View Full Version : Cut n Paste woes

November 5th, 2007, 13:02
Hi gang,

My team and I are on our second campaign now, having played with FG1 for many months and over 30 sessions. I decided to start us on an old AD&D campaign which I manually converted to D20 - I used a module that at least one of my players was familiar with ( had DM'd once before, in fact ). The problem was, for FG1 and still is, for FG2 is cutting and pasting from an OCR pdf. I want to be able to scan the paper module to pdf, cut slabs of text out of the PDF and more or less compose the module in FG2 storyboards. The scanning works great and it detects the text no problem. The trouble starts when I paste into the 'text edit' of my stories. It seems to struggle with the lines and inserts extra carriage returns, which I have to delete in order to not go cross eyed. I'll post a picture of what I mean. I've tried pasting into a notepad format first ( which appears to work fine ) but upon pasting it all goes back to double lines. I have gotten really good on the 'delete/end' key combo in order to tidy this up but I feel like I shouldnt have to. It really affects my motivation to prepare things in this manner, and having played that campaign I -know- the benefits of playing with premade modules - enough of the background is there to lay your hands on but not enough that you dont need to still adlib.

Closer inspection tells me that the PDF is actually probably telling it to put in a carriage return....?

Can anyone offer me a solution or a workaround?



November 5th, 2007, 17:49
Don't use a PDF is the only thing I can tell you. OCR into a text file not a PDF. I've run into this type of thing before and that is what I did. If you must use one then copy from the PDF into Notepad and get rid of the returns and then copy it into FG.

Maybe someone familair with PDFs can tell you how to get rid of the carrage returns.

November 6th, 2007, 01:59
the problem lies with getting rid of the carriage returns any faster than just doing it inside the FG story editor. Anything more complicated than that and I might as well continue to do it manually - frustrating!

November 6th, 2007, 08:33
The text editor JEdit will allow you to join lines using CTRL-J. Other text editors, especially those developed for coding have similar functionality. You could use this as a middle ground to strip the carriage returns from the text cut from the PDF.