View Full Version : Resistance and Immunity Effects in 5E

July 29th, 2022, 02:28
Is there any way to switch to use the old method of having effects handle Resistances and Immunities in the Combat Tracker? I have custom NPCs that I need to toggle these effects on and off for and it's really inconvenient to do it from the NPC sheet, or to have to create custom effects for them and delete them from the NPC sheet.

Maybe there is a better way I'm not thinking of?

July 29th, 2022, 16:21
REmove them from the NPC sheet and add them as Effects on the CT. Then you can tggle them.

July 29th, 2022, 18:40
Yeah... that's what I've been doing, but it is an entire extra step and then I need to delete it from the NPC's sheet...

It works but as I see it, it's worse than the way it used to work.

August 1st, 2022, 17:27
I agree, this really feels like a step back, removing additional on-the-fly control.

August 1st, 2022, 18:10
Sorry guys, I'm confused. What's changed exactly?

August 1st, 2022, 18:14
Sorry guys, I'm confused. What's changed exactly?

Resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilities are no longer added as effects in the combat tracker. They are instead calculated based on the text field in the NPC record. This means they can't be removed, disabled, or changed without opening up the NPC record and editing the text there.

August 1st, 2022, 18:46
I just added the resist fire effect to an npc in the combat tracker and it still works.

August 1st, 2022, 18:49
oh! I see what you mean now. Yeah, removing or changing them will require some work. Does this happen often? I don't think I've come across this issue very much (if at all) and I've been DMing for a few years using Fantasy Grounds.

August 1st, 2022, 18:51
I just added the resist fire effect to an npc in the combat tracker and it still works.

What changed is the resistances/immunities/vulnerabilities are calculated 'behind the scenes.' You can still manually add a resistance to a creature from the combat tracker, but you can't remove or edit one from the combat tracker that you didn't manually add, since they are not automatically added to the combat tracker entry. Essentially 'hiding' what was once exposed for editing within the CT.

Try adding a creature with a resistance to the combat tracker. You'll notice the resistance isn't added as an effect in the combat tracker. So the only way to change resistances now is by editing the NPC record, which isn't always possible for locked records.

August 1st, 2022, 18:52
It's a very unnecessary and frustrating change. The only thing it really accomplishes is showing a little bit less in the combat tracker effects.

August 1st, 2022, 20:17
To @Tempests point, how often are you removing resistances and immunities on-the-fly? I can't think of ever doing this and I do appreciate not having so many effects entries in the CT. The only situation is elementa adapt that overcomes resistance. And we just have the player re-drag the damage to the target. It's simple and fast. Yes it means that you can end up with 1 less damage due to rounding, but that doesn't bother us as 1hp is not significant for us.

But, why not just add a vulnerability to offset the resistance? I don't think you can offset an immunity, but you can a resistance.

August 1st, 2022, 20:22
To @Tempests point, how often are you removing resistances and immunities on-the-fly? I can't think of ever doing this and I do appreciate not having so many effects entries in the CT. The only situation is elementa adapt that overcomes resistance. And we just have the player re-drag the damage to the target. It's simple and fast. Yes it means that you can end up with 1 less damage due to rounding, but that doesn't bother us as 1hp is not significant for us.

But, why not just add a vulnerability to offset the resistance? I don't think you can offset an immunity, but you can a resistance.

I agree. As I stated, I don't think this has ever been an issue for me. And I can't think of any instance where it would be.

August 1st, 2022, 20:52
I'm curious, what's the use case for adding removing resistance / immunities?

August 1st, 2022, 23:06
Happens fairly often in my campaigns, enough that we whipped up an extension to bring back the old functionality. If you're playing strictly by RAW using only the core rulebooks then it shouldn't come up often, but considering how often weird things happen in certain games, it's not entirely unusual.

Having the option to change resistances in-combat is preferred. As it is currently, it's inconstant with how other effects work*, and stands out as a very odd and unnecessary change in my opinion.

*It's assumed that if a creature has an effect, then it's visible on the CT. But now we have effects that are invisible on the CT (even to the DM!) and only visible through the NPC record.

Like I mentioned earlier, this really feels like a step backwards in that it removes additional functionality and locks it behind NPC records, some of which are immutable.

August 1st, 2022, 23:12
I don't doubt it does. :) I am just wondering what causes it. Resistance spells, magic items, house rules or ?

August 1st, 2022, 23:26
I don't doubt it does. :) I am just wondering what causes it. Resistance spells, magic items, house rules or ?

Any of the above, take your pick. Just off the top of my head, we usually 'skip' immunities to get around players having to create a new damage entry for each possible damage type of Transmuted Spell or spells like Chromatic Orb.

But now skipping/disabling immunities and resistances is impossible.

August 2nd, 2022, 15:17

Any chance you could share that extension?

I agree that RAW, this change should rarely matter (although to me it is still useful to be aware of what resistances/immunities NPCs have in the CT -- The number of times we say "why did FGU do that?" or "why didn't FGU do this?" is still too high after 2 years, and this is just another element to bring confusion.)

I have many customized NPCs. Toggling/skipping resistance/immunity effects is very helpful for things like: "This NPC has RESIST: fire if it hasn't use a legendary resistance since its last turn." or "This NPC has RESIST: all if not bloodied"

Thanks much!

August 2nd, 2022, 18:37
Any chance you could share that extension?

Sure thing, here you go. 54067

Edit: Forge link here

Moon Wizard
August 2nd, 2022, 18:52
Also, in the update in the next couple weeks, the damage vuln/resist/immune information will be available in the CT defense section for each NPC in the combat tracker; so that you can review without opening up NPC sheet.


August 2nd, 2022, 19:14
Thanks, GEONE and Moon Wizard. I think between the extension and the future update, I'll be good to go on this.

August 2nd, 2022, 19:44
Will they simply be viewable in the CT, or will they be editable/togglable like how effects can be toggled?

Moon Wizard
August 3rd, 2022, 04:35
They'll just be viewable as they are shown in the NPC record.


Nick Frost
August 22nd, 2022, 10:05
Sure thing, here you go. 53838


Sometimes there are changes and reactions that make me wonder if some people wouldn't be better off playing a boardgame/videogame instead of a TTRPG...

September 16th, 2022, 03:44
Much appreciated for this extension!

I was looking at how to get these back into the CT.

Tweaking aesthetics at the cost of utility...:confused:

June 14th, 2023, 18:30
This extension appears to throw an error upon adding an NPC to the CT starting today with the release of 4.4:

[ERROR] Script execution error: [string ".._Resistance_Effects:..manager_combat2.lua"]:17: attempt to call field 'getCustomAddNPC' (a nil value)

It results in the NPC being added to the CT, but all of it's abilities show up blank.

June 14th, 2023, 18:38
This extension appears to throw an error upon adding an NPC to the CT starting today with the release of 4.4:

[ERROR] Script execution error: [string ".._Resistance_Effects:..manager_combat2.lua"]:17: attempt to call field 'getCustomAddNPC' (a nil value)

It results in the NPC being added to the CT, but all of it's abilities show up blank.
Please report errors with extensions in the thread for that extension. The extension dev will need to be made aware of the issue, and they may not see this post tagged on to an unrelated thread in the support forum.

June 14th, 2023, 19:22
Please report errors with extensions in the thread for that extension. The extension dev will need to be made aware of the issue, and they may not see this post tagged on to an unrelated thread in the support forum.

The "Forum Thread" link in the Forge points here...

June 14th, 2023, 20:14
The "Forum Thread" link in the Forge points here...
That's weird. Sorry, I didn't realise that, as this isn't really an extension thread, it's a general support thread. Hopefully GEONE will see your post...

June 14th, 2023, 23:55
This extension appears to throw an error upon adding an NPC to the CT starting today with the release of 4.4:

[ERROR] Script execution error: [string ".._Resistance_Effects:..manager_combat2.lua"]:17: attempt to call field 'getCustomAddNPC' (a nil value)

It results in the NPC being added to the CT, but all of it's abilities show up blank.

I'm assuming something in the new update broke this or removed that function, but I don't see any notes relating to getCustomAddNPC in the patch notes. I'm not sure what function replaced it if it was deprecated. Maybe a moderator could provide some input?

June 16th, 2023, 15:46
This extension appears to throw an error upon adding an NPC to the CT starting today with the release of 4.4:

[ERROR] Script execution error: [string ".._Resistance_Effects:..manager_combat2.lua"]:17: attempt to call field 'getCustomAddNPC' (a nil value)

It results in the NPC being added to the CT, but all of it's abilities show up blank.

I've updated the extension to work with the latest versions of FG and the 5e ruleset.

June 16th, 2023, 17:17
Everything appears to be working correctly now. Thanks!!

November 1st, 2023, 02:50
I noticed today when adding NPCs to the combat tracker I get the following error:

[ERROR] Script execution error: [string ".._Resistance_Effects:..manager_combat2.lua"]:34: attempt to get length of local 'aVulnTypes' (a nil value)

The old-style effects are then not applied to the newly added NPC.

Adding an encounter with the 'down arrow' button will throw the same error and only add the first NPC in the encounter.

November 1st, 2023, 03:14
edit: I was confused

November 1st, 2023, 09:33
I noticed today when adding NPCs to the combat tracker I get the following error:

[ERROR] Script execution error: [string ".._Resistance_Effects:..manager_combat2.lua"]:34: attempt to get length of local 'aVulnTypes' (a nil value)

The old-style effects are then not applied to the newly added NPC.

Adding an encounter with the 'down arrow' button will throw the same error and only add the first NPC in the encounter.

I'm not seeing this. Can you specify which NPCs; from which module etc; and are you testing in a a new campaign without extensions?

November 1st, 2023, 16:46
I think I have this narrowed down.

As far as I can tell this is where the link for the Forge link for Old Resistance Effects by GEONE takes you. If there is a better place to post this, please let me know.

The error is thrown when both "Old Resistance Effects" and "Flee, Mortals! The MCDM Monster Book (5E Compatible)" are the only extensions loaded. "Old Resistance Effects" works when it is the only extension, and with the multitude of other extensions I normally use.

Based on noticing the error this week, I'm guessing the Hotfix on 10-30 caused the error to start cropping up:

[Fixed] Resistance to "mundane" damage is now correctly automated.

So it seems like (if it's worth GEONE's time) the extension could be updated to work with Flee Mortals.

Is there a place I can see all of what Flee Mortals actually does? I can load and use the NPCs from the module without a problem even with Flee Mortals unloaded.

November 1st, 2023, 18:45
I don't know since I don't use either of the extensions you mention. I can't find anywhere to report issues with the Flee Mortals extension and I suppose here is as good a place as any for the Old Resistance Effects extension (although I'm not sure that's needed anymore).

November 1st, 2023, 20:43
I think I have this narrowed down.

As far as I can tell this is where the link for the Forge link for Old Resistance Effects by GEONE takes you. If there is a better place to post this, please let me know.

The error is thrown when both "Old Resistance Effects" and "Flee, Mortals! The MCDM Monster Book (5E Compatible)" are the only extensions loaded. "Old Resistance Effects" works when it is the only extension, and with the multitude of other extensions I normally use.

Based on noticing the error this week, I'm guessing the Hotfix on 10-30 caused the error to start cropping up:

[Fixed] Resistance to "mundane" damage is now correctly automated.

So it seems like (if it's worth GEONE's time) the extension could be updated to work with Flee Mortals.

I don't own Flee Mortals, so I can't go poking around in the extension to find how to make it compatible. From what you describe, it seems to add new damage types and changes how resistances are handled? It wouldn't exactly be easy, or even possible, to make the two compatible based on blind guessing alone, and I'm not about to go spending $40 on it to fix a free extension I threw together in like an hour.

If anyone else who owns Flee Mortals wants to try their hand at making the two compatible with each other, the code for this extension is freely available by unpacking the ext file. I'd gladly integrate your changes into the forge version if it ends up working.

November 1st, 2023, 20:54
Thanks for the replies. I certainly don't expect you to buy Flee Mortals...

Seeing as the NPCs from Flee Mortals still seem to function how I need them to (from what I can tell so far) without the extension loaded, I might just be OK with leaving it unloaded.