View Full Version : Developer Notes - 2022-09 Ruleset Updates

Moon Wizard
August 23rd, 2022, 21:01
We are continuing to work on general ruleset updates. See the main ruleset beta thread for the summary of the updates.

In order to support ruleset and extension developers, I have made a number of notes regarding changes that should be made to bring rulesets and extensions in-line with changes to ones we directly maintain.

NOTE: I've only documented the specific rulesets affected for rulesets sold in the FG store or installed by default. Any updates for rulesets provided via FG Forge or other sources (or any extensions) will need to look at the general bullet points for suggested updates.


Moon Wizard
August 23rd, 2022, 21:04
Ruleset/Extension - Suggested Maintenance Updates

* Remove windowclass.nodelete tags (not used in FGU)

* Remove windowlist.skipempty tags (not used in FGU)

* Remove windowlist.footer and formattedtextcontrol.footer tags (not used in FGU)

* Combat tracker standard hot key support migration (CombatManager.registerStandardCombatHotKeys)

* Combat tracker subwindow migration
[PF2, SW]

* Item record subwindow migration
[PF2, SW]

More Suggested Updates (2022-08-25)

* Party Sheet (Height >= 580 or refactor to merge)

* Update party sheet portrait templates
portrait -> portrait_ps
portrait_base -> portrait_ps_base
Remove local templates (portrait/portrait_base)

* Review UtilityManager.resolveDisplayToken/resolveActorToken to handle default letter tokens

* Remove ps_order window class overrides to prevent conflicts with formation update

Migration of deprecated functions from 2022-07 release

* Migrate to new CombatDropManager handling for battles/NPCs and other combat tracker drop handling (see examples in CoreRPG, 5E, and SFRPG)

* Review and/or migrate to standard record_window.lua and record_header*.lua scripts for record windowclasses and subwindows (see examples in CoreRPG and 5E)

record_header.lua; record_header_id.lua; record_header_simple.lua
Name the link (link_record_header name="link")
Use the standard record type label and empty strings; and clean up extra strings
Use label_recordtype template for any labelling by record type below record name.

Additional migrations 2022-10

* Remove retired templates and frames

Frame: campaignlistwithtabs
Files: Removed unreferenced frame graphics (such as graphics/frames/scrollbox.png)
Templates: anchor_calendarlog, list_calendarlog, resize_campaignlistwithtabs, close_campaignlist

* Remove addEntry on single click from lists (use add/edit buttons instead)

Moon Wizard
August 23rd, 2022, 21:13
Code Changes


Global Scripts: ActorManager, CombatManager, CombatRecordManager, EffectManager, ImportUtilityManager, NPCManager, PartyManager, PartyLootManager, StringManager, TargetingManager, TokenManager, UtilityManager, VersionManager
Scripts: ct/scripts/ct_target_summary.lua, ct/scripts/ct_token.lua, ps/scripts/ps_token.lua (removed)
Templates: image_record_step
Window Classes: parcel_header, parcel_item, partysheet_client, partysheet_host, ps_coin, ps_inventory, ps_item, ps_order, ps_parcelcoin, ps_parcelitem, ps_watchitem


Global Scripts: LibraryData35E, PartyManager2
Scripts: campaigns/scripts/item_main.lua, ct/scripts/ct.lua, ct/scripts/ct_entry
Templates: portrait (removed), portrait_base (removed)
Window Classes: combattracker_host, ct_entry, item_main, partysheet_client, partysheet_host, ps_mainitem, ps_skillsitem, ps_xp_partyentry, referencearmor, referenceequipment, referenceweapon


Global Scripts: PartyManager2
Scripts: campaigns/scripts/item.lua, campaigns/scripts/item_main.lua, campaigns/scripts/item_powerlistitem.lua, ct/scripts/ct.lua, ct/scripts/ct_entry
Templates: portrait (removed), portrait_base (removed), radio_record_itemtype
Window Classes: combattracker_host, ct_entry, item_main, item_propertylistitem, item_stats_armor, item_stats_other, item_stats_weapon, parcel_header, partysheet_client, partysheet_host, ps_mainitem, ps_skillsitem, ps_xp_partyentry,


Global Scripts: PartyManager2
Templates: portrait (removed), portrait_base (removed)
Window Classes: partysheet_client, partysheet_host, ps_mainitem, ps_xp_partyentry,


Global Scripts: CharManager, PartyManager2, VehicleManager
Scripts: campaign/scripts/char_actions_starship.lua, campaign/scripts/charship_crew.lua, ct/scripts/ct.lua, ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua
Templates: portrait (removed), portrait_base (removed)
Window Classes: combattracker_host, ct_entry, partysheet_client, partysheet_host, ps_mainitem, ps_skillsitem, ps_xp_partyentry,

Moon Wizard
August 25th, 2022, 21:11
More updates today for a party sheet order tab replacement (moving from false image that never quite worked right to formation UI and management).

I've updated the notes for the core rulesets for files changed, as well as suggested updates.
