View Full Version : Mistakes happen

September 16th, 2022, 06:13
is there a way I can lock certain things down on the character sheet, so that only myself (GM) can edit them? it very easy to bust things ie. accidentally scrolling up an ability score, or unticking 'proficient' - ect. ect. Apart from constantly exporting the sheets, is there some sort of a 'versioning' - IT would be hugely helpful to be able to compare changes, revert to last version, ect. ect. I'm wondering if anyone could offer some tips/advice on how you deal with the fragility of character editing and ensuring things stay accurate.

September 16th, 2022, 06:27
I believe their is an extension on the Forge. Maybe several. Check out this one: https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/104/view

September 16th, 2022, 13:11
Yeah, a simple undo button would have saved my life a few times. Or a save rollback.

September 16th, 2022, 19:59
Yeah, a simple undo button would have saved my life a few times. Or a save rollback.
FG makes saves of each campaign daily. You would have to roll back your entire campaign, not just a single character. More info: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/1207304196/Restore+Campaign+to+an+Earlier+Save

September 17th, 2022, 16:45
I was thinking more of when I accidentally delete text in a Note or Story. Is there any remedy for that?

Moon Wizard
September 17th, 2022, 17:46
You can use Control key plus Z key (Control+Z) to Undo the last operation on a field as long as it maintains focus. (Also, you can use Control+Y to redo.)
