View Full Version : Looking to create a gaming group

November 6th, 2007, 00:58
I have been using FG II for a month now and think it's great. I would like to setup a gaming group (D&D 3.5 mostly), where DMing would move around in the group from one adventure to the next or however we decide to handle it.

I can start out with the first adventure and possibly more. Again whatever we decide. I will warn you that I'm fairly new to DMing. However, I have been playing on and off since about 1985.

I'm on Pacific Time (GMT-8:00) and would like to play from 9:30pm to midnight on any weekday night.


November 6th, 2007, 02:48

Can accompidate that group if your intrested. I'm also on Pac time, my only issue is I am limited to Tues-Thurs for the times you provided.

I have FGII, but all my knowledge is based on tutorials and tinkering, new to the VTT and haven't gotten on a game yet.

I can DM, homebrewed my preference... but as you mentioned that can be talked up after the group is set.

Hope you get more responses to this request.


November 6th, 2007, 11:01
I believe I might like to chime in here as well. I've been a, shall we say, cautious observer for some time around these parts. Definitely looking for something along these lines, depending on how it all comes together. I am of the Eastern time zone (GMT-5?) but my schedule keeps me a nocturnal entity. I have been long awaiting an opportunity to attach myself to a group that operates in the very latest hours of the evening (at least from my perspective) so I think we will fit nicely there.

I have some experience with the original FG but past venues seldom saw long-term fruition. I am most comfortable with D&D 3.5 but am willing to adapt. I am not a proponent of most of that voice stuff that seems so popular. Sadly, I do not feel I can provide much capability in the DM arena but compromise and adaptation will play a part in my growth, I am certain.

Looking forward to what may come of this.


November 6th, 2007, 13:21
Well fellas,

With 3 in the hat, this is do-able. I would like to vote for Wed nights, weekly game sessions, 9-12pm Pac time. Simply because people rarely have a lot going on that night, there is rarely a holiday that falls on that night(if ever), and if your playing a second session, other games usually fall on Thurs-Sun.

I can DM 3.5 or play, so sounds like we have two eligible DMs.

On the software side, I have FGII and I would recommend DLing teamspeak as that seems to be a popular one here. Voice will help out a lot since a few of us are new to the FGII VTT. You can also keep all your OoC comments on voice and leave the chat window open to pure RP to avoid any confusion.

Not sure we can make this happen starting tomorrow, but with a bit of luck and continued recruiting, we should be able to lock in a 4 person group and have an adventure ready for next Wed. We can exchange info via mail for house rules and character creation and be ready to roll (pun intended).

Something to think about


November 6th, 2007, 20:26
It's looking good. Wed nights are fairly good for me as long as we start no early than 9:30. I think that 5 people would be good (DM and 4 players), but 3 players would be good to start out. I guess we need at least one more for the group.

I have an adventure ready to go with 4 charachters --

1. An Addled Halfling Rougue 4th level.
2. A Pyromancer, Human Wizard 5th level.
3. A Reformed Criminal, Half-Elf Cleric 5th level.
4. An escaped gladitorial slave, Human Fighter 4th level.

I have more info on their backgrounds if you are interested.


November 8th, 2007, 23:39
Ten-Scars are you still interested? I have sent you a PM with my email if you are.

Wook how about you? We could go ahead and start next Wed night if both of you are still interested.

Let me know,

November 8th, 2007, 23:53
Do you need any more players? I've played plenty of roleplaying games and just bought FG2, I'd like to try it out as a player and try to remind myself of all the D&D rules (I have the books around here somewhere...)

November 9th, 2007, 00:41

We could use a few more players. Send me a PM with your email and maybe we'll be able to start next Wed. Are the times good for you?


November 9th, 2007, 01:24
Well, that makes three players and a DM. Sounds like the start of a group? :) Would love to pull all this together and play next Wed. I think that give plenty of time to review modules, rules, characters, and talk with the DM on how he wasnts to run this first session. :D


November 10th, 2007, 05:55
If you still have room, this sounds like an adventure I'd like to join? I am PSD and Wed nights work for me also. I've played for many years and have forgotten more rules than I'd like to admit. I prefer 3.5 and any campaign world.
I'll pm dpirate.

November 16th, 2007, 03:53
If you still have room, I think I'd like to play Wed nights. I'm at MST (GMT -7), so it'd be 10:30 PM starting time for me (little late yes). I would prefer a 9:00 PM (10:00 PM here) starting time, but either way, my kids should be well in bed. *grin*

I wouldn't mind playing the gladiatorial fighter.

I could maybe DM some too (though I don't have any 3.5 books, just the SRD and the players guide from 3.0).