View Full Version : Exporting Chat Results into BBCode for Solo Play Forum Posting?

September 30th, 2022, 07:23
So, I enjoy doing solo rpgs. I've posted many games on rpgsolo.com. They use a bulletin board forum that uses BBCode.
Does anyone know of an extension or something I can use that would export or convert FG chat results and die rolls into BBCode for posting there?
Many thanks!

September 30th, 2022, 07:36
I am not aware of any extension, but the chat does output to a chatlog.html file in the campaign folder. So you could take that and reformat it for BBCode.

September 30th, 2022, 19:51
I do not think there is currently an extension that can do that for you.

What I do for my campaign ( https://www.dragonslayers-society.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.WeeklyChatHistory ) is at the end of each weekly session to take the chatlog.html file and open that in Word.
I have two macros that I run that file through to create the coding we use for Wiki Session Styles ( https://www.dragonslayers-society.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.SessionStyleVisible ).

Recent samples of the output are posted here: https://www.dragonslayers-society.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.2022

I would imagine that you can do something similar to replace/insert the correct BBCode snippets.

October 1st, 2022, 05:43
Thanks everyone. Your ideas were helpful. I found this site which can do conversions to bbcode https://codebeautify.org/html-to-bbcode-converter
Macro idea sounds interesting too.
All the best and happy gaming!