View Full Version : Are SRD modules needed?

July 29th, 2022, 00:04
As a DM, if I own the DMG, Monster Manual, and Player's handbook, is there any reason to activate/load the 5E SRD Bestiary, 5E SRD Magic Items, and 5E SRD Data?

July 29th, 2022, 00:40
Not really.

July 29th, 2022, 02:55
No - and even better - there are many reasons to NOT load SRD data.

July 29th, 2022, 14:48
Thanks to both of you. I have deactivated the SRD modules and am relieved that I now see many fewer "duplicate" entries in various listings. The only downside (small and temporary) is that I had already referenced the SRD modules in some encounters, parcels and tables. I now need to go back and swap those out for the DMG/MM versions. Worth it.