View Full Version : LFP - DnD 5e homebrew campaign world "Seerth"

August 22nd, 2022, 08:23
When: Every second Monday night Australian Eastern standard time 1800-2130 play times

Who: Full party required (4-7 members)

FG License: Unity Ultimate License, most content up until this point in time

Game System: Dungeons & Dragons 5e set in Homebrew campaign, core rules dnd 5e however will accept many published materials via consultation and party acceptance from all players.

Term: This is a Homebrew game, set in a home brew world, there are many possibilities and the world can always be further developed. You can be a part of that.

Text or Voice: Voice only. Some materials will be send in a view only discord channel.

Voice software used: Discord, voice. Cameras optional.

Will this be recorded and/or live streamed?:I am open to recording if the party is accepting. There is a learning curve on my part.

Roleplay & Combat mix: Through consultation. Likely a 50/50 mix, however dependant on players and composition. I'm not going to make it a skill driven game if the party doesn't have skills! The current campaign I run in this world is 80% combat and 20% rp due to the players. This took a few sessions to gauge and get an idea of what the party could and couldn't solve, what they enjoy and what gets the most positive feedback.

I am only looking for players 20 or older at this time. Given the age of myself and the current players in the group, and past experiences, that is what I think has the best chance of long-term success.

Character starting level & equipment: Starting level: 1/ Standard starting equipment and backstory dependant items/concepts/traits/abilities. After I give you the campaign exposition, the more creative you are, the more beneficial it can be (within reason and logic)

Character restrictions: - Nil (that i can think of). Play what you want to play. The game will shift to suit. I am very open to adjustment, depending om balance and impacts to other players, aswell as the world lore as a whole.

Details of your scenario: I need way too many characters and this isnt the place...This is a Homebrew campaign that throws what you think of the regular dnd stereotypes out the window. For example, elves are ancient benevelent beings right? Well not here... A few different choices by key individuals in the past could have steered a society in any form of direction, and they have.

In this world, it's that of the oppressor and challengers to the gods, although many do not remember this time. Further details will of course be explained as well as exposition into the campaign world, lore, detailed high quality maps etc. I use world anvil to collaborate and all maps are done in Inkarnate.

DnD as a strategic direction is moving to a moralistic grey area and less of a dark big baddie (although this world has this), this campaign world already sits in this space somewhat. Access to flying ships and spelljammer vessels are a likely eventuality.

There is some slight jigging of rules to align with future planning. The most relevant ones are:
- Half races removed (we can discuss as this isn't a biggy)
- NPCs don't crit (this can be polarising but as a DM this eliminates the likelihood of miscalculation due to a few spectacular dice rolls)
- Magic has 3 types, arcane, divine and nature (funny enough I had this)
- Racial tweaks to movement and abilities

Should you join our party, you will be given the full background and starting scenario and we will work together to figure out where your character has been, and what their goals are, and build some narrative for an overall great experience. Oh and character portraits are on me. To give you an idea of the quality of works I have attached two WIP items, the map and a god example. Both are incomplete but the concept is there. Expect to be challenged and entertained.
Guthraken - Primordial God: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/seerth-greyman1985/a/guthraken-person?preview=true
Seerth Map Snip: 54065

About me:
This will be my second time DMing in 5e, though I have run many, many 3 and 3.5e campaigns over 10 years to great success (level 1 - epic in a few). I welcome active participation, role playing and overall I want to facilitate a fun time for all. Be open minded, respectful of others, kind and it'll be awesome.
I'm sending this out as I'm wanting to build up the world I'm creating, I've found the best way for me to be creative is through collaboration and actually playing.
I have been using Fantasy Grounds for over a year and a half, and feel pretty comfortable in its use.

What now?

If this sounds interesting, reach out for some more info, I'll send you an info pack and we can get talking on forming a group.

August 22nd, 2022, 19:13
I'm interested. Will send a PM.

August 24th, 2022, 09:19
I'm interested in joining. I've been consuming D&D content for a bit over 4 years now, and I'm itchin' to actually give it a shot.