View Full Version : LFP First-time DM! Evenings Central, probably Sat/Sun. HEAVY ROLEPLAY!

September 25th, 2022, 13:23

FG License: Unity Ultimate
Game System: 5e
Time Zone: Central
Day of week and time: Thursdays, 4-9
Planned Duration & Frequency: Probably around 4 hours, could go longer if everyone wants to. Could potentially do 2 days a week if people want to!
Term: Potentially long term I hope?

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: 80/20
Number of Players in game & needed: 6
Character starting level & equipment: 1, standard equipment
Character restrictions: None? Ask me about anything weird. I bought all the books

Details of your game:

Running Lost Mines of Phandelver! For those unfamiliar, it's an adventure tailor-made to be a starting point, for DMs and players alike. Runs levels 1-5, and it's an extremely localized adventure, pretty much around one town. So after the adventure you can go into the wide world.

Right! Here's where I start the wall of text I guess.

Hello, first time DM, very nervously wanting to give DMing a go. Looking for players that are super interested in roleplaying and will be patient with me.

I'll try to bullet point things so this isn't super long.

*Attendance. If you're going to be consistently late, or miss games, and aren't going to treat the game as a priority, then find something that better fits your schedule.

*Heavy emphasis on roleplaying. I don't expect it immediately as this is something I struggle with myself, but I will expect people to remain in character as much as possible. Out of character is pretty much purely for asking questions about rules or the environment, to me the DM. If you start trying to convey any kind of information to each other out of character, I will be quick to (kindly!) correct you. The occasional lighthearted comments are fine of course, it's mostly about IC information needing to be conveyed IC. This will have a big impact on combat as well...

*Expect a lot of house rules! I love reading up on rules and getting things to be exactly how I like them.
So far:
Casters will get their "flavor" spell for free. This being Thaumaturgy, Prestidigitation, and Druidcraft respectively.
Counterspell doesn't exist, for players and NPCs alike. This is a spell that sounds cool in theory, but in practice just leads to mostly frustrating moments on both sides. Plus, if it's not an option, that happily frees up the caster to take something different that will ultimately be more interesting.

*I won't be an adversarial DM. I don't want to kill the players. However I want the world to feel real, and I think for the game to be the most fun, the threat of death needs to be there. A dragon will be the same strength when the party is level 1 as when they are level 10. So will the town guards. Dangerous creatures will exist that need to be avoided. I've made a homebrewed divination spell to help the party determine if a super dangerous monster is around.

*Please no broken builds, have mercy on me as a new DM. No coffee locks or Bear Totem Barbarians. Just go with something roughly normal, I'd like everyone to be relatively equal in power.

*Milestone leveling. The party will level as I get more comfortable as a DM. Level 1 encounters and DMing are comparatively simple. Every level higher adds complexity.


Thanks for reading! If you're interested, please add me on Discord!


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