View Full Version : Size of portraits in top left of screen...

September 13th, 2022, 04:56
Is there any way to increase the size of the portraits in the upper left of the screen when a character has logged in? We play 5e using theatre of the mind, and I'd really like if my pc's could have larger images of themselves to look at on the screen. If anyone has any ideas, please feel free to share. Thank you.

September 13th, 2022, 05:13
Mad Nomad's Interactive Portraits extension in the forge will do it. You can see what it does at

September 13th, 2022, 14:48
Perfect, thank you!

September 13th, 2022, 18:14
Big Portraits (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/647/view) (free) also provides bigger protraits for 5E, though in another implementation. This and the one by Mad Nomad are the only two I know of.