View Full Version : Player looking for a group

October 19th, 2007, 18:40
Hey folks,
I just finished playing around with the demo and i'm picking up the lite version tonight.

I'd read some things about the calender not been upto date and not very useful, so I was hoping posting here would yield results.

I'm from England, so GMT time or close to it would be great, looking for a weekly game (any day but wednesday/thursday) running D&D 3.5 Edition. I don't mind core only or all books. I've got a fair amount of experiencing DM'ing and been a player.

I will warn that i'm new to the FG2 program so i'm looking for a DM that can be patient with my learning curve.

Thanks all.

October 19th, 2007, 19:02

There's a fair bit of GMT+(1-2) gaming going on from what I have seen, granted a lot of it is Savage Worlds based at the moment but I hope you find something.

Note that if you have any intention to GM in the future the last time I looked there is no way to upgrade from Lite to Full. I always think thats worth mentioning just in case.

Best of luck again in your search for a game.

October 19th, 2007, 19:05
GMT +1 or 2 isn't so much a big deal as long as the game doesn't finish to late on a weeknight (i work in a school so have to be up fairly early)

I'm not really fimiliar with any rulesets apart from D&D 3.5

October 19th, 2007, 19:27
Savage Worlds is an easy system to learn, if you want a one shot demo let me know!
