View Full Version : Doug's Mid-Week Sneaky Sneak Peek

July 26th, 2022, 23:45
I don't know how this got here...


July 27th, 2022, 01:33
The dice and dice effects look great. I'd love to see some CLEAR colored dice.

July 27th, 2022, 01:51
Vehicle sheet looks good/useful. Nice job.

July 27th, 2022, 02:14
Nice. Of course, this brings to mind a couple of hundred of questions :)

July 27th, 2022, 03:46
I think we could use more of these streams that show off, what you guys are working on.

While I don't particularly care personally for fancy dice and would much rather see some love for anything not D&D, it would be cool to be able to assign different effects to different rolls on a charactersheet. Let's say you could assign something flamey for you fireball spell rolls and so on. Could be neat!

You mentioned other symbols being put onto dice. Can we please give access to modders to do this? Genesys could really really benefit from this. That is something I want badly!!!

More sneak peaks!

Vires Animi

July 27th, 2022, 03:54
We can do custom sets linked to specific products for use in other rulesets. We are not making these externally moddable at this time.

July 27th, 2022, 05:04
That is really nice :) You guys should do much more often such kind of sneak peek, publish at least high-level road map to keep the hype and excitement for the platform!

I hope that you are also considering a way to open those dice skins, effect and also the effects system open for community support. You have excellent platform to facilitate a lot of things, but it is locked. Effects haven't changed much since release and some of them look really bad on big screens, while other platform already has tons of possibilities for contribution. Considering how much gimmicks like that improve the quality during session and the overall perception of the VTT, I think you go in the right direction, but either give proper support from devs with the content (I hope this won't result in store dice skin for 9.99 per piece :)) or open extensibility for the community.

Excited for the dice and want to see what more you have in the work. :)

July 27th, 2022, 13:10
Nice dice!

Aramis Dante
July 27th, 2022, 16:42
I would really like the ability to mod the dice so you can put words and/or numbers to the dice.

July 27th, 2022, 16:53
I re-watched the video again. I am hyped. Good work. Please keep those hype things coming :)

July 27th, 2022, 20:12
Will players be able to see the dice effects of a GM's roll? GM rolls are usually just silhouettes on their screen, so will they even be aware of the GM's choice?

Moon Wizard
July 27th, 2022, 20:20
That's one of the details we are working through right now, which is how it affects overall gameplay for GM/player dice over the network.


July 29th, 2022, 11:07
What no end of week sneak peak. ��

July 29th, 2022, 12:59
Cool stuff indeed!!

Any chance of us seeing some new layer effects or effects that can be set to tokens and objects much like has been done to the dice? hmmmmmmmmm...... ??

The Decepticon
July 29th, 2022, 15:28
Will these just be regular skins for the dice or will there be a cost involved to get these dice?

July 29th, 2022, 15:43
Will these just be regular skins for the dice or will there be a cost involved to get these dice?

Doug stated in the video they would be sold in bundles together. The current estimate per pack is $5.

July 29th, 2022, 16:02
It would be nice to see the dice physics improved. Compared to FGC, I've never thought the FGU dice look particularly realistic when they roll. There's a lot of sliding and slowly tipping from one face to the other. It's like they're being rolled in 1/4 G.

July 29th, 2022, 17:16
Doug stated in the video they would be sold in bundles together. The current estimate per pack is $5.

Will both the DM and player have to purchase these? Like for me I have an Ultimate license so all of my players don't need licenses.

So if I purchased the dice would my players be able to choose them?

July 29th, 2022, 17:27
Will both the DM and player have to purchase these? Like for me I have an Ultimate license so all of my players don't need licenses.

So if I purchased the dice would my players be able to choose them?

From Doug it sounds like the current plan would be GM owning it not translating to players connected being able to use them. Players would need to purchase them separately using their account.

July 29th, 2022, 17:33
Players currently control the colour of their dice, so it's logical they would be buying their skins.

July 29th, 2022, 17:43
Will both the DM and player have to purchase these? Like for me I have an Ultimate license so all of my players don't need licenses.

So if I purchased the dice would my players be able to choose them?
What I understand it to be is that each person will only have access to the dice skins they purchase, but everyone will be able to see tem when that person rolls. So, GM buys skin #1 and ny they can use it (*). Player 1 buys Skin B, they can use B and everyone can see their dice skins when they roll it. Player 2 buys Skin C, etc.

* The caveat Doug mentioned was, right now players do not see GM die rolls, but that is something they are looking at changing for dice skins.

July 29th, 2022, 17:44
I guess the DM can gift them to players.

Doug did mention some free skins/effects. Or at least that was my take.

Also if a player owns a skin. All people see the effect skin for that players rolls and if a DM has a nice skin then the players will see it and they can buy their preferred. About time they spend a few bucks on FGU tbh.

July 29th, 2022, 19:16
Yes, you all have it correct. Dice will be linked to a specific user and not shareable like normal GM module access. Players won't need a license or subscription of their own. They will be able to purchase and use their favorite dice and use it with the FGU demo. It will be linked to their user account.

That said, we may include some dice for free as part of the normal subscription or license.

July 29th, 2022, 19:29
Yes, you all have it correct. Dice will be linked to a specific user and not shareable like normal GM module access. Players won't need a license or subscription of their own. They will be able to purchase and use their favorite dice and use it with the FGU demo. It will be linked to their user account.

That said, we may include some dice for free as part of the normal subscription or license.

Bigger dice please ;)

July 29th, 2022, 20:01
Bigger dice please ;)
These work? :)

July 29th, 2022, 20:40
Yes, you all have it correct. Dice will be linked to a specific user and not shareable like normal GM module access. Players won't need a license or subscription of their own. They will be able to purchase and use their favorite dice and use it with the FGU demo. It will be linked to their user account.
That's unfortunate. Knowing everyone I play with, only set of people might buy something. All are OK to chip in for the GM, like in the modules, but not dice.

Will this feature be opened for community developers, like introducing official dice sides for commercial rulesets? Or even non-commercial?

July 29th, 2022, 20:43
Perhaps in the future, but not initially. We can probably work with you to come up with a custom set if needed though.

July 29th, 2022, 22:47
That's unfortunate. Knowing everyone I play with, only set of people might buy something. All are OK to chip in for the GM, like in the modules, but not dice.

Will this feature be opened for community developers, like introducing official dice sides for commercial rulesets? Or even non-commercial?

Maybe once they see a set of dice they like, players will spend a little bit of money on a set of their own dice, like they would if they were out shopping. I doubt they will be expensive.

July 29th, 2022, 22:57
These work? :)

I was thinking something more the scaled with resolution or have a setting. Currently I dont even bother to look at the dice as they are so tiny on my resolution.

July 29th, 2022, 23:49
Perhaps in the future, but not initially. We can probably work with you to come up with a custom set if needed though.

Would be awesome :)

July 30th, 2022, 07:16
I hope we will See the visible gm rolls for the players. In RL every one is focussed on the rolling dice and it would be great, players have that immersion with the gm roll in fgu too. As a second, every Player i know will spent some money for Individual dice skins, if others can See. They Do in RL, they will in vtt, because its a fun Feature.

July 31st, 2022, 13:34
So, i have a question about this. Usually the pointers are the same colors as the dice. But now when there are colors like "metal" and "gold" will they translate to the pointers too?


July 31st, 2022, 21:39
So, i have a question about this. Usually the pointers are the same colors as the dice. But now when there are colors like "metal" and "gold" will they translate to the pointers too?


That is a great question. Some dice are colorable and others will have a preset color that works for that set. If you are using colorable dice, then your player color and the dice color you choose will be the same. If you are using a preset dice with a built-in color, then your player color may differ from your dice color unless you purposefully try to match them.

August 1st, 2022, 00:42
Not making these skins available for community content is a shame. A lot of great artists out there that could provide some great content. Customizing the sounds the dice make would be great too. Could envision a sound for a 20 or a 1 being different than other rolls...or metallic dice sounding different than stone or gem dice vs other materials...

August 1st, 2022, 12:55
fairly sure they will revisit them being available for devs after it's been thoroughly tested. This is a core mechanic that largely hasn't changed for the entire length of the program.

August 2nd, 2022, 14:49
Not making these skins available for community content is a shame. A lot of great artists out there that could provide some great content. Customizing the sounds the dice make would be great too. Could envision a sound for a 20 or a 1 being different than other rolls...or metallic dice sounding different than stone or gem dice vs other materials...

The sound aspect of your request is likely already in the works. It won't come with the animated dice, but with SW's first try at sound incorporation via Syrinscape. Doug mentions it is in the works and may have a demo of it "soon TM". I would guess you could tie sound effects to crits or nat 1s.

August 2nd, 2022, 15:10
The sound aspect of your request is likely already in the works. It won't come with the animated dice, but with SW's first try at sound incorporation via Syrinscape. Doug mentions it is in the works and may have a demo if it "soon TM". I would guess you could tie sound effects to crits or nat 1s.

Until a demo is actually released, there is this. https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/2078932993/Using+Syrinscape+Sounds

August 2nd, 2022, 15:41
Interesting. I didn't realize there was a work in progress guide for incorporation already. I don't use Syrinscape myself (don't want yet another subscription service) as I already own a lot of sound tracks and effects. I look forward to when non-Syrinscape sound sources can be cleanly incorporated into FGU use. I can understand why SW is pursuing a Syrinscape integration first though as it does a lot of the heavy lifting for them.

August 6th, 2022, 01:11
Interesting. I didn't realize there was a work in progress guide for incorporation already. I don't use Syrinscape myself (don't want yet another subscription service) as I already own a lot of sound tracks and effects. I look forward to when non-Syrinscape sound sources can be cleanly incorporated into FGU use. I can understand why SW is pursuing a Syrinscape integration first though as it does a lot of the heavy lifting for them.

Yeah, honestly NOT interested in a subscription service or having to buy more sounds. I'd much rather be able to use sounds I already have.

Aramis Dante
August 6th, 2022, 11:35
I would much rather have it implemented were anyone could use it. I use RPG Sounds because you only pay once and its yours. In addition to this there are websites that offer free sound effects and such. Don't get me wrong, Syrinscape is nice, but it's not the only game in town either. I would rather have this feature available to everyone rather than one service.

August 6th, 2022, 16:05
Nice to see an official sound implementation into FGU. I hope that Mattekure Syrinscape Sounds or Celestian AudioOverseer will continue to work because, indeed, we need sounds other than those of Syrinscape to be playable (to be clear, I'm a supersyrin user but I use other sounds too).

August 8th, 2022, 07:23
So vehicles. No examples in TEST channel. But on playing in TEST channel. I created a vehicle called Horse. The icon had a crew of 1. But I could not see any way of attaching a player to the vehicle. Is this going to be handled at all.

Is this feature purely for like Sea battle scenarios and spell jammer space battles.

Moon Wizard
August 8th, 2022, 08:13
Yes, the feature is specifically targeted at support for Spelljammer, Ghosts of Saltmarsh and Descent into Avernus vehicles. This includes support for the record sheets for the vehicles in these products; as well as supporting the ability to use vehicles in the combat tracker. There is no way to assign relationships between players and vehicles.


August 8th, 2022, 08:21
So vehicles. No examples in TEST channel. But on playing in TEST channel. I created a vehicle called Horse. The icon had a crew of 1. But I could not see any way of attaching a player to the vehicle. Is this going to be handled at all.

Is this feature purely for like Sea battle scenarios and spell jammer space battles.

The vehicles are the same as NPCs really; so you can share them in the same way with players and they can move/attack etc in the same way as you can for any NPC.