View Full Version : SW Evernight...

November 5th, 2007, 17:04
The actual Evernight campaign hasn't begun yet, we've just done the 'Against the Orcs' SW module, (still not completly done actually), but some players want to move on to other games, or have conflicts with timing.

The game most likely will play every Thursday or Monday night, 6pm Pacific Time (-8 GMT) for about 3.5 hours. I insist upon using Teamspeak for connect/OOC/ect talk as it really speeds up the game for me (you don't have to talk to me, but I will make use of Teamspeak to ask for rolls and such).

Savage Worlds really lends itself to virtual table top gaming, and is way more flexable than 3.5, in fact, most 3.5 players get 'coldfeet' about doing things in an SW game as they are so used to being 'locked' in their class.

We have pre-made 'archtype' characters already on the server, but I will allow pre-approved SW characters to be brought in (though truthfully its not all that hard to change a pre-made character to suit your fancy).

You can post here or PM me if you want more information.



November 6th, 2007, 01:59
I'm currently playing in this group and it is a blast. GM has patience for when I was/am learning both SW and FG2 and helped me out a lot. Even set up a private session to test my PC configuration with the game servers.

Before this series I'd only played d20/3.5.

Look forward to having more savages!

November 8th, 2007, 16:56
I'd like to give Savage Worlds a try. I am in Texas (Central time). Does that translate to 8pm Central with a 3.5 hour game? I can do Thursdays (such as today) reasonably well, and Mondays, too, since I DVR Heroes. However, I have to admit that I'll want to try out the system to see if I'll enjoy it first before I commit to a long-term campaign.

If you want to consider me, please let me know and we can set up a proper time for a game.

With Regards,

November 9th, 2007, 05:06
hmmm we'll you're like 2 or 3 hours ahead of us timewise, it could work. We'll be trying again next Thursday night. The campaign is listed on the Calendar page sign up, check the ip info and come on in for some SW fun!

November 9th, 2007, 23:19
Sadly, I have a one-time commitment on that particular Thursday, Nov 15th. Are you still open the week after?

My apologies,

November 10th, 2007, 00:51
yep, I think we'll be going on thursday nights most of the time. That is; until I move in a month or two, then I we'll have to see what night we go on.

November 19th, 2007, 22:06
This Thursday is Thanksgiving, but are you looking to run the week after?

Please let me know, as I would like to try it out.

With Regards,

November 20th, 2007, 21:45
we Canadians have already celebrated Thanksgiving...but our American buddies haven't. So we're just going to do a bit of shopping (the group is in the city) and maybe a bit of wandering around town and getting into trouble this week.

Next week we'll be moving onward into the actual campaign. You're welcome to join us then Flynn. I require all my players to have Teamspeak installed and michrophones for OOC stuff and I usually start the server up a half hour before game start time to allow new folks to download the module (it seems to be a long load the first time you join the campaign).

Check the calendar section for more details, and please put in an application there (and vote on wether or not you are going to play in this weeks session).
