View Full Version : OSE and New Content
July 6th, 2022, 13:38
So, I have done a lot of work for Pathfinder Second Edition, but then Old School Essentials very recently crossed my radar and it didn't take long for me to fall in love with the retro edition of D&D. Have to admit, it has been a tremendous distraction, and much like what happened when PF2 fell into my lap, I can't help but want to make stuff for it.
So... with that in mind... I have started to create some new content for OSE, abiding by the OGL of course, and 100% compatible with that system and the great work that bayne7400 is doing for the ruleset out here. I am thinking about tossing it out in the Forge when it's completely cleaned up and ready but want to get a feel for how interested people are in new content for OSE.
Here are some screenshots of what I have currently completed and am working on:
Closer look at the War Priest:
And a look at a couple of the races and gear:
Everything within will be heavily inspired and respectful of the classic RPG that OSE was inspired from. Anyone who were to play a race or class, or use the weapons or gear, found within should not notice any real difference between what was beloved in the 80s, what Old School Essentials offers, and what I am adding to it.
It will also be an evolving process (for example, the original basic d&d expanded to immortal level 36, which I am working towards in my products). I plan on adding more to it over time and I also plan on developing DMG and MM companions that will expand on more of OSE. That said, if there's no thirst for this, it might be easier to just keep this as in house stuff or if there are other areas people are interested in seeing additional content for that's compatible with OSE, I'd be happy to look at other projects for this great RPG.
I do realize that this is a much smaller platform than 5E and even PF2, so I am not expecting too much from this, but as long as there are some fans of OSE out here with me that would enjoy using my 3rd-party material, I'd be happy to add to the library of available items for it!
July 6th, 2022, 18:52
That is pretty cool! Some of those classes look fun to play. One thing I never see is a monk though!
July 6th, 2022, 21:14
That is pretty cool! Some of those classes look fun to play. One thing I never see is a monk though!
Noted! I'll take a look at the transition and evolution of the Monk in the advanced rules to see how that could be retro-fitted for the BX rules as an idea on how that might look. I don't think we saw the Monk ever appear in any form in the original boxed series, did we?
July 6th, 2022, 22:07
Yeah OSE is an absolute marvel, I am not sure if you have looked at the actual book / pdf... but I recommend doing so to marvel at the clean layout work and immaculate organisation / focus on langauge.
It and Morkborg are my current favourite rules lite genre rpgs. (cypher system is still my favourite agnostic system).
It is also a lot of fun to look at OSE and AD&D and see where 5e drew so much of its design inspiration from.
July 6th, 2022, 23:53
Yeah no monks but I think a BX monk class would be cool. Matt Finch has one in swords and wizardry
July 7th, 2022, 08:19
Can you really call OSE ruleslite?
July 7th, 2022, 11:59
Can you really call OSE ruleslite?Maybe if you eliminate the dice? :p ("Chuck, what do you imagine your characters attack was?" .. "Why Emma, it was a hit with maximum damage! I feel hot tonight!")
bayne7400: Bit of a preview of what I have mocked up so far.
So for the monk powers, I think I am going to call it Mental Magic. I'll use the Spell format to indicate what those powers do, so it will have to follow that mechanic, but it should allow the monk to have its own set of unique powers that won't require any changes to the ruleset. That should work.
Monk will also have a few features that will require direct interaction with the character sheet. Not much we can do about that. Things like their martial arts strike, increased movement rate, and level based armor class. Again, that'll require more direct involvement by players, but you have all those fields as editable, so it's not a significant effort. I was very pleased to see that I could use 2d4 in the HD field and to be able to input THAC0, Saves, XP, etc, in the Class Data fields!
Looking forward to seeing what you continue to evolve over time!
I did note that I could create an Effect like Torch; LIGHT: 30 torch for a Torch, but looks we need to grab the text off of that and add an effect on the CT to have it activated - unless I am missing some way to apply that little person token directly. Still, that's not too much effort.
Really enjoying what I'm seeing out here and the progress you've made on this ruleset :)
July 7th, 2022, 12:28
I'll take a look at the torch effect. So the token light from the images wasn't working? Or you couldn't drop the effect onto the token?
July 7th, 2022, 12:58
I'll take a look at the torch effect. So the token light from the images wasn't working? Or you couldn't drop the effect onto the token?
Actually, the torch might not be the best example.. when I "equip" it, it works, however when I unequip it, it leaves the lighting effect behind. I think it was elsewhere that I was trying to get Effects to work.. and it maybe just be my lack of familiarity with all the ruleset has to offer. There were some spell effects I was struggling with, iirc.
July 7th, 2022, 13:00
Ahh ok it is an item effect. That's a newer feature and I'll will take another look at it.
July 7th, 2022, 15:19
I am having trouble reproducing the problem. Try deleting the effect manually and then toggle the equipped status. When equipped the effect is automatically added to the CT and when unequipped the effect is removed. This works for any item effect. If you are still having an issue please give me the steps you are using so I may reproduce it.
July 7th, 2022, 17:45
I am having trouble reproducing the problem. Try deleting the effect manually and then toggle the equipped status. When equipped the effect is automatically added to the CT and when unequipped the effect is removed. This works for any item effect. If you are still having an issue please give me the steps you are using so I may reproduce it.
Hrm.. I don't know.. going into the CT is working great.. but when I unequip or simple say not carried...
I can delete the effect manually, of course, so it's not a real problem.
July 7th, 2022, 18:52
Something got gooned up. See how the item effect doesn't not match the CT effect? it has Torch;Torch;.. Did you accidentally add the second Torch; ?
July 7th, 2022, 19:16
Something got gooned up. See how the item effect doesn't not match the CT effect? it has Torch;Torch;.. Did you accidentally add the second Torch; ?
Nope. That character had no effects when I started it. I didn't catch that. I'll experiment here when I get a little time again. Very odd indeed.
Edit: So... that was quick.. I have had the habit from working on PF2 of putting in the source of various effects... so say a poison might end up being labeled as: Snake Venom; PERS: 2d6 poison as an effect. Or a stun from the daze spell will appear as: Daze: Stun: 1. So, naturally, I put in Torch; LIGHT: 30 torch for the torch.. indication that the source of the light was from a torch instead of, for instance, a light spell. You are absolutely right, though... for this item, if I have the torch give just LIGHT: 30 torch alone, it works perfectly.
July 22nd, 2022, 13:35
So, finally got a little free time again and the energy to jump back into FG, tackling some of the OSE stuff I was working on. For starters, here's a little preview of what I worked on early today:
Monk: The goal with monk is to have as much of it working on the character sheet as possible. Some of it will still have to be adjusted as monk characters advance in levels, but I left notes within the game to guide players on how to do so. An example of this is using the Monk Garb worn item as an armor, which then can be adjusted for AC as the Base AC improves with level. Similarly, Martial Arts attacks will improve and the Martial Arts equipped attack will be adjusted accordingly. The Mental Magic will be a reflection of various disciplines that a Monk will attain and train in as they reach levels that unlock them. This will allow each monk the option to take different approaches to their mental approaches. Disciplines will include things like Natural Attunement (being one with nature), Mental Fortitude (stronger of mind), and Mysticism (tap into spiritual magic). I also included the tradition that started with the Advanced version of the Classic RPG and have it so that, starting at level 8, monk characters have to challenge a monk of the higher level and defeat them to attain that level. It is, also, very hard to qualify for.
All Classes - Starting Bundles: One of the changes for all classes is how starting equipment is determined. Although, like all things, this is optional. What I am offering for each class is a Starting Equipment Bundle based on typical options a character that's trained to become an adventure of that particular career. Warrior, for example, has 3 different bundles: a heavy armor sword and board type; a heavy armor two-handed combatant; and a medium armor ranged specialist. Plus all will start with an assortment of appropriate gear for a new adventurer and remaining coins as appropriate. These parcels will be easy to drag and drop onto a character inventory tab for quick equipping.
Equipment and Encumbrance: So a pretty big revamp on equipment and encumbrance is also included with what I am working on. There will be a much wider list of available items (7 different armor types, over 30 weapons - including a spiked shield, and oodles of gear). That is not without some drawbacks, though, to say the least, so I am fine tuning it to try to find the right balance. The biggest amongst the tuning will be with armor. Since I am giving weight (cn) to just about all equipment, it also means that encumbrance levels are reach rather dramatically fast. This seems a bit too punitive to me, so I am going to reduce all armor coin weight to an Effective Weight while Worn, which is half of the base weight of the item. This should allow a little more latitude in carrying things like rope, rations, bedrolls, and the like. It will still be a balancing act for characters who like to have a lot of gear, but it adds some extra detail for those who enjoy it. And, of course, those who don't want encumbrance rules can turn it off in the Game Options.
There's a lot more in there that I am creating to (hopefully) give interesting options and approaches to OSE and the Classic RPG gameplay. In time, I hope it will be something enjoyable for those who enjoy the rebirth of the Classic RPG from the 80s that OSE has given us.
July 22nd, 2022, 14:58
When using coin weight only coin, weapons, and armor should have cn. Everything else gets lumped into the standard weight at bottom of inventory. It defaults to 80 cn per the time but is adjustable. I've been using the detailed encumbrance options in CC2 so each item has a enc of 1. The detailed works more like CnC as far as tracking encumbrance.
I think I'm going to add a little window to add a modifier to AC. Kineticist needs one as well.
July 22nd, 2022, 15:32
When using coin weight only coin, weapons, and armor should have cn. Everything else gets lumped into the standard weight at bottom of inventory. It defaults to 80 cn per the time but is adjustable. I've been using the detailed encumbrance options in CC2 so each item has a enc of 1. The detailed works more like CnC as far as tracking encumbrance.
I think I'm going to add a little window to add a modifier to AC. Kineticist needs one as well.
AC Modifier would be awesome :)
My only problem with everything getting no coin weight except for the coins, armor, and weapon is that it means someone could be carrying around 50 torches, 400 feet of rope, and 12 weeks of food :D I guess the later editions and other RPGs that make more use of actual carrying capacity has always appealed to me a little bit more than just ignoring most of those details. So I am trying to find an "optional" middle ground where there's a balance between just being able to haul everything and having it be cumbersome.
I am not familiar with CC2, so not sure what that entails, so my efforts are based on the core rules.
July 23rd, 2022, 14:24
That is why this box is there.( for mundane gear). It is straight out of the rules and can be adjusted. It is more a "feel" than exact science with regard to BX encumbrance.
July 23rd, 2022, 15:25
Yeah. There wasn't much structure for the old BX rules when it came to what you could carry, which was part of its charm. There really wasn't a lot of rules on most things. You even see things like Resist Cold reducing damage from cold sources but there's no actual damage types so a lot of things have to be interpreted.
And there's nothing wrong with that!
That said, I actually enjoy having a variety of gear/equipment available for players .. interesting items like Chalk, Magnifying Glasses, Fishing Tackle, and Writing Kits as RP tools that add a little interesting possibilities and simple depth. Similarly, there are gaps in the Armor tree between rating that adding simple additional armor types don't cause any harm or balance issues, just give a wider variety of possibilities to characters.
Again, the idea isn't that the core or basic rules are flawed or wrong, just that I'd be offering a different approach for those who enjoy a more expanded equipment list while maintaining the balance and game-play of OSE/BX.
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