View Full Version : NPC automation fields don't reappear after locking/unlocking NPC

July 15th, 2022, 23:47
title says it all, can reproduce with no extensions loaded.

EDIT: this with the show automation fields Edit Only option selected, if that wasn't clear

July 16th, 2022, 15:41
I can't recreate this. Could you provide steps to reproduce please?

July 18th, 2022, 18:56
never mind, user error. I thought I had set the Show Ability Automation Field to Edit Only, but in fact it was Off.

July 18th, 2022, 19:02
Is it a bug that the automation field shows immediately after creating an ability when the setting is set to Off?

July 19th, 2022, 02:45
Is it a bug that the automation field shows immediately after creating an ability when the setting is set to Off?
Yes, it is. I'll get that fixed in a future release. Thanks for letting me know.