View Full Version : Dungeon Alchemist Import Problem

Booker Grimm
June 17th, 2022, 09:47
I have created a map in DA and when importing it, the guide says to copy the exported files .xml and .jpg to the image folder. I've done that but still get no Line of Sight lines on my imported map.

I had it work in the past with another map from DA, but after the latest FG update, it seems no longer to work. I've compared the .xml files and they look the same and the previous map works fine.

Any help appreciated.

June 17th, 2022, 11:38
The last client update changed some of the occluder creation methods. It's possible that the exporter needs to be updated. Also are you testing in a new campaign without extensions? And finally it might be that all you need to do is right click on the image in the image list view and select revert changes.

Booker Grimm
June 17th, 2022, 14:59
Thanks Zacc, I'll ask on the DA forums to see if there has been an update.

June 17th, 2022, 16:17
I've just followed the steps detailed in the VTT guidelines link within Dungeon Alchemist and it worked fine for me. These are the steps I followed: https://www.dungeonalchemist.com/import-to-fantasy-grounds

Make sure you refresh and go to the Campaign folder within Assets (step 4) and then create the image from within assets (step 5).

Booker Grimm
June 17th, 2022, 22:45
Hmmm, I don't know what I was doing wrong but thanks - got it to work now.