View Full Version : 3D Tabletop from Kickstarter

August 7th, 2022, 15:46

I kickstarted the 3D tabletop that Carl was developing several years back. When I asked about it over the years, I was told that when the Unity build was released, a 3D addition to FG would be explored. Considering how far along Carl was in his build I was sad to see the project shelved. Is there a plan on when some of these systems will be implemented into FG? I am still interested in having the option of playing in a 3D environment.

Moon Wizard
August 8th, 2022, 00:55
3D is a complex topic. If you provide 3D, you not only have to build the systems to support 3D, along with all the options that people expect in 3D which are each non-trivial (FoW, LoS, height maps, etc.). On top of that, there is not a single publisher that provides 3D assets as part of the products that they publish, so it makes it very difficult to offer prepared DLC content with 3D support. As for generic 3D content, a lot of the 3D models online are very complex, and would significantly bog down the system. This is why most games and even programs that allow 3D tabletop viewing use pre-baked assets.

All that said, it is still something we're very interested in pursuing in some context; but we'll probably be pursuing avenues that leverage all the existing 2D content, without requiring 3D content, as well as building the capability in smaller steps.

We're in the process of moving to the Unity 2021 LTS tools (and associated systems); so we're hopeful this will give us a little more performance to start taking the first steps.


August 19th, 2022, 02:44
Well... it looks like we may need to adapt quickly.. https://youtu.be/OpI7J9vtbnw

November 22nd, 2023, 04:00
Has Smiteworks considered adding 3D yet? I was a backer of the 3D Tabletop years ago, and I have been waiting all these years. It was something that was promised, and I would hate to see FG fall behind when other systems are adding this feature.

November 22nd, 2023, 09:21
It's always been considered; it's just a matter of being able to allocate the resources to implementing it. A large number of much sought after features have taken priority.

November 24th, 2023, 01:14
I was a backer of Carl’s tabletop connect, man that was fun. I was able to build the first level of Undermountain with height differences and that was a while back…I’m guessing newer laptops and pc systems could handle it of my older laptop could. I played a couple sessions back then with a friend on his laptop with us in the same room, network and worked great. Heck Carl even helped us out mid session with an issue so props to Carl back then and now for helping us all with our gaming needs!

December 2nd, 2023, 19:31
I had no idea this had been canned :(