View Full Version : LFP - Traveller

July 4th, 2022, 21:07

FG License: GM has Ultimate, players can join with free version.
Game System: Traveller

Time Zone: Eastern Time Zone USA
Primary Language: English
Day of week and time: Mondays or Tuesdays, after 2030
If new game, planned start date: As soon as a critical mass is reached.
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3 to 4 hours session Weekly (See note below)
Term: Looking for a long campaign

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: Between 66/33 and 50/50. Aim for one to two combats a session. The over-riding vision is that the combat will have sort of meaning and won’t be violence for violence’s sake.
Number of Players in game & needed: Have GM – (Me) no others in place. Looking for 2 to 4.
Character starting level & equipment: A ‘Homebrew’ approach to PC generation – See notes below.
Character restrictions: Human preferred but can be discussed in session zero.

Details of your scenario:

-Experience with FGU: I have run one other campaign on FGU. I am still ‘learning by doing’ – so expect some hiccups as I work this out.

-Setting/Scenario: A classic traveller scenario, this adventure will be centered in the Querion subsector of the Spinward Marches. The players will make up the crew of J-3 trading ship on a subsidy in the subsector. Can our crew navigate a profitable path across the neutral zone for themselves and their patrons? Or will they be
tripped up by greedy mega corporations, hard bargaining locals, and voracious pirates out of the Foreven Sector?

-About the GM and his Expectations: So I am 50+ working man who travels and has minor children. While I aspire to hold a game every week, it is more likely that 3 out of 4 weeks will be more realistic. I also know that the rest of you also have real lives. I have two expectations: 1.) We will all commit to having fun, 2) We all will communicate. My commitment to the group that forms is that I will honor those 2 commitments – I ask you all to do the same.

-Session Zero/PC Generation: Although we will use the standard ruleset and career tables, the following modifications will be made:
1. Starting stats will be based on 2d6 with boon for each in order.

a. Characters with a low total may be re-rolled
b. Only 1 pair of rolls can be moved around. ( I won’t force to play “The Hulk” if you really want to play a brainiac of some sort.)
2. There will be one ‘pre-term event’ based on your highest starting ability. The table from which the die roll is calculated will be shared in FGU.

a. This is inspired by the “Twilight Sector”
3. PC will be limited to 4 total terms
4. There will be two events per term. Each term will go like this:

• Skill
• Event
• Survival
• Event
• Promotion

I know this seems weird, but I will walk you all through this at the start and it will make more sense as we go through the process. Depending on how the session progresses, I may require two weeks of integration time before we start

Link to Game Calendar page: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=6398

July 11th, 2022, 02:13
I'm interested. I have played traveler before, it was maybe a 6 month long campaign but we did not use the standard character creation method but I am familiar with how it works, and really like how it binds the crew together. The variation sounds good