View Full Version : Feature request - improved vehicles

July 25th, 2022, 13:39
One thing that would be really nice is to have vehicles overhauled in Core RPG so they actually work in thematic and sensible fashion. Currently the vehicles are hugely limited in functionality. Could we instead have something akin to a player character? That we we could have attack/defense abilities and equipment inventory storage. They could also be used on the combat tracker too. Hopefully players could inherit bonuses like defense modifiers from the vehicle if they’re “onboard” the vehicle.

July 25th, 2022, 14:56
Keep an eye open for updates in the near future. With the release of Spelljammer for 5e more support for vehicles will be added and some of that fuctionality will be CorRPG based.

July 25th, 2022, 15:01
Wow! Can't wait to see what you've added.