View Full Version : Combat Tracker Issue

July 14th, 2022, 02:02
I can't seem to add encounters to the combat tracker. When I do, I get the following:

[ERROR} Script execution error: [string "scripts/manager npc token.lua"]:55: attempt to call field 'addNPC' (a nil value)

I get a similar (though less debilitating error when I open a character sheet:

[ERROR} Script execution error: [string "campaign/scripts/template_death_indicator.l..."]:467: attempt to index field 'nametitle' (a nil value)


BTW: Yes, I'm on the latest version. I patched before we started, and then patched again when we couldn't add an encounters to the combat tracker.

July 14th, 2022, 02:05
Forgot to mention 5E. Also, here is the compiled log.

July 14th, 2022, 02:07
At least for your second error, it seems to be indicating Death Indicator, I believe that is an extension. I am guessing that extension needs to be updated, probably why you are seeing the other error as well, it or another extension.

You'll want to make sure all of your extensions are up to date, if you cannot update them for some reason, disable them.

Script errors are almost always caused by an extension doing something unexpected, it's best to try without extensions and see if you still experience the same issue.

July 14th, 2022, 02:11
I can't seem to add encounters to the combat tracker. When I do, I get the following:

[ERROR} Script execution error: [string "scripts/manager npc token.lua"]:55: attempt to call field 'addNPC' (a nil value)

I get a similar (though less debilitating error when I open a character sheet:

[ERROR} Script execution error: [string "campaign/scripts/template_death_indicator.l..."]:467: attempt to index field 'nametitle' (a nil value)


BTW: Yes, I'm on the latest version. I patched before we started, and then patched again when we couldn't add an encounters to the combat tracker.

Hi. Prolly the Death Indicator extension based on the second error above. Good luck with it.

July 14th, 2022, 02:14
I had two extensions. Death indicator and Spell Tokens. Disabled both, and now it's working! Thanks!

Must be some bad interaction with the latest patch, as it was working fine before.

Moon Wizard
July 14th, 2022, 02:15
Please make sure to disable any extensions if you are having issues to rule them out. Also, make sure that you grab the latest version of any extensions you are using, and see if the community developer has posted whether they have or need to be updated.
