View Full Version : Sharing images... pop up or just show up in image list?

August 21st, 2022, 06:09
My GM is learning FG. When he shares an image (map) with me, it shows up in my image list... but he can't seem to make it just popup in my background, or as an open image. So, he then has to tell me the name of the image, and I have to go open it myself.

Is there a way for him to force to open on my client?

Moon Wizard
August 21st, 2022, 07:06
If the GM right clicks on the image window while it is in a floating window on their screen and select the Share context menu; it should pop up the same window on your player screen.

If they just share by dragging link to the chat window, it won't open the window automatically.


August 21st, 2022, 17:27
Also, if the GM preps shared images before players join in; those images will be shared to them but will also not automatically popup when they get into the game. I do the preshare of some items when I know that they will already have knowledge of those images and that way it is not all waiting on network to get the image shared to people (although nowadays that does not really take that long).

August 24th, 2022, 17:52
Yeah... it's not popping up when he does that. It shows up in the Image list... and then I can manually open it myself on the client, but it doesn't popup.

August 24th, 2022, 20:40
He needs to share them "real time" with you once you are connected to get them to pop up. First he needs to open it on his machine. Note that he can still do that after he has already shared them by right clicking on the open image/map: "Share Record" -> "Share Record" (assuming 5E but its similar for other rulesets). He can also do that after you connect to get it to pop for you and then do it again when other player's join to pop it up for them.

August 24th, 2022, 20:41
Yeah... it's not popping up when he does that. It shows up in the Image list... and then I can manually open it myself on the client, but it doesn't popup.
If it is important enough, have him disable all extensions and try again. In general it works for everyone else, so if it's not working it is most likely either something they are doing, or an extension they are using.

It would never hurt to jump on discord and walk through it live with someone and they can help troubleshoot in real time.

August 24th, 2022, 21:08
Here is the sequence we are using. I connect to his FG campaign... I am connected in real time. He opens a map image... keeps it in float mode (can't share if it's not). He right clicks, selects Sharing on the radial menu, then shares the map image. On my client... still connected in real time... no image pops up. It does show up in the image list... but it doesn't pop up. What are we missing in that workflow?

August 24th, 2022, 21:18
He is probably right clicking on the image in the image list, rather than on the image itself. It will only pop up if he clicks on the image; otherwise it will just make the sheet shareable and only show up on the image list.

August 24th, 2022, 22:49
No... he's not. We are on Discord when he does this. I have even had him share his screen on Discord and watched him do it. It's just not popping up.

August 24th, 2022, 23:15
Is it not showing up for just you, or every player?

If it's just you, then it's something on your end (ISP, Router configuration, Antivirus, etc.).

If it's everyone, then the issue is probably on the GM side, same things to check though (ISP, Router configuration, Antivirus, etc.).

See the network troubleshooting guide (https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/1981349889/Network+Troubleshooting) for some common things to look at.

August 25th, 2022, 00:17
After trying again with your GM please compile the FG logs for the GM and for the player and post the resulting ZIP files here. Details on how to compile the logs can be found in the Wiki here: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/1242136781/How+to+Compile+Logs