn't like some of them.

October 1st, 2022, 23:28
Something is wrong with your computer(s). Run anti-virus scans on them. Also check the hard drives for file integrity.