View Full Version : Error on startup, rolling skills, saves, monster attacks, etc.

August 8th, 2022, 06:34
I've disabled all of my extensions except for 5E vision and it has not fixed the problem. This is the console after updating FGU and starting my campaign, then trying to roll a skill and a save. I've attached an image of what pops up and the logs from the compile logs button. I should note that no dice actually get rolled.

Edit: Created a new campaign, getting the same errors.
Forced Update did not fix the problem


Moon Wizard
August 8th, 2022, 07:17
Those script files don't exist in the core rulesets, and they specifically have "_vision" as part of their file name; so it looks like an issue with the 5E vision extension you mentioned.

Where did you get the vision extension from?


August 8th, 2022, 20:50
Somewhere on the forum undoubtedly, it's been part of my game for years now so I had assumed it was part of the client's more recent line-of-sight capabilities. I didn't disable it as part of the troubleshooting because I didn't want to lose my walls and things. Thanks for the help!

August 8th, 2022, 21:00
This might be the extension. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?59174-5E-Vision-and-Sunlight-Sensitivity

I know it's not fun, but any extensions you use that don't come from the Forge are ones you probably want to keep notes on. Such as where the extension is from, and when you last updated it.