View Full Version : NPC Token/Portrait export inconsistent?

June 27th, 2022, 23:44
Not really sure if this is working as designed or a bug.

Testing this in 3.5/pf1e, but should not matter afaik.
With many products come many usable portraits, hundreds of them, but they can only really be fully used as PCs and not NPCs:

1. Create a NPC
2. Drag a portrait into the NPC token field
3. Export the NPC as module (doesn't matter if your drop the portrait in the bottom part of the export window)
4. Load the module in another campaign

The NPC has an empty token/portrait.

XML for a token (working):

<token type="token">tokens/doomspinner_badguy_a_boss_level.png@Strange Supernaturals, Volume 3</token>

XML for a portrait (not working):

<token type="token">portraits/Alien_male_threeeyes.jpg</token>

Portraits used as a NPC token itself work, they just don't work when exported.

June 28th, 2022, 00:47
I do not believe they ever have. The art for most NPCs had been generally taken from the actual official modules provided by the publishers and not assigned by Smiteworks from their pool of tokens, except for the SRD tokens within FG. There is also the potential that one would need to have an agreement to use any art outside of the confines of standard end-user cases, so it is campaign-assigned only, and one cannot export said internal assets to a module like the map tools assets remain. We have permission to use the tokens but not export them. The only way to do so was to create your own and assign them in the export field. It could also be an on or off a situation where the tokens can not be independently flagged to export.

Moon Wizard
June 28th, 2022, 02:29
Yes, portraits can not be exported in token fields. They're a legacy asset type from FGC, and they have a bunch of special considerations and are not exportable. I eventually hope to have the time to go back and refine the asset management system a little more to be more generalized for portraits; but it's a lot of work for low return, so it probably won't happen until there are other asset management system pieces also up for development.


June 28th, 2022, 14:00
Yes, portraits can not be exported in token fields. They're a legacy asset type from FGC, and they have a bunch of special considerations and are not exportable. I eventually hope to have the time to go back and refine the asset management system a little more to be more generalized for portraits; but it's a lot of work for low return, so it probably won't happen until there are other asset management system pieces also up for development.


Thanks for the explanation.
Just wanted to add for clarification and anyone reading: The portrait actually gets exported as an image (see attachment).

For the time being I can just assign the portraits in the live campaign and not beforehand.