View Full Version : [LFP][Pathfinder] Wensday game

September 3rd, 2022, 09:19
Hello there, my name is Jacob.
System: Starting with something simple and short term but when we get a proper group together Pathfinder, almost currently a AP

License: I have the ultimate so you just need the demo
Voice/Text: Games will be voice based
Shooting for a game on Wensdays PST time is fairly negotiable and depends on the group
Players: 2/4-5

Everything below is my general pathfinder style not reflective of my inclinations for other systems

Mix of RPG/Combat/Strategy: Up to the group but if it's a premade module there will be set amounts of encounters that I will fine tune
Permitted Source Books: In general official books only but this can change.
Permitted/Restricted Player Options: Normally very little
Duration of sessions: flexible but shooting 4 hours of game time

Discord: codthedog#9589

September 3rd, 2022, 14:44
I am interested! My Discord is SweetnessofMagic#4569, if you would like to speak to me.

September 8th, 2022, 15:39
Hello there, I am interested as well. My discord is mandalor2#9465 if you want to talk more!

September 10th, 2022, 17:42

I am very interested!

Discord: QweenofQlubs#8763

September 11th, 2022, 02:21
Hi I would be interested. I’m located in PST time zone and Wednesday evenings would work well for me. I’ll send you a message on discord I’m DrBob#6323.

October 7th, 2022, 20:40
Hello, are you still looking for players? I have sent an invite over discord. Cheers.