View Full Version : Preparing a rulset so that it can be translated

May 26th, 2022, 09:02
Which is the preferred method for designating strings so that they can be translated (or changed programmatically?

I've seen '<static textres="sssss" />' but also 'string_labeled' and then 'labelres'. Another alternative seems to be using 'defaultlabelres' . If you would build a new ruleset which one is recommended?

May 26th, 2022, 13:05
All of them are valid in their specific use cases.

May 26th, 2022, 15:05
You can pretty much use any control template you want. The key requirement to enabling a ruleset to be translated is that any text that is presented to the user is stored as a <string> resource in the ruleset XML - usually in the ruleset \strings directory.

Some references in the Developer portion of the FG Wiki that provide information on the <string> resource setting: