View Full Version : Looking for game this Saturday

October 26th, 2007, 08:12
Hey i've just bought the fantasy ground software and wouldn't mind just trying it out quickly to see if its worth buying the bundle for my gaming group. Im looking for folk that want to try a simple D&D 3.5 campaign on Saturday 27th October. The only problem being I will need a DM to join because I only have the light pack :(

If anyones interested post here and we'll see if we can get a quick one going mainly as a bit of a software tester for me but should still be a good game.

By the way Im GMT.

October 26th, 2007, 12:42
Would love to help out, but duty calls on Saturday :(

This evening would be OK however, after 8ish?


October 26th, 2007, 13:47
Cool have to try and get a load a people up for it this evenin then.