View Full Version : Question for best practice with bringing in maps

July 31st, 2022, 18:51
I recently bought the Quarantine Battlemap Bundle from Seafootgames and it contains over 500 battlemaps.

I want to set these up for me to use in FGU and need to add LoS to them.

I was looking for recommendation/best practice for me to do this.

Should I just create a new campaign and bring in the maps and add all of the LoS to them and then export it all out as a single module? Should I be bringing the maps images in as assets and then add LoS?

I didn't know if it would cause a slowdown by having all of them in one module (mainly since I basically am going to likely want all of those different battlemaps available for quick drop in if needed). Would having all of those maps in as assets going to cause a slowdown (assets are available to all campaigns automatically correct?)?

Thanks for any help/direction for this.

July 31st, 2022, 21:01
First, re-size them so the pixel dimensions are reasonable. 100 pixels per 5 foot square is a good baseline and somewhere around 4k x 4k pixels (this on can vary greatly, but be aware when you go over this).

Then you might as well do them in one development campaign and turn them into one module. Because my understanding is that all image assets get loaded even when the modules are not loaded. I'm not even sure you will have to export them to a module, you might just be able to put them in a dev campaign and have them show up in your assets. It's worth investigating.

July 31st, 2022, 21:11
You'll need to create the image assets in a module, assets aren't read from other campaigns.

Also, the 4,000 x 4,000 pixel size is a recommended maximum - if your map is 20 grid squares by 10 grid squares then 2,000 x 1,000 is a good size. :)